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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((@Male Gardevoir: Skylar already took the last spot, I'm afraid.))

Coming back from the cafe, Kitsune pushed through the small crowd of fighters that had gathered around the registration. "Excuse me..." she muttered to no one in particular. That was quick... she thought to herself as she read the holo-board. There were already enough participants to start. She turned around. "The tourney is about to start. Here we have our eight entrants:" She read down the list. "Team 1, Numbers 1 and 3: Mecha Sonic and Ike.
Team 2, Numbers 2 and 4: Tails and Meta Knight.
Team 3, Numbers 5 and 7: Aggron and Bowser.
And Team 4, Numbers 6 and 8: Luigi and Skylar.
As shown on the grid, for the first round, Teams 1 and 2 and Teams 3 and 4 will battle. After the round has ended, everyone should return here to start the next round."

Isn't "Tails" that two-tailed fox over there? Meta Knight approached the odd-looking fox. "I believe that would be us." Without waiting for an answer, he walked off into one of the training rooms.
"Oh! Umm..okay!" Tails replied, following the short armored figure into the training room. He was giddy with excitement...at least until he took a glance back at the tournament listings. He felt a jolt go through him.

Oh geez, I have to fight Mecha Sonic again?! he thought, slightly frantically, Well, at least this time I'm not alone. This guy is short, but he looks pretty tough. With a long, deep breath, Tails stepped into the training room.
((>_> What should I do now? I have two characters with perfectly nothing to do!))

Seeing he was to late, Claus sighed. "I was looking forward for that, too" He thought, and walked over to Pearl who tried to to cheer him up. "I'm soooo going to beat this Skylar guy in a battle at some point for taking the last place!" He said, sounding filled with rage. "I'm sure you will, but maybe we should just look for a battle somewhere else right now, there's others who didn't get into the tournament as well" Pearl answered, "So you should probably begin with that"
Mecha Sonic examined the matchups.

So I'm paired up with that tall biological with the sword. That should be interesting

And would you look at that! I'm fighting Tails again. I've already settled my score, but I'll have fun crushing him again. It'll be good practice for when i destroy Sonic.
((Same with Pit >_O))
Pit headed over to the board, and blinked. So, he was fighting later, or not at all? Pit shrugged. Maybe he could go around and see some of the others who arrived late. Mario's brother or someone was nearby, Luigi, was it? That Pokemon Trainer guy and a friend were talking closely, too. Pit didn't actually talk to anyone yet.. But socializing wasn't that important.
Skylar nodded, shaking hands. "Yup! Nice to meet you." He almost jumped out of his blue skin with excitement. "Good luck!"
Bowser glanced at Skylar, and then trudged across the room just in time to hear him say "good luck."

He spoke up. "Looks like we're battling again. Good luck, Skylar." He held out a hand that was large in comparison to the Yoshi's, but decided that he would be gentle until the real battle started.
Skylar shook hands with Bowser as well, but rather awkwardly due to the fact that he was about as big as Bowser's hand alone. But size didn't matter. He had won against Meta Knight...

But he really didn't care about winning. His attitude gave him a nature that only desired the fun of competition.
Ike looked at the team-ups. "...Mecha Sonic and I. Hm."
He walked over to Mecha Sonic, ignoring the strange feeling as he walked up. "Hello, I'm Ike. You would be Mecha Sonic. We're teammates, apparently."
Aggron looked around. He wasn't at all well aquainted here. There were some familiar ones, and new faces like a blue robot thing, a dinosaur creature, and a large draconic-looking turtle creature. He knew not who this Bowser was.
"Um... Whose Bowser?", he asked.
"I noticed that, biological," Mecha Sonic said, not turning to face Ike. "The first team we face has an old enemy of mine. I've fought him before. I know nothing of that masked being. Have you ever crossed paths with that one?"
"Umm, yeah, so do you want to think upa strategy? We're going to be fighting Bowser–," Luigi shuddered.

"And'a that Aggron guy'sa covered in steel. I'm thinking maybe we should'a do distance attacks. I can shoot fireballs. What can you do?" asked Luigi, demonstrating by creating a bright, green flame in his hand.
Bowser nodded his head and blinked. As if reading Skylar's thoughts, he said, "Size matters not. A termite could eat a house if it wanted to." It was a sort of figure of speech--an allusion to the fact that something small could easily beat something large.

He turned around. "I'm Bowser. Over here." He waved his hand and caught his eyes on the Aggron. He bore a strange resemblance to it.... Shrugging inwardly, he turned again.

"I've heard Luigi's one of the best fighters...."

((I'm going to make Bowser the black-and-white color scheme. :D))
Aggron romped his way in the direction of the voice that announced itself to be Bowser. It was the draconic turtle, a strange gray creature.
"Luigi...", he thought, then recalled who Luigi was, "Oh yes. I don't know, though, the short one with the sword is pretty tough, as far as I know. But, this is quite the unpredictable place."
He turned to find the humanoid who managed this place, Umm... Kitsune? Something like that., Aggron thought. He found her, and asked, "When does this tournament start?"
((I-is this why only Tails and Meta Knight have started? D:))

Kitsune noticed that the gargantuan steel monster from last night had asked her a question and promptly turned around. "Oh, as soon as everyone arrives at the two Battlefields." She began contemplating her cornflakes once again.
"We should start heading to the battlefields," Skylar noted. I think I took a look at all of them at one point... Pictochat looks really fun, but we'll have to agree on something we both like.

He nodded one last time at Bowser, saying, "See you there," before turning back to his friend.
Ike became a bit more unsettled when it didn't turn to face him and called him "biological." "Not really, but I do know a bit about him. He fights with that weird sword, is quick, and can fly with bat-like wings. He can make small tornadoes, too."
"I see. His teammate enjoys using machines as his main attacks, and can stay airborne for a long amount of time. Both of them appear to be small, quick enemies.
"I know not of your fighting style, but you seem to be the type who enjoys close fighting, and strong moves. It seems as though we are at a disadvantage here."
"Oh, that'sa fine with me," said Luigi, turning around and following the blue dinosaur to the Battlefields.

"So, we shoulda probably focus on a'takin damage, because it'll be nearly impossable to throwa these guys."
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