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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Bowser laughed a bit and continued his hand-lash-out-attack. His claws got a bit wet, but he didn't care.
Bowser tried to tug his hand free of the long, slimy object. He knew that Skylar was saying "take this." He opened his maw, but he didn't want to burn Yoshi's tongue, so he sent a rushing stream of fire at his body instead.

"I like playing fair," he said.

((Are you ignoring my scratch attack? D:))
((No, it sounded like you were only showing him, not aiming.))

"Ugaaahh!" Skylar cried. He thrashed in Bowser's hand, but managed to catch a bit of fire in his mouth. That was enough, and he breathed the fire at Bowser's hand.
"Darn it," said Bowser, his hand burnt a bit. "I forgot you could do that. No matter." He retreated inside his shell and began to spin around at a rapid pace, heading towards Skylar.
Skylar tried to grab on, but ended up being hit. He was thrown into the air, but shot his tongue out and ricocheted off a wall nearby, heading for Bowser.

((Sorry if Yoshi can't really do this... I can't remember last time I played him.))
Bowser could not see what was happening, since he was inside his shell, and he continued spinning dangerously with spikes sticking out from nearly all sides.
PikaPika was running round the Dojo for someone to play (or fight) with. "Anyone want to brawl for a bit of training? Anyone? Please?"
Link was plastered against a corner, staring in bewilderment at the strange machine that was still making weird noises. Then he noticed that the pink blob from earlier had came into his room. In a brave move, he leapt forwards, unsheathing his sword, prodded one of the buttons on the machine, which went black again, and swung around to point the blade at the pink thing.

After a few moments, he smiled and began to laugh, dropping the sword. "My name is Link," he said, still chuckling, "What's yours?"
"And thus, it's finnally over. I've finally acheived my revenge."

He then used Chaos control to teleport out of the arena.

Challenging as always. I was pushed to the limits this time. Never has someone been able to survive that much.

Ah well. Maybe I should power down for a bit. That should recharge my systems
Standing in a corner, Wolf started gathering data on everyone in the vicinity; can't go unprepared. His eye caught the giant turtle dragon, who registered as Bowser, King of the Koopas and enemy of the Mushroom Kingdom. "Interesting."

He watched the gargantuan battle against a Yoshi with brute force, relentlessly charging at it. Wolf would gladly fight it, but the best ting to do would be to befriend Bowser and have his force work for him.

"Scouter, note. Recruit Bowser." He then returned to observing the fight, eager to see what the King of the Koopas can do.
Marth, feeling satisfied in his training, shouted for the match to pause momentarilly. Turning to his battle partner, he gave a lopsided grin.

"I think that's enough bot fighting for now...I'll see you later." He said, before groping in the air for the door. His fingers met the knob, and he opened it, before closing it behind him.
((Link008, Philly, are we still in our battle, or did something happen? 4 pages in a whole night! Come on!))
Skylar knocked his head against the shell. "Not a good idea..." he muttered. He had forgotten that Bowser was in his shell, and he slumped to the ground for a moment, but stood back up again.
Finally, Bowser stopped spinning. "Good job. Since Flying Slam didn't work before, I'll guess I'll have to do this!" He jumped up in the air, higher than a heavyweight like him would be able to, and started to drop down over Skylar's head.
"Waaahahaa!" Skylar cried, suddenly running in a zigzagging line. It curled around all places, but still allowed him to at least avoid most of Bowser... hopefully.
Since Bowser couldn't change where he dropped during Bowser Bomb, he let himself smash down onto the place which he had been over before.
"Yahoo," Skylar muttered when he managed to avoid Bowser's foot by a few millimeters. He was no longer dizzy, but he still had a headache. However, Bowser could only use one hand and his fire breath, so Skylar was at a distinct advantage. For no reason, he stuck his tongue out and let it droop on the ground. "Ah rock huh kaysk uhh geh hhuwlor."
"I'm glad you do," said Bowser and, while Skylar was distracted, lashed out with his Flying Slam attack. He was close enough to his opponent that it would take a very nimble movement to dodge the attack.
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