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The Spriter's Showcase!

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Pretty cool. I like it. Don't really see a problem with it, other than that the background is dark enough it kind of hides Shanderaa's arms.
It's very nice. The shading in the middle doesn't really look right, but it's also present in the official sprite. In the official sprite, though, it's less obvious.
It's very nice. The shading in the middle doesn't really look right, but it's also present in the official sprite. In the official sprite, though, it's less obvious.

The purple in the center is the flame inside of Chanderaa. Also because there is a flame inside, it alters the shading in the area since fire is like light.
Well, after a long hiatus from spriting, I've tried my hand at revamping a Raikou:


I admit that it's not very good of a revamp, especially the face. As much as I tried, I couldn't get the face right, and the eyes gave me complete hell. What do you think of it?
Well, after a long hiatus from spriting, I've tried my hand at revamping a Raikou:


I admit that it's not very good of a revamp, especially the face. As much as I tried, I couldn't get the face right, and the eyes gave me complete hell. What do you think of it?

It's much easier to post an image instead.

You've got some misplaced highlights and shadows here and there, especially on the cloud and the front foot. As for the eyes, the subject left eye has a bit more space towards the nose. I do like the shading on the beardcheek, though.
Chaon: NEVER. And I mean NEVER save sprites as JPEG files. Use PNG to prevent it from graining.

Here is a splice of an Eevee and a Pikachu. I suppose I should've changed Eevee's collar rather than keeping it as it was; however, to me it looks fine as it is. Anyway, C&C will be appreciated.

Demin. Fakemon that looks all cute and stuff but then fills your head with depressing thoughts.

I tried a revamp of Crystal Pikachu, and it turned out quite well - colors taken from the Emerald sprite. C&C on Pikachu would be appreciated.


C&C on Yellow Raichu, please.
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Tarinflame, I like the raichu a lot. The pikachu is kind of weird again. I think there's something wonky with the shading.


Splice of Pikachu and Azumarill. Named Azumachu, or you can call it Pikablu.

Next up: Lugia and Ho-oh splice.
Tarinflame: I like it. The ears are a bit odd in preportion to the rest of the body, but it's all good. Doesn't really bother me.

Here's my Lugia + Ho-oh splice - Hulgia. It took a few tries and a lot of work, but it's finally done. Now to put it in my album...
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