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Open The Sound's Specimens

Nallina heard what the Lucario said, and lowered her fist. Anseyu was merely trying to force the group under her ontrol. "And say I don't want to change? Say I am...content?" she asked, as much actually believing what she said as trying to make Anseyu uncomfortable.
((She's a she. >[))

"Will you fucking shut up, you stupid Pinsir?!" Anseyu snapped, "I most certainly am NOT the stupid one here! I was TRYING to make a point-" The Psychic struck her dead on in the middle of her sentence, and she fell over. Unconscious. Shivering.
Eric took this opportunity to begin to peck at her eyes

"WHY DID YOU SHOOT MY WING!?" He then stopped and frowned. He was clipped in the back, not the wing. He then looked at the Xatu and saw she was shot in the wing

"What the hell?"
(NOW I screw that up. Eh, better now than at some crucial juncture 600 posts from now.)

Nallina almost brought her hands together. Almost. Then she lowered her gazed, turned around, and walked slowly away. Hopefully she'd be able to get far enough away from the freak gathering before anyone came after her.
"I just don't want to be this dark. But I dig the dance moves..." said Squish. "Well, how are we going to get out of here?"
Anseyu flinched at the remainder of the attacks. Why were they going for her eyes? Why were they still attacking her? Why?

"Stop it... stop iiiit..." she moaned, opening one eye only to scream in pain moments later. Someone she hadn't seen had hit it.

"Alright, alright I get it!! Did you ever once think that maybe I can't control that anymore, like that Pinsir randomly burning things?!"
Ziggio sighed. Attacks were flying everywhere and none of them were affecting the glass tank. He tackled it again, causing a small crack.
Eric sighed. "Sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself. It felt like as if I was absorbing a ton of bad emotions..." he frowned as he continued, "if only there was a way to be healed from this crap... Although," he added with a smirk, "it IS pretty fun to make those you hate stop in their tracks"
"I'm scared now.... Why are we in here, anyways? And why are we all freaks? Is this the circus? Sure feels like it. Where's the clown? I wanna bop his nose. And about that tiger..." Squish trailed on and on, never seeming to stop talking.
Star groaned loudly as he slowly woke up. He was lying behind what seems to be a large machine in a rather awkward position. He was lying face down, and there seems to be shattered glass and some sort of strange liquid all around him. A faint smell of smoke drifted around him. The Breloom carefully picked himself up, trying not to step on any of the broken glass. There were loud crashing noises, and Pokemon yelling all around. Star peaked out from behind the machine, trying to find what the commotion was all about.

Then a bullet flew past him, missing him by inches.

"What in the..." Star yelped in surprise. Keeping his body low to prevent any bullets from hitting him, the Breloom carefully sneaked out from behind the smoking machine. The bullet seemed to have came from a dark-colored Lucario. A few other Pokemon are around, too, yet they all look... Well, strange. Something's not right about them, but he's not sure what...

And just what in the world is going on anyways?
Stephan groaned as several sharp pangs of anger burst into his head, pain, and suffering...he wanted it to stop...and then he opened his eyes.

All around him, Pokemon that weren't Pokemon were moving around, angry, fighting, rage boiling from each of them...he could feel it...but he didn't know how.

And that's when he got a good look at himself in the reflective surface of a machine.

His wolf like body had slimmed down, to the point of which he looked more like a Persion than a Manectric. His proud, tall mane had fallen to become a bushy growth around his neck, and his tail had elongated into a cat like shape.

...Yet, oddly enough, he didn't feel angry or freaked out...he only felt...as though this may be for the good of things...and, all the while, a song that humans sang rang through his head.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound... without realising it, he began to hum along to it, and his body seemed to be humming as well...as though a single, calm note flowed from his body.
Anseyu slowly struggled up, covering her bleeding eye with one paw as she did. Whichever one of them had done that had gotten it good, and she didn't know if she'd be able to see out of it again. And the humming... it felt as if whoever was humming was taking away her rage, or whatever was left of it.

"Gah... This hurts like a motherfucker..." she muttered, "But look over there. There's a door." she aimed her remaining paw at a locked steel door with a few security cameras hanging over it. "That's not what I'm concerned about right now, but we can use it to escape." with that, she slowly padded over to the computer she had seen before. Even with only one eye, she could see that it had been pretty heavily damaged, and not just by her wild shooting earlier. There were several points where it had been stabbed pretty badly.

"This could've told us what was going on..." she whispered to herself. Then she leapt back in shock. The exposed wires had begun to spark.
"...Should I guess that none of you have any idea of what's going on?" Stephan asked, walking over, the calming humming he produced remaining steady. He could feel the Lucario's rage slowly ebbing away, at the very least...he turned to look at the computer when the sparks flashed, catching the corner of his vision.
Squish just started looking at the sparks for a while. She then stressed out, and started screaming, "WE'RE ALL GONNA BUUURN!" and ran around like a maniac, crying at the same time.
((She's a drama queen-ish person.))
"I can't escape this hell..." Bakun said, without noticing, he had started singing a song in his head.

So many times I've tried... Bakun thought. He felt calmer, as if his anger was melting away.

But I'm still caged inside... He stood up from behind the table. "Why are we fighting? Can't we just be friends?" He said out loud.

Somebody get me through this nightmare...
How wonderful that song was, he started humming along with it.

I can't control myself... Bakun looked around at the strange Pokémon. Why was this song stuck in his head? He didn't complain. It felt as if it belonged to him, fit him.
Eric smiled. "What a nice song... Who's singing that?" he asked as he looked around. he then saw the Lucario get shocked. He frowned and decided to help out, despite his type disadvantage. He flew at the computer, and, to his and presumably everybody else's, he flew right through it

"...Alright, so I guess the halo means I am a ghost type now..." he said as he blinked. "Wait... This whole FUCKING time, I could have flown out of here?" He growled now. He looked at the walls, and flew straight at one. He slammed against it, and slowly slid down

"...Ghost proof... Should have fucking guessed..."
Anseyu was about to speak, but again jumped as the gigantic monitor flickered on. On the screen was a woman with short brown hair. You couldn't really see her face.

"The infusion process has proven a success. By converting the song into a formula, we have succeeded in creating a chemical that will flawlessly infuse a Pokemon with the song in question..."

The woman droned on, but Anseyu wasn't focused on that. She was more focused with the image that had just flickered onto the screen - a 3-D model of a Lucario. A point on the model blipped green; more than likely the infusion point, and the image seemed to change. Into what she was now.

"Th-that's..." she didn't finish, as the woman flickered back onto the screen.

"All tests have proven that this change should be fairly permanent. Not enough time has passed to confirm that yet. However, there is one drawback. There is a shrine deep within the Snowpoint Temple in Sinnoh that is rumored to restore Pokemon to the way they were born. Our top scientists have been sent out to affirm this, and the Combat League is prepped to move out and destroy it if the rumors are true. Then-"

The message cut off and the screen went blank. A deep rumbling was heard from inside the machine, and Anseyu's eyes widened.

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