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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Pit stepped back in surprise.
"Uh, okay.." he agreed unsurely, and followed Shadow back to the training room.
((Sorry, I can't do this now, I have to go. :F It's 10:20pm in Canada! Bye people~))
((See ya! :D))

On his way to the training room, Tails spotted Pit walking into the training room with Shadow. So Shadow is here. Thought I saw him earlier...

"Hey! Sorry I'm late! I'm up for some training, too!"
Tails followed, trying to pose bravely, but was really a bit nervous. Sure, he'd been through a lot following Sonic around, but one-on-one fights were rare to him.

Whatever happens, I'll just do the best I can...
The announcer came over the speaker "Ready, 3, 2, 1, GO!" Shadow teleported behind Tails and struck with a chaos punch.
Yeeowch!, he yelled internally as Shadow's fist connected with the back of his head. Immediately, he powered his tails and took to the air. On his right hand appeared a red turret, and he fired a burst of energy.

((Sorry, had to go look up a Sonic Battle video because I forgot what Tails's moves were. ^_^;))
Shadow activated his shield for a second and jumped into the air and started teleporting forward rushing towards tails. He then spun around, dissapeared, and reappeared in a blast of chaos energy near tails.
Tails quickly backed away from the blast, then dashed back forward towards Shadow, lashing out with his tails in mid-air. Behind his back, he readied a bomb.
Shadow teleported across the battle field, and picked up a bumper. He leaped up into the air and threw it at Tails. Just then a Smash Ball appeared, and he ran at it.
Picking a door at random, Aggron turned the knob and pushed it open. The room inside was big enough, though it was built for two, after all. Finding the room to his satisfaction, he stepped back into the hallway and downstairs to find out just what all was contained within the confines of this building. A map pasted onto a wall directed him to one of a few training rooms. As he romped down the hall towards the training room, he heard something on the other side of the wall. A few low rumbles. He had found it. Aggron found the door and threw it open. Two humanoids, definitely not human, were battling each other inside.
Zamus ran down the stairs and stepped into one of the training rooms. She saw a pokemon watching a battle between Shadow and Tails. "Hey, you wanna train with me?" she said to the pokemon.
Tails flew over the bumper and spotted the smash ball. He immediately threw the bomb in Shadow's path and flew towards the smash ball as fast as he could, though careful to stay out of the bomb's explosion range.
Shadow quickly teleported through the bomb, but got hit with a small bit of the blast. He ran over to the smash ball and attacked it three times with a midair attack.
Tails gave the smash ball two kicks and it activated. Tails felt himself glowing with energy. With that, he threw a small box on the ground, which expanded into a plane. He hopped into the cockpit and took to the air, raining down bullets in a wide sweep.
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Shadow rolled every time that the gunshots came near him, but he got hit by 2 or three, and was hurt. He rebbounded and started jumping over the shots.
When the Final Smash ended, Tails jumped out of the plane, which went flying off on its own. When he landed, Tails quickly dashed forward, attempting to grab Shadow and slam him down with his tails.
Shadow couldn't move quickly enough and was caught by Tails' grab, and was shot up into the air. He fell down quickly and touchdowned gracefully, and then rushed at tails at full speed, attempting to rush through him for a giant damage attack.

((Night all, Be back tomorrow. And BTW, can I make a third Maciah/Sothe tag team brawler?))
Tails tried to dodge, but wasn't fast enough. The attack hit dead-on, and tails was knocked back and off the stage.

"GAME!" the voice over the speakers said.

When Tails finally came back, he sat down and rubbed his head in pain. "Wow, that was amazing! Good game, Shadow!" But by then, Shadow had already left. Tails stood up and headed for the exit.

((G'night to ya. Awesome battle there! :D))
Dang it, I can't believe I'm late. I missed Lucario, Pikachu, Pokémon trainer, and Kirby, the only ones I know how to play! D:

Sorry, I promised I would join, but I won't have the Wii for a week or so, so I won't be able to join this. *cries*

And no, I don't mean to be a crybaby. It's just that when I'm frustrated, sad, disappointed and angry at the same time, it's hard for me to control myself.
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