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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Marth mumbled a hello, before sitting down in a recliner. Sighing, he looked at the ceiling above him, which depicted a mural of the last tournaments competators.

(By the way, Phillip...if any Fire Emblem Character deserves to come to Smash Bros, it's Lucius. )
((He doesn't want to be called Phillip.))

Skylar shook his head and stretched again as he got to the training arena. He could see something that said something about "Animal Crossing." Sounded interesting...

"Anyone want a challenge?"
I beat Intense! With, um, 10 continues and 5 stock each time... Meta Knight shut off the Wii. It was half past seven. Doesn't sound so good when you put it that way... When he turned around, Skylar wasn't in bed anymore. I didn't notice when he left. I better see what he's doing...
Bowser headed down to the lounge and sat down. He had heard that Animal Crossing was cool, but he had had a battle with Skylar the day before.
Aggron leaned back. He observed the blue-haired human staring upwards at the ceiling. Aggron laid down to look up as well. It was painted with various people. Aggron spotted a few Pokemon, and some he'd seen around the place, including the two warmly dressed kids, and the blue-haired one.
"Are those the folks that were around last time?", he asked.
Meta Knight entered the lobby just in time to hear Skylar ask, "Anyone want a challenge?" He strode confidently over to the blue Yoshi. "I'm in the mood, but make it quick. The caretaker should be here soon."
((And I'm assuming we're in Smashville now.))

As Meta Knight took his stance as well, he replied,

"You must have come in with the late crowd if you missed the notice. They're coming this morning, whoever they are. And the caretaker is like a land lord, if you know what that it is..." Abruptly, the electronic speakers boomed, "Ready... GO!!" The instant it had finished, Meta Knight was off his feet and rushing at Skylar on his wings.
As a knee-jerk reaction, Meta Knight kicked off the ground and landed about a foot behind, narrowly escaping the protruding tongue. Then he prepared a counterattack of his own by jumping up and slashing at the Yoshi's face.
"Wha- AAAH!" Skylar screamed. He tried to jump to the side, but his cheek was grazed, and he tried to lick Meta Knight again, as fast as he could.
"Whoa!" Meta Knight was caught off guard, all wrapped up in Skylar's tongue. As it began to retract, he struggled to break free. However, he couldn't attack without his sword, and both arms were tightly strung to his body.

Great, now I'm Yoshi food.
Kirby also awoke. He walked out into the cafe ((if we have one)) and sucked in a cup of coffee, complete with cup. "WHOA!" he said, suddenly feeling refreshed.
Pit put the Wiimote down after his and Tails' tenth match.
"Maybe we should take a break," he suggested. "I'm gonna go down and see what everyone else is doing. Coming?"
Skylar kept his tongue tight and walked towards the wall. This would be fun...

Suddenly, he stuck his tongue out when it was about a foot away from the wall, and threw Meta Knight against it, readying for another tongue technique.
((There are no walls in Smashville, but we'll just pretend he was thrown off the edge instead.))

As Meta Knight was spat out, he looked down and noticed there was nothing for him to land on. He then wondered if being digested would have been better. Lost in his train of thought, he had almost forgot to summon his wings. Leading off with his sword in a wide, circular backflip, he charged forward, gliding effortlessly towards Skylar with sword aimed at his chest.
Skylar ducked and ran forward, almost going off the edge, but then turned around and headed towards Meta Knight, but stopped a few feet from the range of his sword. As far as the Yoshi knew, his tongue was about two and a half times the length of that blade.
Mecha Sonic walked around until he spotted a fight in Smashville. Observing the fight between the Masked Being and the Blue Lizard creature, he was intruiged by the battle

Perhaps I can challenge one of these two when they're done.
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