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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Mecha Sonic felt the energy leave him. He saw the Emeralds shoot off in different directions.

He looked up. Tails was trying to steady himself, buit if mecha acted fast, that wouldn't matter.

His arm flipped back into missile mode, and aimed another missile at Tails.

He fired the missile.
Shadow finished resting and teleported downstairs. "Would anyone like to challenge me?" He asked to anyone who could hear.
((Hm? I don't care, so unless Philly wants to see what I thought up, then do fight it out amoungst yourselves.))

Aggron watched as the splinters from the box flew about. Three things fell out and landed under where the box had been. A dark green tube, a green box with a metal exclaimation point on it, and... a Pokeball. Aggron scratched his head at the last one, but quickly dashed for the closest, the green tube. He had observed weapons randomly appearing in the fight he watched before. After examining it, it launched what seemed to be a bright fireball out, which exploded, not far from his opponents. He instantly figured it out and ran with it, pointing the tube at the winged boy and Samus.

((Shining Eevee, any timetable on when the madness really starts?))
Tails finally found his balance and shot up into the air over the missile, flying as fast as he could. He cut his flight right behind Mecha Sonic, landed, and grinned.

I can't believe I survived that...but now I have an idea...

Tails shot his arm up as a machine that looked like a boxing glove on a spring, came bursting from under the ground right from under Mecha's feet.

Mecha Sonic was propelled through the air. Controlling his momentum as he slowed down. He activated his jets and maneuvered himself so he was facing Tails.

"No wonder I could never beat you. You just won't stay down."

This time, he pointed his left arm at Tails.

'You've been hit by countless Missiles, I've pummled you with my Master Form- my most powerful form!- And still you survive."

His left arm flipped over to reveal another hollow cylinder.

"I wasn't sure if i should use this, though. No other fighter has ever needed to use a rapid-fire weapon like this. At least, not to my knowledge."

He began to let lose with a stream of bullets.

"Go down and stay down!"
Tails activated his shield for a second and went straight into a roll, trying to get behind Mecha to grab him, throw him near the edge of the stage, and force him off with his blaster.

Please, let this work... he prayed silently.
Seeing this, Tails skidded to a halt and took to the air again, pulling out a bomb and throwing it in Mecha's path. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another flash.

Yes! Maybe I'll get it this time!
Mecha Spun forward, barely avoiding the bomb in the process, Jumped, and slammed into Tails.

"This time, I'll destroy you before you can reach it"
"Oh, rea-" he started to say before Mecha slammed into him. He regrouped and dashed towards the Smash Ball, knocking it away from Mecha and chased after it, but hanging back from it.

I've learned my lesson...I'm going to wait for it this time.
Movement speed: Stopped. Position: Distant from Smash Ball.

Total Computation- plans to remimic my original plan. Let's see how he likes it slmmaed back in his face

He aimed his wepaons in different directions- the machine gun at the Smash ball,a nd the missile launcher at tails.

He fired both weapons.

((Skymin, i say we wrap this up. The battle's been going on all day!))
((LOL, it has, hasn't it? Sorry...I was going to end it when you got the Smash Ball, but I just didn't want Tails to get completely curbstomped again...>_>))


He shot up into the air as fast as he could above the Smash Ball and pulled out his blaster. He fired down and it cracked open. He let out an ecstatic laugh as he pulled out a box that expanded into a plane. He hopped in the cockpit and flew above the stage, raining down a torrent of bullets.
Okay, time for plan B... why has Plan B always been the better one?

Mecha did something that would be both considered suicidal adn sane: He held both of his arms above his head.

Wait for it...
What the...

Tails was having none of that. He was winning, and dammit, he was going to finish this. He flew as low to the stage as he could, putting the plane into full throttle and firing straight ahead.
If Mecha Sonic could have grinned, he would've.

That plane might be indestructilbe, but if I hit the driver as it times out...

He began to fly out of the way.

Wait for it...
You're trying to dodge the plane? Hah! Dodge this!

Tails slammed down a button. A homing missile charged for a second, then fired.
Mecha Sonic turned around at the sound of a missile.

heh. guess I'll need to alter my plan a bit.

He fired all the energy he'd been concentrating at the missile.

That should stop it.
The missile faltered and burst into flame. Tails felt the energy begin to leave and the plane begin to disappate, but at the last second, he slammed the button again, grinning wildly.
Now what does he ahve up his sleeve? there's no way he could...


Mecha aimed both of his wepaons at teh plane.

This should be interesting...

((Last post of the day!))
((Alrighty then. Let's just say "Dun dun DUUUUN" and leave it at that. Actually, I'll go ahead and throw the match. We need to move on to other things now

Wow, this battle was epic.))

Tails watched in horror as his last homing missile was shot down. The plane disappeared and a stray missile caught him in the face. After all he had gone through, it was more than he could take, and he went flying off the stage.


((Zero for two...wow I suck. :P))
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