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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Yeah, I guess we should call it a day." Pit agreed. "See you soon!" He flew up the stairs,and said hi to Tails, and noticed he was asleep. Pit shrugged, and got on the top bunk.
Ash walked away from the training room. "I need a nap..." he muttered as he went to his room, climbed to the top bunk and fell asleep.
Kirby looked at Link. "Oh hi there!" he said, sweatdropping at ignoring him earlier. "I'm Kirby. So you seemed to be frightened at that TV?" Kirby quickly went over to his room and got a Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and put it in the Wii next to the TV. "Here, I'll teach you how to play." He threw the Wiimote to Link, and quickly explained all the controls. He went to the battle screen and said, "Here! You can play as Link, and I'll play as Kirby! We can have a battle, just like in real life!"
Link yelled again as a large chunk of plastic hit him square in the nose. Groaning, he sat up in the bed and looked at the thing Kirby had thrown to him. It was long, thin and rather chunky, covered with little buttons. A wire attached it to a small, rounder piece of plastic that had two buttons on the back and a knobbly stick on top, which could be pushed in every direction.

Still a little unsure, he looked at the screen on the 'Tee-Vee' and saw that there was a large grid on it with a face in each square. To his surprise, he saw his face smiling out of one of the squares. He mimicked what Kirby was doing with his plastic-bits, and held the long one in his right hand and the round one in his left, then wiggled the longer one and noticed that made a little cursor move around the screen. Intrigued, he pointed the cursor at his face and pressed the large, circular button that had an 'A' on it. Suddenly a crashing noise came from the remote (He yelled yet again), and a voice from the TV boomed 'Toon Link!' as a larger image of him appeared in a bottom corner.
((I'm back!))

Once Meta Knight noticed Skylar had come, he was already in bed. That kid must have been worn out. Meta Knight examined the top bunk. Oh! The top bunk hasn't been taken... He grinned under his mask. After setting Galaxia down on the night stand, he skipped the ladder and flew on top of the bed. Falling asleep was no chore for him; whether he realized it or not, he was pretty worn out himself.

((Lucas755: Accepted.
Exo-Raikou: Done.
iphillip1: I'm assuming "Sothe/Micaiah" would be a newcomer, and in that case, no. Sorry.))
((getting rid of Shadow would be removing a Newcomer position therefore giving room for one more newcomer, Sothe/Micaiah.))
((Right, I forgot. But since you've already got a roomate, wouldn't it be common courtesy to ask them before you remove your character?))
((OK, I'll ask, but there are also people without roomates because of an odd # of characters, so they could move in together.))
"Hehe, the sound's kinda scary. Anyways, this'll be fun! Just wait and see!" Kirby started the game, and went to the stage selection screen. "We'll play at Temple," he said. "Maybe you'll be more used to it! When you're ready, just press that + button!"
Link tapped the button with a '+' sign on it, and the screen changed again, to an image of a vaguely familiar floating temple. There was his little virtual self, ready to fight. He fiddled with the knobbly stick and the buttons for a few moments, and soon got the hang of how to make his game-self use his sword, bow, bombs and so on. He began to make his character approach the virtual Kirby.
Leaf removed her hat and shoes throwing them to the side. She turned off the Wii and TV. She climbed up on her bed and drifted off to sleep.
Ash woke up and turned on the Wii to Smash Brothers. He went through a couple of levels and got bored.
Kirby said to Toon Link, "Wow! You're getting the hang of this fast!" Virtual Kirby approached Virtual Toon Link, and sucked him in. "But you don't know my tricks!" Virtual Kirby walked the ledge, and prepared to spit him off it.
Link wasn't too sure what was happening. His virtual self had disappeared, and Kirby's character had grown strangely fatter, He wriggled the stick and prodded buttons, but nothing happened. Maybe this was one of Kirby's 'tricks'?
((The RP is slowing down a bit, not three pages a day anymore. But that's good to me, I can actually see what's happening >=D))
Pit woke up in the middle of the night, and decided to play some Wii. He jumped down from the top of the bed, and looked through the games that were there.
Virtual Kirby walked right up to the ledge, and spit Virtual Toon Link out, sending him off the ledge, but still with enough space to recover. Kirby giggled. "See ya later, Link!" He then pressed a few buttons, and Virtual Kirby initiated a taunt.
Link mashed the buttons wildly , and his character slowly ascended throguh the air back towards the ledge. He pressed a few more buttons and the virtual Link span with his sword directly behind Kirby, sending the blob straight off of the platform.
((We'll pretend Kirby and Link have stayed up all night playing their game, m'kay?))

Meta Knight's glowing yellow eyes seemed to flash on as he climbed out of bed. Landing with a thud near the table, he grabbed his sword. With a hint of annoyance, he crept over to Skylar's bunk. How did I manage to sleep? He's snoring like a dump truck!

"It's six in the morning, kid. You can't sleep like this all day."
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