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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Wolf wasn't doing anything, so Falco shrugged and went over to where Wolf was. A bit contemtuously, he pushed Wolf off and spat down after him. Shrugging, he returned to the lobby. It's as if Wolf suddenly froze up. Oh, well. Proves I'm superior.

((A bit unconventional, but HE HADN'T POSTED FOR DAYS!!!))
((Perhaps it would've been a bit more conventional if there was, say, a system error. After all, it is possible since the stage is a simulation generated by software. Just a suggestion. Also, the rules should be up soon.))
((It seems Philly was banned, and now that I'm done searching his posts like crazy trying to figure out why (I never did find out, btw), I've removed him and his character from the roster. I also did the same with Jigglypuff and Midnight, even though they dropped out a long time ago. Just thought I'd mention it so I can bump the thread.))
((I know, I can't figure out why he was banned, either...))

Luigi turned away from the unresponsive Fox and headed down to the cafè. Lord,why does every other person dat I talk to not answer me? Luigi sat down, ordered a doughnut and some coffee (creamer and two sugars), and then noticed Meta Knight. The round warrior had always given Luigi the heebee-jeebies for some reason...
((So... what happens now?))

Aggron looked around the lobby area. Some were going into the cafe. He followed suit, hoping there would be metal for him to eat. So hungry...
Finding the chairs a bit too small for one os his physique, Aggron picked one up, looked at it, and ate it, shoving the whole thing into his mouth and chewing loudly. He then sat down in front of a table.
"What are you doing?!", the Kirlia waitress asked.
"Eating. Got anymore metal?", Aggron replied.
"Yeah. I eat metal. Keeps my body strong. So spare some, please."
"Okay...", the waitress replied as she whirled off. She came back with a frying pan and a golf club.
"Thanks a bunch.", Aggron said with a smile. He feasted, which was none too pleasant due to the metal-on-metal grinding noises.
((Philly (In real life) has suggested that he goes into the café, it blows up))

Ike watched at Dedede hit the smash ball with his hammer. "Ha! One hit won't destroy it!"
Ike ran over and used Aether quite quickly on the smash ball, trying to destroy it.
((Pit is sooo not dead >_>))

Pit opened his eyes and looked around. Was that the Wii on? Crap, he must've fallen asleep while playing. Pit quickly turned it off and ran down to the lounge.
((Don't ask how it's possible to fall asleep after getting high on coffee >:/))
((Pretty much wait until 10pm so I can start the next day. I know, boring, right? But, at least tommorrow should be considerably less filler-ish.))

Meta Knight glanced over at the familiar green mustache guy from earlier that had sat down near him.


The hell was that?! He turned around a saw where the noise was coming from. "Goddamn! You mind eating a bit quieter?!" He abruptly realized the size of what he was talking to. ...Maybe I should just shut up now...
Aggron swallowed the frying pan down, then shoved the golf club down into his mouth, worked on it a bit, then swallowed. He looked around, thinking he heard something. There was a skinny green-clad human and the short, round, winged thing again.
"'Scuse me? Did somebody say something to me?", Aggron asked nobody in particular.
"Nope, nope, nothing at all." Meta Knight replied in a slightly nervous tone. He then noticed the waitress with a cup of coffee. "There you are, sir." It gingerly set the cup in front of him and went off to attend another table.

((Make that three posts (now one post) later. Sorry, but I had to post.))
"I told you the Smash Ball is mine!" King Dedede yelled again and hit Ike with his hammer to get him away from the Smash Ball, "It belongs to the king!" He jumped after it, trying his best to hit it.
Tails dashed out of the cafe awkwardly.

Seven...Dr...Peppers....Must...find...bathroom! He yelled mentally. Fin ally, at long, glorious last, he found it! He went inside.

After he was done, he decided that he would go find Pit and see what he was up to.

((Yep, more filler. Biding my time until tomorrow, where I will seek out a battle.))
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Mecha Sonic was walking by the café when he heard the sound of a loud clang.

Oh. Well this could be worth examining.

He entered the café to see the masked being that he'd been watching earlier talking to a giant armored creature.

As much as I'd like to know what that's about, I'd rather not get involved in any buisness of a biological.
My sister (StarDust Dragon) said that she doesn't go on here any longer so methinks you may want to give her character back up.

I'll take Olimar!
Character: Olimar
nickname: Olimar (none)
Ike saw Dedede going after him, but he was unaffected due to his immovability while using Aether.

He continued, almost at the Smash Ball.
Olimar was curious as ever to find out where he was and his surroundings. Olimar loved to explore. He was so shy yet excited at the same time. *Wibble* he said to his pikmin friends as they seeded themselves into their surroundings. Today was the day he was going to show that he was truly brave! He waddled outside with his group of pikmin to find civilisation. Out of his room and into the central. The first thing that caught his attention was the big sign. Caf-e? He studied the sign a little longer and then pointed towards the sign heroically. He was going to conquer this "caf-e" he got the pikmin to form a ladder to the roof. Olimar slowly climbed up and...Success! he had reached the roof! He looked around *wibble* he climbed up to the sign and tried to rip it off. Nope it was tightly stuck. Olimar looked around. No one. Olimar was stuck up there. *aww...wibble*

EDIT: Someone please reply. I wanna get going.
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My sister (StarDust Dragon) said that she doesn't go on here any longer so methinks you may want to give her character back up.

I'll take Olimar!
Character: Olimar
nickname: Olimar (none)
((Accepted. And you do realize that the cafe is inside the Dojo, right?))
((Pit has no bladder! He is immune to the brainwaves that cause one to feel the need to go empty it!))
Pit arrived in the lounge and immeadiately grabbed someone's coffee. He downed it and looked out the window.
"Holy crap," he yelled. "What time is it?"
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