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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Pit walked into the lounge, grabbing a cup of coffee off a table. He downed it in a gulp, and tossed it away. Pit went to read a notice that a few battlers were gathering around, about a caretaker coming by. He went to sit in a chair, and stretched out his wings.

Sorry I didnt really read the front page ^.^'
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((You can't have anyone from a series that isn't already in brawl, and there are already 5 newcomers. You can't do that))
Tails followed Pit into the break room. He didn't really care for coffee, so he reached into a mini-fridge and grabbed a Dr. Pepper. Cracking it open, he went to sit down and looked around for anyone who would be up for a challenge.
((Meh, Dr. Pepper is... fail. Well, it is to me. COFFEE FTW!!))
Pit stood up to watch the match in Smashville. Maybe he could fight the winner sometime later?...
((How...DARE YOU! Just kidding. :p I personally like coffee, but I don't think Tails would. He seems like a Dr. Pepper-man to me))
Nana stared at Tails for a minute, then started following him, looking hypnotized. Popo could hear her mumbling, "fluffy..". He blinked and went to get some hot chocolate. He wouldn't be surprised if she called him a stuffed animal or something.
Crazy kid. Actually, I am too.
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Tails looked behind him to see a small girl in a pink parka. I knew someone was following me...

He turned to her. "Hello," he said politely, but a little nervously, "Is there something I can help you with?"
"Fluffy... are you real? Can I hug you? Please?"
Nana asked, still staring. Popo called after her,
"So a polar bear in neon pink swim trunks is normal to you, and he isn't? Weirdo."
Ten bucks says someone's gonna get beaten up. Well, she had to learn not to act creepy eventually.
"Umm...o-okay." he said shakily. She doesn't seem too dangerous...but still... "And my name's Tails. What's yours?"
"I'm Nana! And he's Popo! The one talking about swim trunks! He's a funny rodent. Hug time!"
She gave Tails a hug then ran back to Popo, giggling and squealing,
The expression on his face was priceless... Well, she won't act like that in a fight. Little fluffy pink.. berserker? This might actually be a good strategy. Look all adorable and harmless, then during a match, attack really violently and stuff. Hm. Then again, she'll probably just freak everyone out with the hugging. Well, it's worth a try.
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Meta Knight saw that Skylar had stopped abruptly in front of him. He figured there was no other practical reason for him to do that unless it was a precursor to an attack. Not having much time to think, Meta Knight dove into a spin with sword outstretched, giving him a drill-like appearance.

I'm gonna be siiiick...
"DREEEEEEEEELL!" Skylar cried, hoping to make Meta Knight laugh. He leaped up and over Meta Knight, just out of his sword's reach, and did so on the other side, so he was right back where he started. Then he repeated what he had just done. "Drilldrilldrilldrill..."
"Huh?" Meta Knight skidded a ways as he landed. Straitening up, he eyed Skylar as he was shouting 'drill' over and over again. Is... he okay? Maybe it's a diversion. Or maybe... he's mentally ill? Curious, he inched towards the preoccupied looking Yoshi. Just a little closer...

He reached out and gripped Skylar by the neck. Throwing him down, he jumped on top of him and kicked him several times before striking at him to send him flying.
((Nana is a danger to society, and herself. And you know it.)) Pit watched in amusement as Nana jumped around Tails. He remembered the Ice Climbers from a few earlier tournaments and battles... unfortunately. He grabbed another cup off a table. This was better than TV.
Skylar attempted to jump away, but Meta Knight grabbed him by the tail. Still, the result was the same, and he flew up into the air.

((Does this mean he goes offscreen or...?))
Wolf watched the match eagerly, gathering data on both competitors.

After what seemed like eternity, he left the room and went on to the lobby, filled with eccentric and somewhat insane beings.

"Great, this place is a loony bin."
((Well, the moved I based that off of was Meta Knight's down throw, Kicking Slam, all except for the strike rather than the slam. It has decent horizontal knockback under normal circumstances, but since Skylar jumped up, causing Meta Knight to aim him in a different direction, the knockback would probably be diagonal. So Skylar would probably be about 6 inches from the edge but at least 4 feet in the air. Yes, I realize I overthink these things.))

"What, leaving already?" Meta Knight mocked. Nearly the instant he finished his sentence, a blinding light flashed for a split second as the Smash Ball appeared. It was right over Skylar's head! Meta Knight stared for a second and took off towards the ball.
Skylar looked up and caught the ball with his tongue. Suddenly, power surged through him as he landed, and he ran at Meta Knight as fast as he could, sticking out his tongue unexpectedly from a distance.

Please let this work...
He... ate it? But... he's not glowing or anything... Suddenly, Meta Knight had an idea. Before Skylar's tongue could reach him, he hopped up onto his back. Using the flat edge of the blade, he began hitting him just below the neck. Each time he did this, it made a sickening 'WHACK!'.

"Alright, kid, use it or lose it! I'm not afraid to dissect you if I have to!" he said half serious and half jokingly as he attempted to gag Skylar.

((Never a dull moment, is there?))
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