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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Suddenly, he felt the Smash Ball take effect, and he laid an egg. ((That sounds wrong.)) Immediately, he hurled it at Meta Knight from his close distance.
As the egg hit Meta Knight square in the face, he was sent flying off of Skylar's back and landed a few feet in front of him. Getting up, he noticed Skylar was glowing with the Smash Ball's energy. Even his eyes were lit up.

So much for him coughing it up. But if he hasn't used it yet, it can still be broken out of him by force! Immediately, he charged at Skylar. When he was practically in his face, his sword disappeared as he began to spin wildly. A bright orange funnel had surrounded him as he sucked Skylar into the eye of the storm.
It looks like he's enjoying the ride. Too bad it's time for him to go! Meta Knight quickly ended the storm, recalling his sword. When Skylar began to fall, his sword shot up, mere inches away from the Yoshi and ready to impale him.
Initiating Analysis of competitors

Mecha Sonic's red eye glowed.

These two are fighting it out as viciously as me and Tails were... I wonder if that masked one has some sort of hatred for the Lizard-creature
Skylar tried to maneuver in the air, following the currents of the wind. He attempted to grab Meta Knight's sword, then wrap his tongue around him so that his arms were stuck, and hopefully his hands would go numb.
"Hey!" Meta Knight's arm and sword were wrapped in Skylar's tongue. He pulled and tugged at his arm, but nothing was working. He's probably going to use his Final Smash while I'm immobile! In desperation, he latched on to Skylar with his free arm and feet and summoned his wings, stabbing him over and over with their claw-like protrusions.
Quickly, Skylar used the Final Smash. He didn't know how he did it, but he did, ignoring the pain of the wings' "claws." He just had to do this, to prove himself...

The Super Dragon was suddenly activated, and Yoshi breathed a fireball directly in Meta Knight's face.
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King Dedede looked at the fight, a bit impressed. He held his hammer in a steady grip, "It just started to get interesting" he told himself.
Meta Knight's mask was in flames. Kicking and thrashing, he was beginning to wear himself out. When he tried to kick Skylar in the stomach, he didn't flinch. If he didn't calm down soon, he might lose consciousness and faint. But right then, anger and desperation had trumped reason. Meta Knight began to lose the will to fight back. Slowly, everything went dark as the last scraps of energy had left his body.

Skylar grinned, and waited by Meta Knight so he could shake his hand.

"Good fight," he said, wondering if Meta Knight could hear him.
((Heck yes! That's half the fun, having an insane character! :D))
Popo grabbed Nana's arm and was about to explain what his new plan, then changed his mind. If she knew it, she'd mess everything up.
"Uh.. how about you go talk to Pit, okay? and do not call him Kid Icarus."
She smiled brightly and began running in circles around Pit.
"Hi! Hi! Hi! Are you a really real angel? Is it hard to make a good costume on Halloween, what with the wings? Are you wearing a dress? Toga! Toga! Toga party! Wanna fight? I could beat you up! Well, me and Popo, together we could. Wanna? Oooh, can I have some coffee? Popo says it's bad for me! But so's hot chocolate, and he's addicted to it!"
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Oh, gods, where am I? I feel like I'm having a hangover... Meta Knight groggily straitened up and noticed he was in the lobby of the Dojo. He could hear Skylar saying something. Him! I was just fighting him. I must've passed out. Turning around, he only just noticed that he was right next to him. "Right, yeah, good fight..." he wearily shook his hand and noticed that his right arm was still a little shaky.

((Also, no more battles until the caretaker comes, which should be my next post, m'kay?))
((Make that the post AFTER this one. I don't appreciate your lazy, 3 word post just to get me to post. I own the RP, so I could double post if I needed to, thank you very much. Since she's online, I'll wait for Darksong to post so I can get my next post together. Instead, I'd like to make an announcement:

The REAL plot is coming. You know, adventure mode like. Did you think everyone was going to go around picking random fights in the Dojo for the whole RP? We'll be introducing many new characters that will play many roles. I may consider some less important ones for people to sign up as, but we'll see. It'll take place where the Subspace Emissary took place. Unfortunately, I don't have any good pictures of the full map, so I hope that if you're in the RP, you've got the game. Expect new bosses and even new places as well. I won't spoil any more for you, so that's all for now!))

EDIT: ((Also, since Exo-Raikou doesn't seem to care, I've taken Shadow off the list for you. Sorry you had to wait so long.))
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Skylar reached out his hand to shake Meta Knight's. He nodded and said, "That was impressive. I like the way you fight."

Afterwards, he turned and sat on the sidelines. Who exactly was this "caretaker?"
Meta Knight fumbled with his card key and eventually made it into his room. In the bathroom, he examined himself in the mirror.

Great, I've got scorch marks all over my mask, plus those unsightly scratch marks from yesterday. This will be the fifth one I've had to replace this week, and it's only Tuesday! Good thing I brought many spares. After fitting on the new mask, he came back to the lobby. To his surprise, a new face had shown up.

She was the spitting image of a fox like from the "Real World" as they called it, only she stood on her hind legs with perfect balance and was somehow less feral looking.

"Hello? I'm the caretaker here. I hope you all got my notice, and I'm sorry I'm late. My name's Kitsune. Morning exercises will start soon, if you'll excuse me a moment." she hurried off to the cafe, presumably for breakfast.
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