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The Spriter's Showcase!

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Something is bothering the hell out of me on this, but I can't really put my finger on it. It's.. not that good, but it's not bad either >_> The skull thing on its' chest should be centered, I guess, and you probably should've scratched it, if you want it to look more.. natural? Better? Mouth has an all black outline. Noooo. Use a darker shade of the colour you're bordering.

Bwaaa not centered, but that's.. irrelevant. Its' face looks flat, or too small, and there's a randomish curved black line on the mane. On its' back leg, there's no actual leg. You could probably slim the back of the back leg a bit..?

And your WIP is better than any of my sprites >_>

Ooo I see what yooo did thar yoo copy-flipped that hand >:O It's not really that obvious, but change the shading. The left (our left) arm could be thickened a bit, and there's a bit behind it. The part where the snakey attaches to the Noctowl could be thickened too. You have an arm attached to a wing on either side.

The Torterra looks like it's holding a spiked thing and a tree branch. You could probably get rid of those. And an all black outline. Use a darker shade of the colour you're bordering. Maybe make the headspikes smaller..?

The Bidoof's headthings make it look like it has a square head. Look. bidoof Its' head is round, and you could fix that by taking of one of the headthings.

UXIE CHAO has dreadlocks :DDDD Instead of circle eyes, you should make them semicircles, and straighten out the tails. If you didn't have a completely black outline, you could use a slightly darker shade of the blue, and the tails wouldn't look choppy.

Aaaah I'm such a hypocrite I haven't sprited in a month or two :<
Ooo I see what yooo did thar yoo copy-flipped that hand >:O

Not saying you're wrong or anything, but I just feel like pointing out that it's actually like that on Golem's sprite, too, so whether they actually copy flipped or not, it would look the same either way thanks to those hard working guys at Nintendo. XD
MM, your sprite makes me think of Inari's Beads. Is that what it's based off of?

I tried to retype a Lopunny to be fire; I did copy-flip the fire, but I tried to fix the shading and it ended up failing. Thus...well, I'll just show you:


Er...any crit? I know I really need to improve.
The Torterra looks like it's holding a spiked thing and a tree branch. You could probably get rid of those. And an all black outline. Use a darker shade of the colour you're bordering. Maybe make the headspikes smaller..?

The Bidoof's headthings make it look like it has a square head. Look. bidoof Its' head is round, and you could fix that by taking of one of the headthings.

UXIE CHAO has dreadlocks :DDDD Instead of circle eyes, you should make them semicircles, and straighten out the tails. If you didn't have a completely black outline, you could use a slightly darker shade of the blue, and the tails wouldn't look choppy.

For the Torterra, that was the first one I ever made. It has a few mess ups.

For the Bidoof, I couldn't make them any other way without making it look awkward. And it is really supposed to have 8 chin curls. Look at a normal photo of it.

For Uxie, it was quite hard to make the head. The tails are supposed to be curved.

Finally, there has to be a black outline. That is how I was taught, and it need to be somewhat symmetrical. Here are 3 more:


Note: The Bellsprout one is terribly bad. I just want to see what people think.
Something is bothering the hell out of me on this, but I can't really put my finger on it. It's.. not that good, but it's not bad either >_> The skull thing on its' chest should be centered, I guess, and you probably should've scratched it, if you want it to look more.. natural? Better? Mouth has an all black outline. Noooo. Use a darker shade of the colour you're bordering.
when u said that i rly felt like redoin it but way better than that

Ooo I see what yooo did thar yoo copy-flipped that hand >:O It's not really that obvious, but change the shading. The left (our left) arm could be thickened a bit, and there's a bit behind it. The part where the snakey attaches to the Noctowl could be thickened too. You have an arm attached to a wing on either side.
Ok... I didn't copy-flip it... it looks like i did but i didn't.<

I feel like redoing em now

P.S where are the sprites in my quote?
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Okay, so you didn't copy-flip it. I apologize for my mistake. >:/

For Uxie, it was quite hard to make the head. The tails are supposed to be curved.

Finally, there has to be a black outline. That is how I was taught, and it need to be somewhat symmetrical.

I meant the tails are choppy, and not really curved. If you didn't have a completely black outline, you could use a slightly darker shade of the blue, and the tails wouldn't look choppy.

And full black outlines are supposed to be only for the body, I think.

Sorry, Miss Dragon. I didn't check to see who he was quoting.



Just made this. The base sprite(if it wasn't obvious) was the R/S/E Charmander sprite. I used the whisker-things from the R/S/E Gyarados, the eye and wings of the R/S/E Dragonite, the horn of the R/S/E Wumrple, and part of the tail from the D/P Dratini. Then, after scratch editing and whatnot, revamped it to D/P style shading.

That right wing(our left) looks a bit funny. I tried repositioning it and editing it, but that was as good as I could get it. Oh well. :/
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Just made this. The base sprite(if it wasn't obvious) was the R/S/E Charmander sprite. I used the whisker-things from the R/S/E Gyarados, the eye and wings of the R/S/E Dragonite, the horn of the R/S/E Wumrple, and part of the tail from the D/P Dratini. Then, after scratch editing and whatnot, revamped it to D/P style shading.

That right wing(our left) looks a bit funny. I tried repositioning it and editing it, but that was as good as I could get it. Oh well. :/

I dont see anything wrong with it but the right wing looks weird (like u said)

That right wing(our left) looks a bit funny. I tried repositioning it and editing it, but that was as good as I could get it. Oh well. :/

I think making the darker green crease more diagonal and less horizontal would make that less funny. Making it a little flatter at the top might help too. I did it real fast in MS Paint and it looked better, but I don't think I'll post it unless you want me to. x: If you're a do-it-yourself kinda guy.

Moar stuff from me!

Gliscor repose! It was fun to do but hard to squeeze it to fit into the 80 x 80 limit. >:/ Also the tail came out a little frumpy.
Made using DP Gliscor frame 1, Platinum Gliscor frames 1 and 2, Pt Dustox frame 1 as a base for the wings, and lots of scratching.

edit: post 100 whee
Yeah, the tail looks odd, but its probably because of how you positioned the balls to fit in the limit. I feel like spriting again for some reason. I guess I have somehow gotten back into the spriting mood.
superyoshi888 said:

^^ this is very cute. Your shading and everything seems spot-on, perhaps to fix that issue with the wing would be to lower it so it's on the same level as the other one; if you think about it, he'd have to have that wing turned awkwardly. Otherwise, this is very good.
perhaps to fix that issue with the wing would be to lower it so it's on the same level as the other one; if you think about it, he'd have to have that wing turned awkwardly.

I kinda liked that, it makes it look like that one wing is moving backwards.
The shading on the front looks odd. A part of the tail seems to be missing some shadows as well. And the Spiritomb looks like it was just randomly placed in the background.

Pretty good. It doesn't look off or anything, and as far as I can tell the outlines are the right colors.

I see what you are going for, but it looks odd when the color transitions aren't natural. I guess it is supposed to look artificial like that. The fire doesn't really seem to be coming from the palm, which would look better than having it shoot from the wrist. It also seems that part of the cloud was cut off, but I'm not that sure.
I did a disguise (Squirtle as Tamama from Keroro Gunso)
Dunno why I gave him his crazy eyes though, he looks happy ._.

I'm probably gonna do the others too. :D
Edit: lol I see the white spot I left ^^"
Just started editing sprites this morning, and have decided that it's time to find some C&CC.


First one is a revamp of Squirtle from Silver. The only thing I have an issue with is the swirl on the tail, but the more I messed with it the worse it seemed to come out, so I kept it the way it is now.


Next two are a Gyarados and a Magikarp that I've color swapped. I didn't edit them other than the coloring, so I don't think it qualifies as an actual disguise. These are the second pair of edits I did, and I'm actually quite happy with how they turned out.


Not so happy with this Ninetales. It was the first full recolor I did without taking the colors from another pokemon and no matter how often I redo it I still don't like how scratchy the lines look. Tempted to make it a lineless and see if that makes me like it more.


Not entirely sure how proud I am of this. I tried splicing a Kingdra and a Breloom, and I like how most of it turned out, but I tried scratch editing the belly to have the same sort of pattern that Kindra's did and it looks really weird to me.
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