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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((Oh okay... I was gonna start a fight for the mornign but okay.))

Olimar woke up. He was under the bed this time. Damn hes gotta get this thing right. He woke up to see his pikmin in the ground. It was quite early so he set off on his own rather bravely. He went to Luigis room. He was pretty convinced that the green man was a friend and he could protect him if things got nasty. *Wibble* He set off out of the room in search of Luigi. He knocked on his door.
((He'll just come in the morning AKA Now or whenever you feel like it. The events of that night don't really affect him directly.))

((Oh, sorry, I thought you meant that when you said locked at the last part you locked everyone in the Dojo, or something like that, and left. But I guess I got it wrong))

Pearl woke up early, full of energy as always. He quickly put his clothes on, while telling himself: "Today I'll show everyone at this place who the CHAMPION is, and that'd be me!" He got his bag with the Poké balls and various other items and ran away to his way to the café to eat breakfast.

the doors to the Dojo opened and a short, orange-haired boy entered the building, he looked around and saw the poster sitting on a wall, probably as a message to the Brawlers that just arrived. He went up to read it. "I wonder if there's a Café or something like that around here, I'm quite hungry.." He thought, and went up the stairs, looking for a place to eat breakfast at.
Captain Falcon looked at his imaginary watch, then his stomach rumbled, Damnit! Why'd I skip breakfast so I could get a battle. Then he walked off to the Café place nearby and ordered a coffee.
Luigi let out a loud snort and then promptly fell from his bed. Was that knocking he heard? Luigi struggled to get up, and promptly fell do to the sheets tangled around his legs. Luigi jumped up and ran to his door, opening it to find that same, short man from before in front of him, surrounded by those rainbow-plant-people.

"Erm, good morning... Do you wanna go get food or somting?" Luigi said, rubbing his stomach and miming eating food.
Tails' eyes creaked open, met by a glint of sunlight from the window.

"Mmmphfivemoreminutes..." he said, apparently to no one. As he was closing his eyes again...



He leaped straight up into the bunk above him, hitting his head and coming down with a dull thud.

"Oww...what a way to wake up..." he grumbled as he turned off the alarm clock. Pulling himself up out of bed, he looked up into the large room. He spun his tails and flew up in the air, limbering himself up a bit until he landed and left the room to the cafe to get some donuts.

It's been too long since I had a battle, he thought to himself, I should definitely seek one out.

((Tails is now up for challenges. And I'm back full-time into this RP. Also, happy birthday, Exo-Raikou. :3))
Alright, I'll get something for you all to eat, just get off me..., Aggron said in his dream. He was basking in the sun when a few Aron clambered on top of him to wake him up.

Aggron woke up to find he was still at the Dojo, rather than a pleasant mountain. He scratched at his belly, feeling something was a bit strange about this morning. He shrugged it off, though. Onwards to breakfast!, he thought, getting up off the floor.

Aggron stomped down the stairs towards the cafe, and spotted a familiar human boy, "Good morning, eh, Pearl, right?", he greeted.
((Thank you))

Mecha Sonic looked around, seeing the various fighters come from upstairs.

It wouldn't be that interesting to defeat them if they hadn't enough time to get their bearings, so I will return to the cafe, and see what goes on from there

With that plan in mind, He jetted toward the cafe.
Meta Knight sat up. The alarm clock on the dresser read 7:03am. ...That was the most absolutely retarded dream I've ever had. Peering down over the side of the bed, he noticed Skylar was still asleep. Hopping out of bed from a little over three feet up, he landed with a CLINK! as the soles of his metal shoes hit the ground. "Hey. Skylar. Get up. I can't be bothered to give you a proper waking-up this morning, so. That is, if you're listening..." He glanced over at the sleeping Yoshi and left.

At the cafe, Meta Knight sat down at a random table and leaned back in his seat, nearly tipping over the chair. He hadn't slept well for whatever reason. Either way, his "glorious caffeine" was sure to do the trick.

"Good morning, sir!" the Kirlia waitress danced over to the table. Kirlias always seem to be in their best moods in the morning. "May I have your order, please?"
"Coffee. Got any large mugs about the equivalent of five small cups?"
"Erm... we may have something along those lines, sir. I'll be back in a moment..." it danced back off into the kitchen. Minutes later, it practically stumbled back as it held a huge mug filled nearly to the brim with coffee. Its legs wobbled as it carried the mug back to the table. It was at least nine inches tall.
"Here you are, sir." it took a second to catch its breath and hurried back to the kitchen.

Meta Knight tilted his head slightly as he marveled at the largest cup of coffee he's seen all week. Wow... simply breathtaking! Come to think of it, it's taller than I am.
I may need a straw.

((Oh, and before any of you get in any battles, there will be morning exercises this morning.))
Skylar jumped out of bed. "Right here!" He said in his silly voice. He watched Meta Knight leave, probably to get coffee. Skylar didn't feel like any, however, and glanced out the door for a moment before heading out to the training section. But he wasn't looking for a battle at the moment.
Bowser's dreams about a depressed mountain ended. He could see the real world once again, and he slowly sat up in his bottom-bunk bed. Hoping that the mattress was strong enough to take a few pokes from his shell, he touched his elephant-esque feet to the floor and left downstairs to the lounge.
As Pearl hurried to the Café he heard a familiar voice and turned around, seeing Aggron. "Oh, it's you again! nice to see you!" He exclaimed. "I was going to the Café to get breakfast, ten seconds before I dash!"
"Oh forget that, I don't have time to wait!"
He dashed away to find the Café in a flash, as usual. He eventually found it, he walked into the room and sat down at a table and began drumming his fingers at the table impatiently.

the orange-haired boy eventually found his way to the Café, and looked around in the room filled with tables and chairs and that sort of things. He noticed a blonde boy sitting alone at one of the tables, he walked up to him and asked: "Excuse me? Do you mind if I sit here?" Pearl looked at the other boy, who was shorter then him, much shorter then him. "No it's OK, I'm just waiting for a waitress anyway" The orange-haired boy dragged out the chair and sat down on it. "Thanks, you can call me Claus, Whats your name?" Pearl began drumming at the table once again. "My name is Pearl, PROFESSIONAL Pokémon Trainer" A Kirlia waitress ran up to them and asked: "May I take your orders?" Claus and Pearl looked at the menu and decided something to eat. Before the Emotion Pokémon ran away Pearl quickly asked: "Do you happen to have Pokémon food to? If so I'd like to order that for my Pokémon!" the Kirlia wrote it up and dashed away.
Several coffee cups later, Captain Falcon was awake and ready to battle! But he had noticed that everyone else was waiting and not battling, so he figured something was on before that, I can wait. And he ordered another coffee from the Kirlia waitress, this time a large one.
((Weee more coffee for Pit, also random teleportation plot device))
Pit jumped out of the top bunk, was it morning already? He looked out the window.
"Hmm, morning," he thought out loud. "Well, better get down to the cafe, there's some good coffee there." He glided down the hall to the cafe, and pulled up a chair.
Too... much... caffeine... at... once... must... climb... walls... Meta Knight mentally choked out. He had drank the entire mug in less than 2 minutes, which was obviously too much for his small body to handle at that time in the morning. He couldn't even keep his eyes closed for half a second. Despite the extreme urge to do cartwheels across the table, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Meanwhile, the door to the entrance opened with a CLICK CLICK! as Kitsune entered the Dojo. Looking around, she saw that most of the fighters were in the cafe at the moment. That, or just coming downstairs. "Glad I could find most of you together. I just came to remind you all that morning tourneys are in..." She checked the ever-useful clock on the wall. It read 7:12am. "... exactly 48 minutes. Thank you." As she finished, she walked rather haunched over into the cafe. Rubbing her eyes, you could tell she hadn't gotten much sleep.

I have to wait a full 48 minutes before I can challenge someone? Damn. What am I going to do in my spare time? He thought as he reached into his cape. Out came a couple of gold coins with an offcenter cross on each of them. Leaving his tip, he got up and left to nowhere in particular.
Oh... there's a time when the battles open... well I suppose that after I finish this coffee I'll head back to my room. With those thoughts in his head he gulped down his last drops of caffeine and retreated to his room.
Hmm. That will give me enough time to decide who I will challenge

Not that masked one from eariler. That one looks far too dangerous.

Perhaps that steel monster I saw earlier? Who knows

(( SE, I'm going to be gone for most of today, all of tomarrow, and most of Sunday. Jsut letting you know))
((Olimar can actually understand you and hear you its just he can't speak and he has the intelligence and emotions of a 5 year old, just as olimar is. Also I left my pikmin in my room.))

Olimar nodded vigourously. Olimar was really excited to have a new friend. He grabbed his arm and rushed him down the hall.
((Yeah, but Luigi hasn't necessarily figured that out quite just yet.))
Luigi was tugged along down the hall, down the stairs, and into the Cafè. Luigi sat down on one of the seats and grabbed a menu. After a few minutes, one of those Curlyuh things came to the counter and asked him what he wanted.

"Um, just a sweet tea and some grapes, please."

As the green waitress made to go back to the kitchen, Luigi got her attention back and said;

"My friend here doesn't really talk much. You might have to do that telepathy thing when you take his order."
Aggron trodded into the cafe. He spotted a familiar Kirlia, and said, "You know what I want!", with a grin.
She sighed and headed into the kitchen. Somehow, she returned with 5 iron rods. Aggron took them and sat down at an empty table, and ate. He looked around at the clientele this morning. A few unfamiliar faces.
When Captain Falcon was upstairs, he landed on his bed for a few minutes. Lot's of competition, who should I fight... After another few minutes he reached into his rucksack and pulled out a GameBoy Colour and started up the game inside.

((he's playing pokemon G/S/C btw))
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