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Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

Re: Thieves of Moonlight

((Alright... you guys (Grinning Calamity and Blaziking 175) can continue how you like, but its confusing if you don't meet up with the main group soon. Grinning, if you want to revise your actions, just say so in your next post and write it as if your original post never happened. Otherwise, keep going with... whatever you're doing.))

((Erindor and shadow_lugia are accepted. shadow_lugia- this is in reference to the games, mostly- seriously, TR was crawling everywhere in RBYGSC. Sign-ups are now CLOSED.))

"He's cute," laughed Alice, marveling at the transformation. The beady eyes in place of her normal ones was somewhat unnerving, but the Ditto made a accurate clone all the same. She eagerly began to eat her cherry Jello, when a thought occurred to her.

"Come on, Leafre," she called, activating one of her Great Balls.

A Breloom materialized beside the table in a flash of red light. Leafre gazed quizzically at the Ditto, his head cocked to the side in curiosity. After a few decisive sniffs, he playfully headbutted the Ditto. He knew full well what Alice really smelled like, and he personally thought that the Ditto smelled a good sight better than any human. Nevertheless, he turned his head towards his owner, peering at her from under his green mushroom-cap head. The black-haired girl pushed her tray towards the Breloom.

"You know you love potatoes and corn and... whatever this crap is," urged Alice, shoving the mush as enthusiastically as she could. The Breloom made a face. He obviously did not buy it.

Turning back to Violet with a disappointed look, she asked "I wonder where the rest of the people in the project are. Maybe they've run into trouble? Or maybe they got lost- seriously though, they're late." She groaned again, looking at the plate that Leafre had just refused. "Not like they're missing much anyway."
Clay transformed into a Breloom, and began imitating Leafre's every move.
"I dunno. Maybe I could send Clay to go look for them if they don't show up soon. He could transform into a human and find them."
Violet ate the jello and stared into space, thinking. Clay poked her knee with his nose.
Erindor walked in, wearing the outfit of a Team Rocket Admin. He had seen one walking alone in the hall, and he took the chance. He let his Raichu use Thunderwave, paralyzing the Admin, and then Erindor dragged the body into an unused dormitory. Erindor walked casually over to the group, with his Espeon walking beside him. "Hey guys, what's up?"

(Erindor is pretty Naive in subtlety)
((OOC: That was just an excuese to put up the code in a place where it just wasn't floating in space all on its own.))
((So, do I have a Gastly or a Misdreavus?))

A young girl ran down a dark alleyway. She knew she was late for meeting up with the group of people who were going to infiltrate Team Rocket and try to ruin their plans. She had been given directions to the place that they were supposed to meet, but she had a poor memory, and had completely forgotten where to go. She had looked in a storm sewer and by a hot dog stand, but no one was there. She now decided to try the Rocket Base. They were going to end up there anyway.
She opened the door, and walked past the guards. They didn't pay attention to her, as she was only a kid. She was hungry, and walked to the mess hall, to see two of the girls and a boy that she was supposed to meet. She rushed over. "Hi," she said. "My name is Thorn. Who are you two again?"
"Looks like there'll be no need," Alice remarked to Violet.

To her relief, two other figure whom she dimly recognized as part of the resistance movement had arrived at the table. Alice raised one eyebrow at the strange-looking figure of the young teenager, dressed in one of the high Admin's clothing. The small girl looked like an inconspicuous street urchin- but if the plan was to work well, she would need a set of Rocket clothes, Alice decided.

"Wow. Nice outfit, Erin... was it? Seriously though- someone's going to notice that, and they're not going to cut you any slack," remarked Alice. "Looks cool though, and nicer fabric than this scratchy stuff," she added, tugging at her shirt to demonstrate.

She then turned to the figure of the younger girl. "Yes, you've come to the right place, Thorn, now lay low about it like a good girl," she responded, giving a significant glance to the teammate now masquerading as an Admin. "I'll get you some clothes in a bit, and I'll tell the rest of them that you're my cousin or something, and I'll manage you in my squadron. Meanwhile, you can eat my ration if you like." She shoved the tray of food towards the girl, inwardly sighing as Leafre the Breloom brightened visibly.

"And you-" she turned back to the boy. "I worked hard to get this dumb position, and I intend to keep it for the time being. Perhaps you could help with the espionage rather than dance around with your little victory," she said to him coolly.
(Forget everything I've said 'til now)

Grin walked to the lunch table casually, dressed in his lame Team Rocket clothes. He was delayed by some officers because he tried to get in without a uniform. But who could blame him? They are lame... Everything about Team Rocket was lame, from those stupid catchphrases to the grub they serve at lunch...

Well, there they are... He thought with a sigh.

"Hey peeps, anybody sitting here?" Grin asked with a wink as he sat down anyway.
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((Sorry, I'll meet up by the end of this post))

"Jackson," the officer said coldly, "for what you have done this evening we can charge you with breaking and entering as well as murder. You understand this?" Jackson rolled his eyes and nodded. "However," the officer continued, "we understand that you are a member of Team Rocket, correct?" Jackson nodded again. "Alright then, we are going to make a deal with you. If you can help us find out what is going on inside of Team Rocket, we will cut your sentence and reveal the location of your Pokemon." Jackson shot a piercing look at them.

"You know where they are?" Jackson asked adamantly. The officer nodded. "Why can't you just give them to me now?"

"If we did, you wouldn't have anything to work for," the officer responded coldly. Jackson continued to glare at the officer. "Do we have a deal Jackson?" There was a long pause.

"I'll do it," Jackson said, "as long as you hold up your end of the bargain as well."

"Good. The guards outside have your other Pokemon for you." the officer said, opening the door out of the interrogation room.


When he arrived back at the Rocket Building around noon the next day, all was quiet. Everyone was either on a mission, at lunch, or both. He sluggishly walked to the cafeteria. When he arrived, he saw, to his dismay, that the lunch ladies were closing up. He looked around the room and found a table with one seat left. He walked over to it and sat down in silence.
Thorn truely felt like bouncing around the room and singing some '70s hits that she had found the right place, but she managed to stay put. "I'll get one later," she said, before proceeding to wolf down the Jell-O. "Mmmmm... Cherry."
Luna watched Clay play with Leafre and chuckled subtly. Florece stared at the orbs on Clay's tail and batted at it with her paw playfully. They were almost oblivious to the activities at the table until tw- no, three people joined. Luna turned to the group and stared. Were they part of the group...? She couldn't remember them, but her memory was bad anyway. Alice's expression had turned cold... what had just happened? She tried to distract herself and went back to eating the terrible food.
*Sorry for not posting, but I had swimteam*

Erindor just smiled. "Well, at least I'll get past security easier. The only ones who will notice me are other Admins, because the grunts will just be worried that I'll give them stupid assignments. Actually, It's Erindor, but Erin will be fine if you would like to call me that." Erindor said, addressing Alice.
((Alright, in this version of the Pokemon world, evolution for Pokemon who 'evolve by trade' works by either intensive training under the same owner or training under a different owner- I hope I made this clear.))

"Although a few people may be missing..." began Alice tentatively, "There's still a mission to be completed. It is to be discreet and under utmost secrecy; we depend on each other, but we can not act like it. We must act like we are simpleminded Rocket grunts, only in this for money and fame. Although most of my jobs are just stupid manual labor crap, shipping and whatnot, recently the importance of my work has stepped up a bit."

She paused, unsure of how to break the news. She glanced at her watch. It was two PM in the afternoon, although it could have been any time in this underground. "We have been assigned the task of hacking into the computer system for the Goldenrod City Pokemon Center," she said slowly. She waited to see how the rest would take the news.
Erindor stopped smiling. "We have to actually go through this if we want to keep our jobs, right?" Erindor's Espeon mewed.
"We'll have to steal people's pokemon." Erindor looked down at his belt, and touched each of his pokeballs to make sure they were still there.
Alice stared at the boy impatiently. Didn't he know the obvious? "Team Rocket wants money and power. Goldenrod, besides being a huge city, is a magnet for Johtoan breeders as well as trainers. These people all use the Pokemon storage system Bill designed and Lanette innovated upon," she replied testily.

"Some of these people include the most prestigious breeders on the continent, who, thus, have Pokemon with the best genes. Buyers will bid huge sums of money for Pokemon with genetic advantages on the black market. Although we will not take direct part in the shipment of Pokemon, we will create the openings in the physical hardware of the computer system... I'll explain it to you when we get there," she said. Now, for the real mission...

"Everyone needs to keep a careful eye on what happens to the shipment of Pokemon after the job is done," she continued in a lowered voice. "If the conspiracy theories are right, they will take the Pokemon somewhere other than the black market..." she commented darkly.
When Grin realized he would have to steal, he quickly exclaimed, "What!?"

Grin had spent a lot of time in Johto during his pokemon adventure, and especially in Goldenrod. "Oh, man... Those poor people..." He looked down at the floor, already ashamed of what he would have to do. "But, why Goldenrod? Surely the Pokemon League Center has stronger victims!"
(Okies then. I meant "trading" as in like in the games, where you give it to another person. Sticking with Gastly.)

"That'll be easy," said Thorn. "My mom always said that I was going to work for the Geek Squad as a high-school job. I'm a computer geek." She then took six PokeBalls off her belt, and let out the six Pokemon that were contained within. There was a small cat-like Pokemon, on two legs, with its arms ending in two white, sharp claws each, as did its feet, rather than the dark blue that was the rest of its body. It had one pink feather in place of its left ear. There were also three pink feathers for a tail. It also had a yellow jewel embedded in its forehead, and another on its chest. Next came what seemed to be a dark purple sphere, with two large, white eyes, and two apparant scratches between them, and a large mouth with two small fangs showing from it, surrounded by a cloud of what seemed to be light purple gas. There was a blue baby alligator/crocodile (can't remember which has the rounded snout, think it's crocodile) with red spines down its back and a yellow chest that tapered to a point. It had several small fangs, and the area around its eyes was a dark blue. There was a bird, mainly light gray, but it had dark gray areas on its wingtips, the two outer feathers of the three in its tail, its collar, and its head and tip of its beak. There was also a white area where its face was, that seemed to have three lumps coming out of it, a white raindrop-shaped area on its chest that was partially concealed by the collar, and the middle feather of its tail was white. Next came an egg with blue and red triangles on it, but it had stubby peach-colored arms and legs coming out of it, and a spiky head that was the same color as the limbs. And there was finally a great, big, shaggy dog-like creature with white fur, with black claws, a black face with red eyes, a sharp, black scythe coming out of its head, a black tail, and a black spot on its forehead.
"I can hack computers, but.."
She released Windy and climbed onto the Arcanine's back. The fire Pokemon watched the humans. Violet thought for a moment.
Pokemon breeders. They have Eevees. Nobody would care if I.. no.way.
She shook her head, and played with the fur on her Arcanine's shoulder.
Jackson continued to stare blankly. He couldn't believe the heist they had to pull off. If there was one Team Rocket mission he couldn't stand, it was stealing massive amounts of Pokemon. One or two at a time, maybe, but he couldn't stand the fact that this would be hurting thousands of people. Get a grip he thought to himself, you've killed two people in cold blood, you can steal a few Pokemon. And yet, he knew the pain of losing Pokemon. He looked at the three Poke Balls at his waist. He sighed.

"So I guess we should get started," he said.
Steal... steal Pokemon... steal from innocent, naive trainers... steal their partners and loyal friends...

No matter how many times Luna repeated it, mouthed it, it didn't seem any better and even felt much worse.

It... it doesn't matter. If our squad didn't do it, another definitely would have. Besides, we may only end up taking the trainers' HM slaves or some Pokemon that the trainer wouldn't have ever let out of the PC... Maybe this isn't so bad...? Please?

The obvious truth couldn't be denied anymore and she swore under her breath. There was no way around the mission unless she wanted to risk everyone getting caught. That wouldn't help any trainers and would certainly give them hell to pay. Luna recalled Florece, knowing that the Pokemon could undoubtely sense the darkness and tension among everyone.

"Goldenrod may be better. The trainers there have had less time to spend with their Pokemon than league trainers probably have. Their relationships are probably weaker," Luna muttered bitterly. Sick... disgusting... She was actually trying to think of a positive to stealing Pokemon as if there could be such a thing.

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