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The Spriter's Showcase!

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PS5 is approaching!

TONIGHT, AUGUST 1ST at 7:00 PM EST. PS5 will be held on the usual channel, http://www.livestream.com/pocketspriter


7:00-8:00 - Spriting 101. A basic overview of Pokemon spriting for beginners. Hosted by MM

8:00-9:00 - Retro Style. A guide to scratch devamps and the size and color restrictions of the GB and GBC. Hosted by MM.

9:00-10:00 - Redesign Pokemon! In this interactive spriting session, Involuntary Twitch will be taking requests of official Pokemon and redesigning them to make them more interesting.

10:00-11:00 - Pokemon Rancher Cocoon. This oddly-named panel will be taking ideas from other monster-raising games with fusion systems such as Monster Rancher and Jade Cocoon and scratch-mixing Pokemon together in a unique way. Don't miss it! Hosted by MM.

11:00-12:00 - Happy Hour/Free Sprite.

If you're a talented spriter with the ability to stream live video (IE have a good computer that can run Procaster without lagging) get in contact with me and we might be able to slate you for PS6!

Geez, what a terrible spli- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOED.

Another Avatar to go with these guys below


crappy plusle and minun pre evo, with recoloring, scratching and fusion.
Guess what was used to make it.
Gizamiki Pichu, Plusle, Minun, Caterpie, and Shaymin (land)
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Geez, what a terrible spli- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOED.

The sheer idea of splicing Hypno and Politoed makes this an awesome sprite. Although the back it's back doesn't really connect to the "collar." But other than that, I like it.
The sheer idea of splicing Hypno and Politoed makes this an awesome sprite. Although the back it's back doesn't really connect to the "collar." But other than that, I like it.

I see your point, but look at the hypno sprite I used:

it's the same way on the original. (wait, do you mean the arms? if not, then never mind, I still don't get it.)
I see your point, but look at the hypno sprite I used:

it's the same way on the original. (wait, do you mean the arms? if not, then never mind, I still don't get it.)

Let me try and state my point in a different way: the left half of the torso (the sprite's left, not our left) his a jagged outline near the collar. Needs to be smoother. Do you get it now?
How do you save a sprite so it has a transparent background?
Depends on the program you're using/file type. MSPaint can't do transparency but GIMP, Photoshop and such can.
I don't remember how it was in GIMP, but in Photoshop it's easiest just to promote the background layer to a raster layer (double click on the bg layer in the layers tab) and erase the background (then save it as a .png, preferably).
In GIMP, open the file and right-click the background layer. (If the sprite was made in Paint or something, there will only be one layer anyway.) Select "Add Alpha Channel." Then you can delete the background (using one of the selection tools is easiest) and save.

I don't know if you're using GIMP or not but there it is in case you are. xD
Thank you two very much!

I've been using Paint, but I can easily import my finished sprites into GIMP.


Here's my first attempt at splicing. I found iaza.com was very useful for adding the transparency.


I need some tips.
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Shandera WIP for an avatar (I need to animate to float up and down and get a starry background TT_TT but I'm having complications)

Got the avatar done with animation and transparent where white edges would be.

C+C please
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