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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Pit twisted around and fired an arrow of light at Zamus's head. He stabbed at her with his swords, and took a few steps backwards.
Meta Knight skidded a bit after his failed attempt and scrambled to his feet. He needed something that couldn't be dodged so easily. Recalling his wings, he charged at Wolf, his feet about two inches off the ground. Once he was up close, he unleashed flurry of sword slashes to his face.
There were many battles going on, but Yoshi was watching a particular one. He cheered, clapped his hands and jumped on the air as he watched Meta Night. "Go, go!" He cried, grinning and sticking his tongue out.
Pit ran over to the Smash Ball and slashed at it twice. He spun his swords, catching Zamus again with the attack.
Zamus was hit by the swords, however rebounded and hit the smash ball and broke in. ((I think that we should wait for whatshisname.))
((Mmm, maybe we should. *flips through the rest of the RP* Holy, we did 9 pages in two days! Maybe we should take a break... Or not. This was a kickass idea, Shining Eevee.))
((Mmm, maybe we should. *flips through the rest of the RP* Holy, we did 9 pages in two days! Maybe we should take a break... Or not. This was a kickass idea, Shining Eevee.))
((Glad you think so, but why should we take a break? Things are just warming up, and most of us are in the middle of a fight.))
((Well, more to continue it. And we've done 9 pages!! What I meant was like a five minute break, you know, get up from the computer, walk around, eat a cookie or two.))
((Holy sweet mother of... Wow. And now I ahve to find out some way to fit Mecha into all of this))

Mecha Sonic entered the arena.

It's too bad I've missed some of their fights, now I'm going to ahve to crush them without analissy. Oh well... I like a good challenge

"Which of you inferior biologicals would challenge me?"
"Okay, Leaf! Hurry Up! There's a Wii!"
Nana yelled back. Popo gave her a dirty look. He picked up a Wii controller and looked at the TV for a minute, then chuckled.
"They have Ice Climbers on virtual console. Nan, come on. We're playing. Now."

((And I just now thought of nicknames for them. >> Poppy and Nan. Or something. Oh well.))
Marth followed up, jumping down on a robot, propelling it off the field border, where it vanished. It was then that the stadiums floor opened up, and split to reveal a large grating covering three high powered fans. Smiling, Marth jumped, soaring much higher than his usual jump would, and, pressing the air with his legs, jumped again. How they could do that here was a mystery, but he didn't complain...he looked rather dramatic, descending upon his foe with cape fluttering behind him and sword held above his head.
Tails gasped a little to himself when he saw Mecha Sonic enter the training room. Encounters with him never ended well, and here he was, barging in and ready for a fight.

Never taken him on by myself before... Tails thought, But maybe...
Shadow jumped high into the air, and came down on 2 bots with a powerful attack, knocking them both onto the ground, and bouncing them back, right over his head. He then threw a chaos bob at them both and they went flying off-screen.

((Good night all. Hasta mañana.
((Mewtwo, I think they got a new room.))

Leaf followed them into the room, slowing down to a walk. "If you want to... I rather play Battle Revolution but you guys came first..."
Kirby went to apply for a room, and he got a key. On his way there, he saw a room with quite a few people. Walking in, he saw the Ice Climbers, who he recognized from past games, and 2 new people, which he thought looked like they were from Pokemon. Poking his head ((AKA his whole body)) into the room, he saw the Ice Climbers playing... Ice Climbers. "Well, THAT was unexpected," he said, groaning and having a heavy tone of sarcasm in his voice. He knocked twice on the open door and went in. "Hey Nana and Popo!" he said with joy, seeing his friends again. "Playing Ice Climbers again?" He now looked back at the Pokemon Trainers. "And who are you guys?"
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