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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Bowser was just about to follow Skylar into the air when he heard a shout, declaring that the battle was over. He started applauding quietly and slightly.

"Good battle. It would have been more entertaining if there was a Final Smash, but I didn't want to hurt you that much. It was short, but fun."
Skylar had also been shouting "Wheeeeee!" Even though he had lost. Somehow, he was thrown back onto the stage, shook hands with Bowser, and skittishly ran off to his room.
Bowser scratched the back of his head, behind the tuft of hair. "That kid's entertaining. I can't wait to battle with him again."

((*insert place into which whoever wants to recruit Bowser to attempt to do so*))
((Wow...I'm sorry if I seem like I'm taking over this RP. I don't mean it, it's just the way things have worked out. I'll slow down a bit.))

It definitely took a while for Tails to regroup after that epic battle. He stumbed out of the training room and headed towards his own room.

Lost again...but it was so close! He cracked a smile, I never even thought I would get that far! That was amazing!

Now, he decided, he was going to take it easy for a bit. Next time...next time he wasn't going to lose.

((I hope my next battle is a little more casual...>_>))
Impressed, Wolf walked over to the turtle dragon with a slight grin on his face.

"Congratulations. You're now a member of the Star Wolf team." He said as he passed by Bowser, pushing an indigo wolf-shaped badge into his hand. He then proceeded to enter one of the empty rooms, satisfied with his plan to win whatever he just got himself into.
"Star Wolf team?" Bowser was slightly confused at this, and looked at the badge in his massive paw. He shrugged, lumbering to his room and shutting the door, though not all the way, behind him. He placed the badge on his dresser.
"Does that kid have anything better to do than to pluck my nerves?" Meta Knight spat. I have a feeling I'm going to have to give up on whats-his-name. Maybe I'll find someone else...

At the lobby, he saw two combatants leave, neither of which he had seen before. One was a sleek blue miniature dinosaur, and the other was this mean looking turtle-guy with a green, spiked shell and horns. As he watched them leave, Meta Knight thought to himself.

On first glance I might want to befriend turtle-guy. However, I'd have to live with the guy for a while, so... the little guy might be a better bet..

"Excuse me! Uh, you there! The little blue dinosaur! You wouldn't happen to have a roomate already, would you?"

((Sorry, Flora, but you really haven't been doing anything. :/
By the way, I'll be leaving in about 4 hours or so, and I won't be back until tommorrow. Just go on about your business.))
PikaPika came behind Wolf, and gave him a good old zap. "Can I be a member?" Then he launched an Iron Tail at a lamppost, which should fall on Wolf. "Hmm..."
PikaPika came behind Wolf, and gave him a good old zap. "Can I be a member?" Then he launched an Iron Tail at a lamppost, which should fall on Wolf. "Hmm..."
((Uh, Wolf already got a roomate. Try again. :/))
((SE, to become a member of Team StarWolf.))

The lamppost hit the ground.

The dust blinded PikaPika, and he shot a thunderbolt at a tree, which set on fire. Terry ran to find help. "HELP! FIRE!"
((Terry, why is there a lamppost and a tree inside the dojo? Also, you keep switching between names.))
"Meta Knight. Sir Meta Knight, actually, but... Nevermind. I already have the room picked out, so just follow me." He started up the stairs.

((And if you missed it, it's Room 1-2))

EDIT: ((Hang on, Terry. I thought Wolf was in the lobby. Heck, if you just knocked on Meta Knight's door a few minutes ago (in their world), how would you already be back in Smashville without a challenger? Confusion hurteth the brains...))
"Come on! Help!"

At the same moment, Smashville was destroyed. PikaPika gulped hard.
((Look, Terry, you're really making a confused mess out of things. Smashville CANNOT be destroyed as its a simulation like all the other stages. This also kinda falls under the whole, "Don't kill Gandolf" thing, only with a plot important stage, since we have to have some stages to fight on.))
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