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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Ike raced off in the direction of a huge building. He rushed through the double doors and didn't have a second thought about the racket he was making. Nobody was there. "Hello? Hello! Anyone there?"
Popo woke up first. He put on his parka and was about to wake up Nana, but decided to wait a little bit. They both needed to get enough sleep so they would have lots of energy for fighting. She was curled up on her side, looking like a little baby animal. If animals wore bright pink pajamas, anyway.
And she looks adorable.
He sat, watching her for a few minutes. Out of boredom, he pulled a rubber band out of his pocket and put her hair in a (rather messy) braid. After Nana woke up, she got dressed and they left the room, looking around the hallway for anyone else that was awake, and preferably something exploding.
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Meta Knight heard some ruckus in the lobby and, after giving up on Skylar, went off to investigate. There he found Ike in the lobby looking a bit disoriented.

"I'm here, but most of them are still waking up." he replied. "The caretaker will be arriving soon to give us "morning exercises". You'd better find a room." Meta Knight started back up the stairs, this time gliding using his wings. If he was going to do this a lot, it better not take half an hour to reach the top floor and back.
Aggron awoke. The sun was rising. He stood up, then stretched and loosened his joints, making a bit of a grinding noise. He scanned the room for a clock, spotting one on a nightstand, he looked at the time. A little past six. He decided to head outside, and threw the door to the room open. He spotted two human children dressed up warmly, and a being consisting of a metal head and two feet flying up over the stairs.
*Download complete.*

The computer fan whirred gently as Wolf looked up on the screen with weary eyes. "Finally."

He then waddled over to the kettle and made himself some coffee, staring into the cup as the steam brushed through the messy fur on his cheeks. Downing the mug with one fell swoop, he suited up and went into the hallway. He dragged his feet through the wooden corridor until he found a Simulation Room.

As if sleepwalking, Wolf mindlessly pushed the door open and went to the small console in the center of the blank room. Turning his scouter on, he pulled a thin wire from it and plugged it into the pillar. "Activate training session 071859."

Immediately the room blurred out into pure black, and out of nowhere a giant ship rose above the ground, and small twinkling lights fluttered by as the temperature dropped drastically. Wolf was undeterred, having done this simulation for over 5 years since the Wolfen was built.

A booming voice shouted out "GO!!!" and three droids appeared in front of him. The first one was blue, and had a spherical body with small limbs, akin to a bowling ball. The second one behind it was a stark contrast; dark red, with its body reaching over 6 feet in height and merely 6 inches of width, as opposed to the blue one's 50 inches. The third one was yellow and was much more proportionate than the others, with its statistics as normal as the average human.

Wolf charged with all four limbs on the ground, his claws at the ready. The blue robot retaliated in kind, retracting its small limbs to form a massive ball. As both were about to collide, the StarWolf leader quickly crossed the gap and spun around mid-air, burying his claws on the underside of the platform above as the massive juggernaut stopped in its tracks. Quick on his feet, he kicked the blue wrecking ball with both legs as it grew its limbs back, blasting it off the stage.

Leaping off the underside, the steel footsteps of the red robot became louder. Wolf immediately spun around and kicked it, but only it air. It had crouched down and as the robot stood back up, it delivered a swift, cold uppercut with enough force to throw Wolf off his feet.

As his body hit the platform, the droid followed him to the next platform, its single eye focused on Wolf. He immediately tacked it and landed a hard knee on its torso, throwing it swiftly on to the gap. As it recovered, O'Donnell pulled out his blaster and shot at point blank range, effectively burning a hole where its eye was.

Wolf smiled at his swift victory, then the yellow droid wiped it off with a swift roundhouse, hitting wolf hard and threw him to the edge of the platform spinning. He immediately pushed himself up and unleashed a flurry of slashes blindly. As he regained his breath, the droid was in scattered pieces. The voice once again boomed out. "GAME!!!" and the whole ship disintegrated back into a simle black room with green stripes all over.

As he stepped out of the Simulation Room, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"We're gonna have some fun with this."
Pit picked out a game, and held it up to the dim light from the TV. It was Brawl, he put it into the Wii, and started to play. ((=D))
Tails' eyes creaked open. He was still pretty tired, but he forced himself up anyways.

"Morning, Pit." he said with a yawn, "Whatcha doin?"
"Morning, Tails. I'm playing Brawl, wanna join?" Pit was at the character selection screen, and he tossed a Wiimote at Tails lightly.
Marth awoke, curled up on his room's sofa, book on the floor, where an illustration of a girl with violet hair and a yellow lightning tome stared at the books protoganist, a spikey haired blue lad.

"Uh..." he groaned, sitting up. Used to sleeping in the finest of beds, he needed to adjust a little. Standing, he began to stretch, before heading into the bathroom to shower and change.
Tails looked up to see a white remote being tossed in his direction.

"Hmm...sure, I'll play." he said, hooking up the nunchuck attachment and sitting in front of the TV. He smiled, and chose Sonic as his character.

((You don't have to write out the whole battle, just thought that would be funny))
Meta Knight sat on the couch for a few minutes. His ears - wherever they were at - were still ringing from that blasted noise. He turned on the television to drown it out. News. Drama. Pokemon... and static. I can't be bothered to flip through all those channels. But, they seem to have a Wii... Meta Knight turned it on and noticed SSBB was already in there. Shame there's no one to play with. Maybe I'll try Classic mode...
"On belay!"
"Do we have to yell that? you're waking everyone up.."
"Whatever. We are mountain climbers and all. Lets go!"
Both Ice Climbers began sliding down the railing on the stairs, the rope around both of their waist's tied tightly. They stayed together for about 30 seconds before Popo fell, dragging Nana with him. They tumbled down the stairs, ending up in a heap on the floor of the lobby. They got up dizzily and went into the lounge, passing by Zamus. Nana advised her,
"Don't try sliding down the railing on stairs. Mostly if you're tied to someone else. Owie."
Skylar leaped out of bed with a happy sound. "I usually wake up at this time anyway," he said. Peremptorily, he left the room, but didn't know what to do next, and just started heading towards the training arena for another challenge.
((Bowser wants a roommate))

Bowser's eyes stretched open and for the first time met the Wii. He wondered what it was like, but got up and started out the room.
Marth emerged from the bathroom, hair dried, tunic on, and, taking his cape from a hook on the wall. Putting it on, he opened his door and stepped out, heading down to the lounge below.
Preparing to end Dormant Mode

The red eye glowed anew.


Mecha Sonic exited his room. Perhaps, i should see if there are any fights worth observing
Link groggily awoke, feeling very uncomomfortable. He looked around blearily, and saw he was sitting on the floor, a Wiimote and Nunchuk in his lap. The TV was still on, in the middle of he and Kirby's twenty-seventh battle.

The boy stood up and tried to shake his sleepiness away, but the cramps all over his body remained. He put on his hat and buckled his sword to his belt, and walked painfully out into the corridor.
Ash walked out of his room. He went down to the lounge. ((I need a roomate too... so if Bowser needs one, too...))
Aggron pounded down the stairs and walked into the downstairs lounge. Not wanting to break anything, he plopped down on the floor next to a couch, spotting two humans coming. He greeted them, "Mornin'!"
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