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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Whoa!" Meta Knight clung to Samus like iron fillings to a magnet, for fear he might fall. I detest being saved by someone else! I could have mangled its hide and have gotten off on my own, thank you very much. thought Meta Knight in protest. ...But, I guess I can't argue with help. Without a word, he climbed off of Samus as they reached the ground and flew off towards the beast. Apparently, he hadn't learned his lesson.
Link was running late. Really late. It had been a year since Twilight Princess was released to the public, but yet there was still much demands on autographs and such. So much, that he was several hours late.
When he entered the Brawl zone, he realized something big was overshadowing him. A beast, something he couldn't really describe being so awkward. Link unsheathed his sword, and ran toward that... thing. "Just when I cleaned my Master sword too..."
Link saw someone else enter, and felt his brain being squished by confusion. The young man who had just joined them was... well, him, but a few years older and less cartoony-looking. Link forgot all about the monster and stared, open-mouthed, at the other-him, who was brandishing a weird blade that appeared to be glowing slightly. He drew his own Phantom Sword and compared it to the other-him's so=called 'Master Sword'. The two weapons were similar yet at the same time rather different.
"Hey, Link." Samus said as Link ran in. She remembered him from last years one. She shot some more Power Shots and some close range blast attacks.
As the lizard-thing swooped down upon the building, Wolf immediately pulled out his Blaster and ran towards the counter, covering from the monster as it tore through the group.

"Fuck! Just as things were about to get interesting..." He thought to himself as he fired shots from behind the wooden counter while looking for Bowser.

With but one shot left in his magazine, Wolf moved swiftly into the corridor entrance and took aim. The monster still raged on as he focused his shot, ignoring the chaos around him. His heart rate decreased, his breathing slowed to a halt, his eyes focused on the creature's blood red pupil. He pulled the trigger, and the bolt flew for what seemed like hours, passing through his fellow competitors, barely scraping the armor of one of the galaxy's renowned bounty hunters, Samus Aran. Finally, it reached its target, the bolt exploding within the black reptile's eye. It made an ear-piercing bellow and began thrashing around blindly, with both its eyes damaged from the bolt and Link's arrow.

As soon as it kicked its front legs, Wolf bolted from the corridor and slid through everyone, reloaded and within a split-second he was shooting a barrage of bolts up its scaled underbelly as he slid through the wooden floor.

Quick on his feet as ever, Wolf barked orders to Bowser through the StarWolf badge, trying not to get crushed by the beast's massive tree-trunk legs.

"Bowser! This is Captain O'Donnell! Take out the front right leg of the beast and tell the ranger in green to slash the front left!" He then turned to a familiar bat-like figure charging behind him.

"Meta Knight! You'll do more damage if you aim for the hind left leg! Just go!"

Cold sweat was running down him like bullets. All of them must damage the beast's legs at the exact moment or the beast would retaliate quickly and protect its remaining legs, ruining any chance of it being eliminated.

He rolled to the right and took aim with his blaster, at the same time watching the other three and their attacks. Without him noticing, the beast's giant leg raised and was now crashing down on him, its weight can easily break his bones in an instant.
Meta Knight narrowly dodged the missile that had been aimed at the dragon. "What are you trying to do, kill me?!"

Just then, Kitsune walked into the lobby. She stared at the monster, expression unchanging. They're fighters. They can handle it. She casually headed back to the cafe. Coffee was number one priority.

Now within range of the dragon-thing ((I can't wait until I can call it by its actual name)), Meta Knight slashed repeatedly at its throat. The Super Missile from Samus exploded as it made contact with one of its wings. The monster fell over, laying helplessly on its side. As the flash of light subsided, it revealed nothing but a trophy. The monster, in figurine form, sat on a golden pedestal with "Meta Ridley" engraved on the side. So its a trophy like everything else in this world. Doesn't come as a surprise. Suddenly, blue, sky blue, and magenta colored balls of light burst out of the trophy and disappeared. What was that? That doesn't usually happen... He then noticed that the damage "Meta Ridley" had done to the Dojo had mysteriously repaired itself. Baffled, Meta Knight stepped away from the trophy as if so that the others could take a look.

He turned around and looked at Wolf. "What was that you were saying?"
((Damn ninjas.))
Samus pressed a button on her arm and removed her Power Suit. "What is it? That didn't look like Meta Ridley to me."
Recovering from the attack, Wolf limped over to Meta Knight and shook his small, gloved hand. He had to admit, the knight was a skillful swordsman despite his size.

"Nice move out there." Wolf pulled out a purple wolf-shaped badge from his pocket and handed it over to Meta Knight. "Bring it back if you don't want to join the team."

He then made his way into the cafe to confront their so-called caretaker.

Seeing her red fur blend perfectly with the wooden floor, Wolf pulled out a chair in front of Kitsune and tried to pull a serious face, despite her simple presence making him crumble into a shy pup.

"Mind telling me what that thing was, 'Caretaker'? It nearly killed quite a lot of the competitors. And while we're on the subject, how come the SSB Tournament database has no files whatsoever on their caretaker?" Without knowing, Wolf had softened his voice and relaxed his body, something he rarely does, if at all. He was still looking her in the eye, but this time without the cold, brutal precision he always had.

"Dammit, Wolf! Focus!" He thought to himself as he tried regaining his composure, and failed.

(Back tomorrow, folks.)
((Ugh, fight starts right after I leave.))

As streams of light left the trophy, Aggron noticed the damage caused by the monster was suddenly no longer there. There was no wreckage to be seen.
He slumped over in dissapointment, "I was getting hungry, too."
Zamus went over and picked up the trophy. She thought that she deserved it because she delivered the final blow. She walked into the cafe and saw the caretaker and Wolf sitting together. Zamus walked up to the caretaker and said "Do you think that this is funny?" she said, pointing to the trophy. "You nearly got us all killed!"
((I missed the whole freaking fight?! Arg!! Um.. let's just say the Ice Climbers were fighting too and stuff.. Dx))
Mecha sonic entered to see the trophy of the mechanical dragon.

"Oh great. i leave for five minutes and it gets interesting." He examined the trophy. "A Bio-Mechanical mosnter. How cute. Eggman never took such precautions when he tried to destroy my hated copy."

He tapped the immobile dragon. Nothing happened.

"Well, Eggman could learn a thing or two from whoever it was that created this mosnter. The question is, where did it come from, and why would it be after you?"
Link had barely made a move before the dragon-beast thing called Meta Ridley had fallen and turned into a trophy. What was going on? "Odd..." He simply said to himself, as he approached Meta Knight and Samus to question what exactly happened. Being late also meant that he had missed out some very specific things...
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