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the space around the stars


Haha, thanks (though credit should go to my sister for the design, I only sprite-fied them P:)

Anyway, here's that knife-wielding pervert from that other drawing. I finally named him, and so, he shall be called Reginald from now on.

spoiler: that's not his blood C:


Sorry, I know that picture was ages ago but it made me laugh aloud so I thought I should comment. Also, the picture of the dude above and the woman in the wood? Was AWESOME and your lighting/colouring skills are just too immense. All of your stuff is just so good and I feel unworthy to comment properly past incoherent flailing ):
Re: ~dreamscape~

Thank youuuu CB Your comment is good enough as it is since it made me feel happy inside C:

here's something doodly and weird because I'm a weirdo:

I had a dream where I had this red-white uniform-y coat on and I was near some building (no idea what it was) and I remember looking at my reflection and adjusting the collar of the coat :?
thought I might as well draw it :U
Re: (I) heart trees ???

silly little double post because new art

(click for original size [1300 x 1731] in case you feel like it)

just imagine all their giant tree hearts beating when it's dark and you're already scared
Re: drwings

Thanks! P:

here, have some low-quality minimum effort doodles lovingly pencil-doodled and photographed + colour-butchered with Photoshop because fuck the scanner it's too far away!
I was trying to draw something better but realized I'm out of sync and my butt hurts because I spent yesterday sitting uncomfortably in one place for hours whee you sure wanted to know right


does anyone else here love these guys as much as I do?


an oc, just less ugly than in the other picture he was in
Re: Whoot-woot ?

I felt that I should try to draw something instead of loafing around like a useles bag of shit but I couldn't think of anything interesting to draw :U

then I shuffled my finished drawings folder and decided it was time for MOAR COMBAT OWLS so here's one

he's based on an eagle owl, and this time I didn't even cheat with the markings, I drew/painted them all myself !
how glorious is that

maybe someday when I've drawn enough of these owls just standing around, being all character-sheety, I just might draw some OWL ACTION

EDIT: for some strange reason, here's a preview of what I'm drawing currently:


I'm just too fast for you guys
here is the finished product

Hesperos with his 'the one who peed in your coffee this morning might just have been me' -face

idk why I had to draw him again
maybe it's the fact that his colour scheme sort of includes all my favourite colours (red, green, orange) in some way
woops no one gives a shit about words, also i forgot the point i was making?
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Re: Whoot-woot ?

Thanks! :D Hesperos isn't that evil actually (except sometimes), just a tad mischievous. Plus his saliva is kind of poisonous P:

Oh! I know that game (never played though, might try when I get a new laptop). The creepy deer-people inspired me to redesign my silly spirit animal (it's kind of like a fursona except not serious)!

it's a deerwolfcoyote with butthair and its name is Horsepower (I think the old design is on the first page of this thread)

for a contest on another pkmn forum

(click for full)
kind of half-assed but blerghh
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Re: Whoot-woot ?

dubbel pust

I now have a Sheezyart account! none of you probably go there but w/e
I just might update it, too! maybe even submit some shitty doodles I'm too ashamed to put here
(note: not a first-time sheezyer but I left my previous account like a year ago and wanted to start afresh)

here's something speedpainty:

EDIT: boof

EDIT#2: terezi!

also drew a grimdork grimdark Rose but it's so shitty that I'll only link it
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Re: Whoot-woot ?


That Terezi... she's got the /perfect/ face, the cackling teeth, and the glasses, and...

Rose's face could use a little bit of reshaping, but I like it a lot! \o/

/awful comments D:
Re: snowww machinee

thank youu CB
I don't mind awful comments at all! 8D

I had a dream this morning; there was this (shapeshifting, I guess) demon (GEE subconscious, how original) guy who lived on a snow-covered swamp or something similar. He was pretty un-demonic for a demon (except for when he got really pissed).

the fun part was when I actually sketched his different outfits/forms in the dream itself. It helped me remember interesting details, like the little pincer-things at the tips of his snow-machine-fingers!
I did tweak his design when awake, considering that some things were pretty fuzzy and some just didn't look that good (and some things I never saw, like his face).

(click preview for full thing)
left to right: his magic-using form thing?, his snow machine form and a monster thing form of sorts.

I made yet another new dA account (this is my third dA haha), now actually trying to keep it alive! It's right fucking here (unsurprisingly, Equinoxe was taken so I had to get 'creative').
Re: snowww machinee

Commenting on that Dave (i told you about tears) image from your dA.

aaaa poor Dave :C also I love the way you depicted those flames.

...Sometime I need to learn how to really give C&C :|
Re: ghost trickery

Thanks C:

critiquing isn't that hard if you think about it: just look for any flaws or oddities and point them out (and perhaps ways to fix the problems, if you're feeling generous), without forgetting to tell what is done well in the picture! P:

now for some more Ghost Trick fanart because I need to draw it

(bigger version on my dA but it also has a more hideous watermark)
I promise I'll try to draw some other characters tomorrow! the blue-skinned people need more love :U
Re: ghost trickery

Thankies C:

here's some blue skin, as promised:

Dandyyyyyy :3
he's such a gentleman oh my
Re: ghost trickery

You have a gift with expressions! And I love the way you played with lighting on that arceusgoatneontronthing. As far as crit goes, the pants on catguy up there seem to hug his curves a bit, although if that's what they are supposed to do then blegh! I do love the cat, though.
Re: ghost trickery

SO FUNNY STORY. I keep meaning to comment on your art, right, but I never do it. Sometimes it's for a pretty legit reason, right, like I'm just skimming threads when I don't actually have the time to write out a detailed response. And other times I... I don't even know, man. Dunno why I couldn't bring myself to actually say anything. Maybe I'm just crazy jealous or something idk. Bluh. So you know what now I'm just going to sit the hell down and do it because fffff you have all of the pretty. All of it.


I like the grimdark Rose, actually; the only major problem I have with it is that straight, almost aquiline nose (along the lines of what Mewtini said), as it makes her look sort of... mannish, you know? But I dig the watercolorish look you pulled off, and similarly I dig the colors in the picture with the pants and the cat.

I don't know who all these Ghost Trick people are but nobody around here ever shuts up about it and meh I have a gift card I need to waste on something anyway, maybe I'll just go buy it if it's not too expensive just so I'll be less confused. They're pretty, anyway.

So basically yes I hate you and you should stop drawing because it makes me feel bad and lazy, except don't because then I wouldn't get to look at all of the pretty. idk again.

(And I was going to say more but bah I have to leave so whatever, maybe I will actually work up the balls to come back and say something else one day?)
Re: ghost trickery

I don't know who all these Ghost Trick people are but nobody around here ever shuts up about it and meh I have a gift card I need to waste on something anyway, maybe I'll just go buy it if it's not too expensive just so I'll be less confused. They're pretty, anyway.
Play it play it play it.
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