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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"I would love to train." Zamus said to the pokemon, "But what should I call you. I'm Samus, But you can call me Zamus."
Marth, having gone through a few chapters of Fire Emblem, had gone down to the training room, where already things had begun. Sighing, he began to set up a stage where he could simply train up against the fighting drones. Stepping into the a holo-room, he watched as the pure white walls morphed to form the battlefield stage, and, immediatly, three differently colored robots dropped from the sky. The prince smirked slightly, and charged, sword to his side.
"Well, we're not always together, but usually. Hence, 23/7. Mostly, the rare times when one of us get knocked out in a fight. Well, we're gonna go find a room, I guess."
While Popo was talking, Nana was running up the steps. Throwing down one end of the rope from before, she pulled him up and they went inside an empty room. Nana poked her head out of the door again for a moment and shouted,
"C'mon, trainer person! Hurry up!"
Once Shadow beat Tails he left silently and walked over to the Holo-room, where he saw the Fire Emblem prince Marth fighting three robots. He stood and watched as one of the robots came down and was hid head on with a sweet-spot shield breaker attack. Shadow was impressed. He wanted to see what happens next.
Marth smiled to himself as he spun, his blades dancing in the artificial sunlight, as robots were flung to all sides of him. Slashing rapidly at ones legs, he spun around to stab another, before jumping, sword held out, to eliminate one that had just spawned from the air.

"Hehe...Items on!" He commanded, and a small, clicking soudn was heard, before a Pokeball materialized in teh air before him, before landing on a floating platform. Running towards it, he grabbed it, spun around, and tossed it. The very impact sent one drone flying, and, from it emerged a cream colored cat, which proceeded produce coin like projectiles that pummeled several more of the drones. Grinning, Marth finished them off, ejecting them from the hail of currency.
Skylar yawned, stretching his sapphire-blue arms. His long, red tongue shot out of his mouth like a frog's, but returned a few seconds later. He hopped off of his small bed and hungered for training. Immediately, he skipped off to wherever the training place was. Maybe he could try some moves other than his tongue, for a change...

The room was definitely nearby, and he looked around for an opponent anxiously.
((Aye, I've got to think of something. Not much to work with here, will probably be something simple.))

"Hm. They call me Aggron.", Aggron replied to both humans. One had wings, appearing to be signifigantly younger than the other, a female of the species, wearing a tight blue suit. One was armed with a bow, the other with a gun. An interesting matchup. I've got an idea., he thought.
He announced his idea to both of them, "You know what? All three of us. Fighting at the same time. Sounds like it'll be fun, both of you in?"
"Sure thing. I'm in. Let's do this!" Zamus yelled, and she ran into the training room.
Shadow continued to watch Marth fight, and then yelled "Hey, Can I help? Tag team Battle against the Bots."
After a quick nap in his room, Tails ran back to the training room, raring to go.

That last battle was scary...but it was a lot of fun! Hope there's still someone to fight with...

Inside, he saw Aggron, Pit, and a blonde woman in a blue jumpsuit preparing for battle. He wasn't sure whether to interrupt them or not.
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Pit readied his bow-swords, and spun them in a quick circle. He crouched down, waiting for the others to be ready.
Tails saw the battle was just about to start. He decided to sit this one out and just watch.

((LOL, I feel as if I've been taking over this RP too much...@_@.))
Marth, hearing the voice, shouted out "Pause!" instantly, the bots froze in midair, and he turned to open a door, seeing Shadow.

"Er...sure. Just let me..." He said, before going voer to the computer terminal and making some changes. "...Ok, and we'll just head over to Pokemon Stadium Two." He said, clicking a final button, and, with that, the holographic room reset itself. "After you." Marth, in all his noble curtousy, bowed Shadow through the door.
Shadow Moved into the room. The electronic announced said, "GO!" Two robots fell from the sky and Shadow immediately rushed at one and killed it, then transported in a blast of chaos energy and killed the second, and then shot a chaos blast at the other.

((Me three Skymin. But I feel that way with most of the RPs I join))
((Lol. So I'm not alone. Well, to be fair, we've pretty much been the only ones here...

I'ma go for a while. Be back later. :D))
((But then, we're missing the point of RPing.))
Pit crouched down and jumped, flying up into the air. He made an arrow of light, and focused on Aggron, moving his bow just a bit. Pit loosed the arrow, and watched it fly.
Pit took the whip in the wing, and fell out of the air. He ran towards Zamus and spun his blades in a circle.
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