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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Meta Knight sighed. He knew he'd regret leaving the door unlocked.

"Kid, I'm waiting for someone right now. I don't have time for you and your games." Meta Knight scooted Pikachu out the door and shut it behind him.

When is that guy going to come?
"Oh, how confident. Too bad I'll have to destroy every inch of convidence you ahve."

"Still, I'm not without generosity. We fight with only Smash balls, but you'll decide where we go."
(I thought your name was PikaPika...)

Bowser scratched his head. "Ouch." He turned to Skylar. "Why not?" He put one foot back and showed his claws. "I won't scratch you that much, 'kay?"
Leaf shakily caught the remote, balancing on one foot. "I think I'll be all right... And yeah, that is kinda ironic..." She quickly inserted the disc and flipped through the main menu until she reached the section for the disc. Started the game an began playing*.

((*Don't I just use the best description?

And Terry, WTF? Look at our posts, and look at yours.))
"Fair enough," Tails responded. Looking around, he spotted a stage that looked like a village. On the sidelines were people and animals watching, waiting for a battle to start. The sign above it read "Smashville"

"We'll fight in Smashville." said Tails. The stage looks simple enough. There'll be no traps I have to worry about...
"very Well," mecha Sonic said. "Now I cna show you how much i've improved.

Analysis Initiating. Evasoinary tactics recommended.

Mecha Sonic activated the boosters on his back, flying up out of Tails' reach
PikaPika walked over to Smashville, and asked "May I join in fighting?" He took a Pokéball out of his pocket. "Hi-ya!"

"Ho-Oh! Fire Blast!" He blasted Ressetti who was outside the stadium. "Hmm..."
Tails pulled out a bomb and readied it. Spinning his tails, he took to the sky and threw the bomb at Mecha Sonic. He backed away to avoid the blast and put space between him and his opponent.
Ho-Oh was still out. PikaPika was mad, so he shot a thunderbolt at a Drifblim, which hit the stage. He was back home in 1 minute.

When he arrived, he went to Meta Knight's room. He knocked. "Hello?"
"Oh how cute. A little rat backed up by a giant bird. THis should be quick, easy and as painful as possible."

His right arm flipped over to reveal a cylinder split in half wiht a long, pointed object in the middle.

"I've been wanting to test this on a living being for years." He said.

before he could fire the missle, a bomb came shooting toward him. Unprepared, the explosive struck dead on, and he was sent flying toward the ground.

Analysis almost complete.

"So, you like playing rough, do you?" He said as he aimed the missile. 'Well, I Always play rough!"

And with that, he fired the missile at tails
"Yes! I got him!"

Tails spoke too soon, as a missile came bursting through the smoke from his own bomb and caught him square in the stomach. He was taken aback for a moment, and even though he hadn't fully recovered from the blow, he still powered himself towards Mecha Sonic with the intent of grabbing him and slamming him on the ground.
Meta Knight opened the door a crack to see Pikachu.

"I certainly hope you have a good reason to keep pestering me like this."
Analysis Complete. Data on Miles "Tails" Prower Uploaded.

It was then that Mecha saw tails Charging at him at high velocity.

His arm lashed out to garb the Fox.

'Now then, it's high time I pay you back in full."
Tails felt himself screech to a halt as a metallic hand clamped down on his leg. In a panic, Tails flipped around and lashed out with his tails.
Mecha Sonic pulled back.

"So, that's the way you want it to go then. Fine. i can live with that."

He held his hand over his head. A golden energy ball formed in his palm.

"the question is, can you?" He siad as he launched the energy beam.
Tails saw the blast coming and rolled out of the way. He felt the tips of his tails get singed, but he mostly avoided the damage. He cut off the roll and crouched down.

"You know, I've learned some new tricks, too!" he shouted bravely as a red blaster appeared over his right arm and he returned fire.
Skylar nodded. "All right, I'm Skylar!"

Immediately, he threw his spiky egg with electricity inside it at Bowser.
mecha Sonic, having launched the blast, barely had enough time to pull away, letting what would've been a rather damaging blast instead scorch his head spikes.

"You know, we could do this all day, Tails, but then the crowd would get bored. What say we finish this?"

At his words, a flash of light went off, indicating the appearance of a Smash ball.

At last.
Tails saw the flash, too, and without answering Mecha Sonic, took to the air and flew at it, giving it two kicks.
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