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The wish game

Granted, but you blew up with it.

I wish for rainbows every day.
Granted, but the rainbows attract man-eating alien unicorns which fly down from space and eat everyone.

I wish the man-eating alien unicorns all turned into gold statues.
Granted, but everyone you love turns into a gold statue too ;;

I wish for more Pokemon lovers at my school.
Granted, but they all stay in hiding to avoid being shunned.

I wish I had more good pens.
Granted, but now you have no hands!

I wish for some pie.
Granted. You now see what's happening five minutes in the future. However, you are now unable to see what is happening in the present moment.

I wish I had some good, fresh, plain glaze donuts to eat.
Granted. but it knows Splash, Selfdestruct, Explosion and Memento and can't learn anything else.

I wish Hikers counted in the process of awakening Spiritomb.
Granted, but it involves the Hiker being abducted by the Spiritomb and you are the Hiker.
I wish for an invincible iPod Touch.
Granted, but you get sucked into it (literally) and you are trapped!

I wish for more time here.
Granted. You no longer get to sleep. However, that doesn't mean that you don't need sleep, so...

I wish I were better able to get my homework done and not procrastinate about it.
Granted, but now homework is the only thing you can ever do again. Ever.

I wish to be able to read a 500-page novel in a day.
Granted, but then plot bunnies jump out of the book and attack you for missing important plot bits D:

I wish I could make three wishes instead of just one.
Granted, but all your wishes are epic phails.

I wish I had a pet cloud.
Granted, by Everglider the faerie-feline ate it ;3

I wish I could meet Cloudsong in real life :0
Granted, but you find out he's horribly boring xD

I wish I had an inedible pet chibi magnemite :3
Granted, but he has major character flaws D:

I wish there would be a TCoD convention where I could meet EVERYONE XD
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