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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((I realize that, but you haven't been catching a word I've been saying, have you? IT IS A SIMULATION. IT CANNOT BE DESTROYED. Please, quit making a mockery of this RP.))
Mecha Sonic got back up after repowering hismelf.

I suppose I should wait before fighting someone else. Who knows hwo dangerous the others are.

He walked down to the arena to see if there was a fight to observe
Tails awoke later from a refreshing nap. He was feeling pretty good about himself, but decided not to fight again for a while.

Walking down a hall of the dojo, he looked for a fight to watch in the meantime.
Zamus decided that since no one was making a move that she would just leave and go rest.

((When will the plot start?))
((Technically this is the plot, but I know what you mean. Pretty much once everyone gets to bed so I can start the new day.))
Zamus was tired, and it was late, so she decided to go up to bed.
Shadow was tired, and it was late, so she decided to go up to bed.
Link walked over to the window and looked out. The sky was getting dark... he turned to the pink blob in the doorway. "Well, Mr. Pink Blob, I'd better be getting to bed."
he climbed up onto the bunk and took off his hat, hanging it on the end of the bed. He took off his sheathed sword and hang that by the bed too, then scrambled under the blankets and curled up to sleep.
((Filler before going to bed.))

"Contacting Starship Wolfen, this is Captain Wolf O'Donnell of the Star Wolf team."

A green hue illuminated the empty room as Wolf hunched on the desk, staring at the computer screen with his scouter on the desk, plugged to the computer. A soft hum of static echoes throughout the room.

"Leon, answer the comlink dammit!" He slammed the table with his gloved hand.

A green, humanoid chameleon appeared on the screen, wearing dark-blue cotton pajamas with green horizontal striped covering it. Leon stared back at Wolf through the screen irately as Leon held a teddy bear with one hand and a cup of coffee with the other.

*Don't you ever sleep, Wolf? It's already 10PM.*

"That's not an issue right now, Powalski. I need-"

*Oh, lighten up with the surnames. It's not like we're in the military or anything.*

Wolf gave him a piercing stare.

"As I was saying, I need files on everyone who has entered the SSB Dojo Tournament this year."

The chameleon stretched his fingers and began typing, which cackled over the speakers in Wolf's room for what seemed like hours.

Finally, he stopped.


*Sorry, pal. The database only keeps track of wins and losses and since it hasn't started yet, I only have files on last year's tournament.*

"Fine, send it over."

*Sending database now. This may take a while so I suggest going to bed. See you in the morning, Wolfie.*

The comlink was then turned off, and the eloquent voice of Leon was replaced by a monotone voice of the computer.

*Sending "SSB-w/l/d2002.nds" Estimated time: 12:00:00.*

"Yaay." Wolf said to himself as he stared at the loading bar lazily.

Quite some time later and Wolf found himself slumped over the desk, drooling on his keyboard as the download reached 50%.
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Skylar yawned, snuggling into bed and closing his eyes. His breathing was soft and quiet, and he didn't snore much.
Bowser looked out the window. It was night. The perfect time to take over--

Smack. He hit himself on the head for thinking it was still that era. Shrugging, he fell asleep and kept himself from snoring somehow...
Seeing that nobody was having any mroe battles, mecha Sonic returned to his room, and went into a dormant state.

((SE, could you drop my R.O.B. character? I've onyl amde one post with him))
Popo and Nana took off their parkas and stuffed them in their bag at the foot of the bed, then crawled under the blankets. They both quickly fell asleep. Without their different colored parkas, they looked almost exactly the same.
Marth, after the long day, went into his sole bedroom. Nobody else had shown up to claim the other bunk, but there were always late arrivals...shrugging it off, he removed his cape, placed his tiara on a dresser, and changed into his bedclothes. Debating whether he should read, play a little more Fire Emblem, or go to sleep, he pulled a tomb out of a bookshelf that he had delivered, entitled "The Path to Radiance". Opening it up, he found that it began on a sunny day, where a boy and his father trained with wooden swords....
Aggron yawned. The explosives-launching tube seemed to have run out. Samus had already left. He looked out the window. It was dark out.
"Ah, that's it for today. See ya tomorrow.", Aggron said to the winged boy.
He headed out of the training facilities and back to the dorms. Heading upstairs, he found the room he claimed for himself. Turning the lights on, he noticed the room's furnishings. A TV with a Wii connected. A bookcase. Some chairs and a small table. And two beds. Aggron picked one, but it sagged uncomfortably when he tried to lay down. Instead, he moved the furniture around a little, and plopped down on the floor to sleep.
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