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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Tails! My old nemesis! How good to see you."

mecha Sonic walked over to the two-tailed fox.

"I still owe you a beating from when you, Sonic and Knuckles triple-teamed me. How about we settle our score?"
((What's weird is that I used to think Tails was a girl until I saw this. o_O
But I've never seen or played Sonic, so I guess you can't blame me.))

Skylar nodded. "Anyone up for a training battle?" he asked absentmindedly.
((Y'all are so rude. >:C
Sorry about that though, I had to go to work. Luckily, I have a life. :P
Philly, you probably take over RPs because you post too much.))

Aggron looked up in time to see a shaft of light flying at him. It struck, but nothing he couldn't take. He then remembered that both of his opponents were armed with ranged weapons. They're more mobile, too. At least this arena isn't too massive., he thought. He reentered the world to find another glowing ball with the crossed lines on it. However, the female, Samus, had already beaten it up. Not knowing what would happen, Aggron charged the winged one, claws ready to grapple him, hoping to at least take him down as well in whatever ensued.
((Sorry, I was gone for a while. I'm back now! :D))

"Fine by me!" Tails shouted at the robot with no shortage of bravado. In his mind, he was scared as hell, but he put a look of determination on his face.

I've fought him before, just not by myself. I can do this... he thought.

((By the way, awesome character choice. Mecha Sonic = Pure awesome. :D))
((Entering the Dojo?

Also, guys - you post far too fast! Eiht pages yesterday, two today.))

Link sighed. The pink blob hadn't noticed him, and had gone away. He decided he'd go and find himself a room.

He eventually found one to his liking. It was quite small, and the top bunk of the bed had green blankets. He climbed up and dumped his bag in an end corner of the bunk, then jumped down and noticed the weird machine in a corner. He had heard others calling it a 'Tee-Vee', but he had no idea what it was. Curious, he began prodding at the various buttons it its front, and gave a terrified yelp when suddenly the large black square on front turned white, with lots of little black dots zooming around it, along with a nasty sound like a never-ending piece of paper that was being ripped apart.
((Zephyrous Castform, you have a wierd sense of humor.=D))
Pit felt something grab his wings, and he tried to turn aroubd. It was Aggron, who was back in the fight. He was covered in armour, so it seemed he had no weak spots, and Pit fired an arrow at his eye. He turned back to the smash ball and kicked at it desparately.
((Who should end up getting it?))
Bowser had no idea what he was supposed to be doing, but entered the dojo anyway.

He asked what was in his mind. "What are we supposed to be doing?" He looked over at Link, who had pressed his--or the machine's--buttons a bit, and then some sort of... thing. He shrugged.
Seeing the little headthing run at him a full pelt, Wolf immediately counterattacked with a charge of himself, using all his four limbs to run.

Meeting in the middle, Wolf unleashed his own flurry of claws at his pint-sized enemy, each strike from him being blocked by the runeblade.
Meta Knight was having a hard time keeping up with Wolf's attacks. He was waiting for a break in the onslaught, and a two second stall out of him was all he needed to make a good strike. But he could tell nothing would make his opponent let up; he was the one that would let up if any of them did. So he kicked off of Wolf's last strike and landed no more than an inch from the wall, waiting for his foe's next move.
(Terry: What the bloody hell was the point of that?)

As soon as the headthing backed away, Wolf knew at the back of his mind that the enemy would use the gap to gain an advantage. He immediately stepped forward, his razor-sharp claws aimed at the visor; its only visible weakness. However, he stopped just as the tip of his claws entered the helm, and stood frozen waiting for even a twitch of movement from either of them. He smiled, knowing that Galaxia's tip was mere inches away from his throat.

"Nicely done."
((What Grimdour said.))

"You did quite well yourself (I think). If you'll just remove your claws from my visor, I'll be on my merry way."

Meta Knight casually strolled out of the arena. He stopped when he saw Lucario, still meditating by that blasted note. Nudging him, he wondered if he was dead. Now that's just silly. How can you die in that sort of stance? He'd fall over with rigamortis.

Back in his room, Room 1-2, Meta Knight grabbed a sticky note from his luggage, which was nothing more than a grocery bag. Sitting down at the coffee table, he began writing on it with a pen:

"If you're reading this, then you're obviously not dead."

Meta Knight balled that one up and tossed it in the bin. He tried again.

"Sorry I had to stick this note to you, but you weren't listening to a word I was saying. I thought you might wish to be my roomate. When you get this, I'm in Room 1-2 and I've left the door unlocked.

Meta Knight"

Meta Knight promptly left the room with sticky note in hand and walked up to Lucario. Summoning his wings, he flew in his face and stuck the note to his snout, hoping he wouldn't sneeze, and returned to his room.
PikaPika was now bored. He walked to his room and got out his laptop. "I wish my son, Pichu was here." he muttered.

He started searching for Meta Knight. "Hey, Meta Knight! Where are you!"
Skylar ate the cloud, vibrated for a bit, then stopped and layed an egg. "Whoever wants to fight, can! I'm ready! How about you, Bowser?"
Nana grabbed Kirby and gave him a huge hug, happily squealing incoherently.
Popo rolled his eyes and quit the game, then tossed the remote to Leaf.
"Go ahead. Looks like we've stopped playing." He shrugged, then attempted to unwrap Nana's arms from around Kirby.
"Yep. Nana's terrible at Ice Climbers, which is pretty ironic. The trainer's Leaf."
Nana interrupted her brother,
"No I'm not! I'm just more used to NES controllers, is all. Speaking of which, do you think he's here? I hope so. We've been practicing fighting a lot. I hope I didn't hurt you with the hug. Oh oh! Is Link here? He's nice. Or Kid Icarus. H-"
"Pit, Nan. His name isn't actually-"
"Oh, fine. But still. I bet Link's gonna get locked in a washing machine accidentally or go berserk at Ganondorf if he comes to fight. OrOrOr do you think they have an NES here to play? T-"
The other Ice Climber pulled a mitten off his hand and stuffed it in Nana's mouth. Pointing to her head, he warned Leaf,
"I hope you realize she'll be like this non-stop unless you duct tape her mouth shut, right? Constantly. Just a warning. You know the old, 'Little sisters never shut up'? It's actually true."
He threw their bag and two huge wooden hammers on the top bunk, and climbed up. Popo pulled down the hood of his parka and shook his head like a puppy, then dropped his boots onto the ground.
"Should I get Nana out of here?"
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