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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Go, Charizard!" He tossed his ball way up in the air and out came an orange dragon with a flame on his tail.
Skylar shook this person's hand and nodded. Then he headed back up to his room and sat down on the bed. He was actually rather tired from that fight, and he needed to recover a bit.
A tall fellow in overalls and a green 'L' hat walked in to the huge dojo. He looked around the dojo and blinked. Ah, so it'sa this place again. Ah well, I guess it'sa always fun! He stepped over to the note and read it. By the look of things, he was late. He looked around. Luigi could see many old faces, including Pit, but who was that giant steel thing? Cracking his knuckles, Luigi walked over to Pit and said, "Hey, it'sa me, Luigi!"
Pit saw Luigi coming to him, and waved.
"Hi Luigi, look, coffee!" he yelled, and gulped down another cup of coffee.
((Oh shit.))
Luigi arched his eyebrows, the effect somewhat diminished by his hat, waved good-bye, and walked away. Sheesh, I can't believe I forgot how hyper Pit is! He walked over to the middle of the Dojo and yelled," Hey! Does anybody wanta battle?"
Huh, so she's the caretaker. Interesting. Suddenly, Meta Knight began to hear something. Like a series of strong gusts. This struck him as odd, since just earlier the wind was as calm as could be. Then, a shrill roar like that of a dragon broke the silence. Nearly that instant, a huge, black, lizard-like creature broke through one of the walls. It looked furious and out of control!

Meta Knight took a step backwards. I was bored, but I should've been more careful what I wished for. He got in his take off position.
"Are we supposed to do something?" Bowser asked, standing up from the chair. "Is this dragon here for a reason?" He twisted his body a bit so that he could attack if need be.
Luigi heard a crash. "Sorry, guys, we'll have to do this a'later!" He jumped over to the entrance room of the dojo and saw a large lizard-thing. "Let'sa go!" he yelled, throwing a green fireball at it.
Aggron stepped back as the wall was smashed by a massive, black form. He readied himself for something, and looked around. Around him was the stranger in green, the flying head thing, and a large reptilian turtle... thing. Learning names might be useful., Aggron thought to himself.
"Doesn't look like it's here to play.", he commented.
"Things actually happen?" King Dedede said, "This might be challenging!" he began charging his jet hammer, and began slowly sneaking up on the giant black lizard, "Take this!" he yelled, swinging the fully charged jet hammer at it.
Zamus ran upstairs and got into her Power Suit. She ran downstairs and shot a fully charged Charge Shot at the monster.
Meta Knight flew in the creature's face, slashing at it several times before being swatted away. He hit the ground with a sickening thud. Just then, he saw a few green fireball just graze the dragon's neck. It didn't seem to flinch. I doubt this is what Kitsune meant when she said "morning exercises". I hope the Dojo is well insured. He tried again, only at its chest. He was repelled even before he could attack.

The menacing dragon-thing made a low swoop, mouth wide open. It was practically scraping the ground. Meta Knight flew up, but not high enough. He was forced to land on its back, holding on for dear life.

Coming his way, he saw a spherical ball of light shot at the thing. It reeled back for a moment and kept on going. Just then, Meta Knight looked behind him. King Dedede had just whacked the monster on the back, making a small explosion and causing it to turn around and charge at him. Never thought I'd see the day when Dedede would help me. I guess there's a first time for everything.
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Swiftly, Bowser twisted in the opposite direction. He tucked inside his shell and shot like a frisbee at the dragon's neck, sharp spikes tearing at the air like they were already coming into contact with its throat.
Link gasped, watching the gargantuan lizard break down the wall. He quickly sheathed his sword and took his bow from his back, aiming for the creature's left eye. He loaded an arrow and let go of the bowstring, watching the arrow whistling through the air towards the beast.
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