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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Ike ran out of the café. "Alright, a fight!"
He ran at the monster, calling his magic to use Aether. "Ae- Oh."
Someone struck the monster, and it fell on its side. Light came from inside of it, and it turned into a trophy. He heard someone talking. "...Meta Ridley."
Meta Ridley... rings a bell. A vague bell.
He walked over to Meta Knigt. "Who is this 'Meta Ridley?'"
"I swear to you, I had nothing to do with that dragon-monster. About there being no records on myself, remember that the Tournament database and Staff database are separate. Either way, why would I release that monster on the Dojo? It would be of no personal gain for me. In fact, I'm going to have to pay for the damages on my own account." Kitsune said, trying to keep her composure. "By the way, if you would be so kind as to tell the others, what was to be our daily routine is being delayed due to this incident. Now, I'll be on my way, thank you." She got up and made her way to the exit.

Meanwhile, Meta Knight held the oddly shaped badge in his hand. Turning it over and making it catch the light several times, he thought, What exactly did he mean by "the team"? Well, I'll keep it anyways, even if it'll only be good to look at. He saw Kitsune leave. ...I bet she had something to do with that monster... Deep in thought, he hadn't noticed when Ike asked him a question.

"I have no clue. As cliche as it sounds, he pretty much just burst in and started attacking. Like he was possessed... Anyways, it doesn't look like he'll be revived any time soon, considering the beating he took."
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Pit blinked, lost in the moment. He shrugged as everyone walked away, and went back to stealing coffee from people.
Feeling proud of himself for half-blinding Meta Ridley, Link wandered off on his own to explore. After a while, he found himself looking up at the older-him. Unsure of exactly what to do, he raised a fist and showed the other-Link the back of his hand, with the Triforce symbol that was imprinted there glowing slightly.
"Well" King Dedede said, "That's that" He began spinning his hammer, "I'm bored, anyone's up for fight?"

((Oh wait, there's a fan-introduced character spot open? sweet, and I only have one character so far, so I should be able to have another!

Character: Pearl(Infernape/Drifloon/Dragonair)
Series: Pokémon(He's the D/P rival, I freaking love him, he's such a man)
Nickname: Pearl))
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Do they expect us to go around picking random fights like we did yesterday? That got old pretty quickly... Meta Knight wandered into the cafe. I suppose something to eat wouldn't hurt. I only have a decent meal once every few days. He sat down and stared at his paper menu for a few minutes. There was a Toad at the cash register, a few Waddle Dees working in the kitchen, and... there was the Kirlia waitress. I suppose it's a good thing that Kirlias are psychic, otherwise they couldn't take orders.

"I'll just... have a coffee." said Meta Knight to the oddly-humanoid waitress. Because dammit there's nothing good in the way of food here.
"Thank you, sir, will there be anything else?"
"No, just the coffee..."
"Are you sure?"
"Fine, sir..." The Pokemon finally left the table with a disappointed look in its eyes. "Cheapskate..." it muttered under its breath.

My god, it's worse than one of those Windows operating systems... The waitress came back with a mug and gently set it in front of him. "We thank you for your customs..."
"That's nice."

I hate my job...

((For a filler post, it's a lot bigger than I expected it to be.))
((Oh, right, accepted.))

((Weeeeeee! :3))

Pearl stood outside, looking at the building in front of him, "Woah, We're fighting here?" He crossed his arms, looking serious "I heard two nameless Pokémon Trainers are here as well,and a lot of other people to" But he soon regained a determined smile, "But me and my Pokémon are the best, so I have nothing to worry about!" He rushed into the building like a burning airplane.

King Dedede was sitting in the café, when he saw Meta Knight, "Hi there, Meta!" He yelled, "Want some spicy curry?"
Aggron was about to give up and see what was up at the cafe with the others when he heard someone coming in. He turned around and spotted a young man. There was something familiar seeming about this human.
"Yo. Don't happen to be a trainer, do you?", Aggron asked of him.
Meta Knight looked up from his drink to see an all too familiar face. "Absolutely not. The only reason I ever eat the stuff is in self-defense." Wow, that didn't sound right... "What do you want, anyway? and don't call me Meta."

((In case you were wondering, he means the Superspicy Curry that makes you spew fireballs. I think it's my favorite item! :3))
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Luigi wiped some sweat from his forehead. What da heck was that thing? He went over to the counter and sat down. He caught the attention of a...a... Curliuh he thought it was called.

"Heya, I think I'll hava some lemonade."
"Would you like anything else?"
"Oh, okay, I'll hava some grilled cheese..."
"Will that be all?"
"Are you sure?"
"YES, already."
"Okay then. Thank you for your kind service."

Sheesh. Thesa waitresses, they never shut uppa! The green thing looked back at him, looking a bit hurt for some reason, then bustled over to a Waddle Dee. A few minutes later, a Waddle Dee well, waddled up to him and handed him a slightly burnt sandwich and his drink.

"Thanka you, little guy!" said Luigi, pulling out a large gold coin. The little creature looked up at the coin, and Luigi handed it to him. The Waddle Dee held the coin over his head and did a little happy dance, then bustled over to its friends to show its newfound wealth.
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Link simply wandered around wondering what to do. It only came to him that he was hungry when everyone went to the cafe.
As he went to the direction of the cafe, he saw Toon Link, who raised his hand and showed his palm, to show the sign of the Triforce, which was glowing slightly.
Surprised, he showed his own. Toon Link was another Link. Having nothing to say, he simply muttered a simple, "Hello."
He finally entered the cafe, seeing many newcomers and veterans. "... I'd like some Superspicy Curry please." Link said, with a smile plastered on his face.
((Er, specifically what? Link has a Triforce symbol on his left hand(Right for Twilight Princess because they flipped the whole entire game to make Link right handed, when actually he's left-handed.) and that's pretty much it. If you're talking about the Superspicy Curry, I was referring to this. :D))
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((Wow, Link is left handed? I am too!))

Skylar tried to make a difference but... "Is the dragon gone yet?" He asked fearfully.
((Oh, I thought it was something else... *sings KK Soul in "I just went to the Dumb Shop" version*))
((Since pearl's Pokémon haven't showed up yet, I change Infernape To Empoleon,since it's the one he have in the D/P anime. But of course, if I go after the D/P anime, he'd have Empoleon/Roserade/Staraptor, :L))
When Pearl ran in, he met a Aggron, which made him jump, "Jesus Christ! A talking Aggron?! I really shouldn't eat all those Pecha berries"
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