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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Hi, Kitsune!" Skylar said, grinning and waving. It was a nice name, indeed....

((Is it pronounced kit-soo-nay or kit-soon?))
((What about Weegee?))

((Waaah, why does no one pay attention to Weegee?!))

Dedede walked up to Skylar, "Why hello! I watched your fight with Meta Knight, very impressive!" He reached out his hand, "I'm King Dedede, nice to meet yah!"
A soft voice snapped Wolf from his trance of boredom, and he spun around from the couch.

A tall, canine figure stepped into the lobby, wearing a loose blouse with long, flowing sleeves and what seemed like pleated pants which dragged on the wooden floor. Her auburn hair was in a neat ponytail behind her, tied with a simple knot. She was soft spoken, yet her frame denoted her strength despite being so slender.

"Hello? I'm the caretaker here. I hope you all got my notice, and I'm sorry I'm late. My name's Kitsune. Morning exercises will start soon, if you'll excuse me a moment." She then walked over to the cafe, then a shrill call from his scouter broke Wolf's stare at the new caretaker.

*Looks like Wolfie's got a crush~*

"Shut up Powalski! I have more important matters to attend to and so do you! Send Bowser his own scouter and debrief him as soon as possible. O'Donnell out."

*Whatever you say, loverboy. Wolfen out.*

With that, Wolf made his way into the cafe, following the caretaker.
((Great, now I'm roommate less... The only reason that it didn't look like I cared was because I have limited access to a computer where I am.))

Mecha Sonic observed the one who'd been identified as "caretaker" of the Dojo.

This one seems to resemble Tails. Strange.... I've never seen this creature before

It appears that this being's the one in charge here. I do hope I'm not expected to take commands from this being
Aggron got up from where he lay. He looked around, and noticed a new figure. This was was another humanoid, looking vaguely, just vaguely, similiar to the furry one he'd seen fighting the other day.
"Morning exercises? Like what?", Aggron questioned.
((Wait, so if There are only four newcomers, can I...
Character: Sothe/Michaiah
Series: Fire Emblem
Nickname: N/A
...do that?))
Ike looked around. He saw this 'Kitsune' walk over to the café. He looked over to the nearest person. "Hey," he said to a slender woman in a blue jumpsuit, "I'm new. What am I supposed to do?"
Pit got up and waved to Kitsune.
"Hi, caretaker person," he yelled. He grabbed another cup of coffee and downed it in a gulp.
((Pit+coffee=oh shit. Anyways, I don't have Brawl, but play it at my friend's house... almost every day. It's always Brawl mode, and we never play Subspace emissary anymore, but there's always the Brawl website.))
((Do you guys mind if I join in? I know I'm 22 pages late, but still. I'm obsessed with Brawl, despite not owning it. Dx Especially Pit. But he's already taken so. x:
Character: Link
Nickname: Adult Link (used if next to Toon Link/Child Link)))
((Too slow Eclipse =D Pit is MINE! Look around page three for a similar discussion between me and Flora and Ashes. XD I didn't know so many people liked Pit))
"Hey.. he didn't notice me. Pit doesn't like me! ..Oooh! A fox!"
Nana started running after Kitsune, Popo grabbing the hood of her parka just in time. She squeaked and fell backwards. He pointed at her head and asked,
"We really should fight someone or do something to burn this energy before she starts annoying and hugging everyone. Suggestions?"
"I'll fight you!" Ash stepped out of where he had been standing. "My Pokemon need to practice, anyways!"
"Okay! Let's fight, then!"
They answered simultaneously. Nana pretended to bonk Ash on the head with her hammer. Popo pulled her back again, laughing.
"Hold on, just wait a minute, okay? No fatalities or brutalities, not yet, anyway. Kidding about the last part."
((Wait, so if There are only four newcomers, can I...
Character: Sothe/Michaiah
Series: Fire Emblem
Nickname: N/A
...do that?))
Ike looked around. He saw this 'Kitsune' walk over to the café. He looked over to the nearest person. "Hey," he said to a slender woman in a blue jumpsuit, "I'm new. What am I supposed to do?"

((No, you can't, because Shadow left to be replace by MY Sothe/Micaiah))
Zamus saw a swordsman come up and ask her a question. "Well, I'm waiting for the caretaker."
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