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Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

"Good job." Erindor said to Jackson. "That will be even better." Erindor looked around. He had the feeling he was being watched. But no one else seemed uncomfortable, so he just ignored the feeling.
Thorn stared at the one named Jackson. "You mean you stripped him naked?" she asked. "I hate to tell you, but I think that the other people would notice that he had no clothes once they found him. And I think they'd be upset."
"I only took his clothes, leaving underwear and stuff, and when he woke up, I gave him a grunt outfit. Well, I had confused him before that though, with my Espeon.
Luna followed everyone to the dorm. She packed her handbag with the USB and Flash drives reluctantly, along with a smoke bomb just as a precaution. Considering how hated Team Rocket was, it wasn't like trouble wasn't an impossible situation. She considered putting Florece and Glacia back, seeing as they were her Pokemon longer than Nanee and were more likely to understand what she was doing, but it wouldn't be safe.

Luna walked over to the seats and sat next to Jackson.
"Oh," she said. "Well, they won't be as upset. SpongeBob goes out in his underwear all the time. I guess it's a guy thing."
Jackson looked around. It seemed like most of the people who were in the mission were there.

"Do you all have complete alliegence to Team Rocket, or are you starting to doubt their ways?" Jackson asked; he couldn't help it.
Alice groaned inwardly. They would never hear the end of it if an unconscious admin was found locked in one of the closets. However, the admin change of clothes may prove to their advantage. Thoughtfully, she pulled out one of the devices plugged into the computer of the group's main meeting room.

The meeting room was not the room in which the whole group slept in, although it housed clean changes of Grunt uniforms, a dingy sofa, and a few computers, all of them with outdated operating systems but decent hacking software. On second thought, she plugged the device back in and began typing commands into the computer. After a significant amount of clicking and dragging, Alice was satisfied with her work. She pulled out the device and stood back up.

"No one bothers to hide cameras about the Grunt rooms- I swept this room for devices already, nothing odd except a few whoopie cushions," she said with a small smile. "It's almost three o'clock- we still have half an hour to do whatever before we get there. Basic mission is easy, stuff your flash drives, floppy disks, CDs, whatever into the PokeCenter computers, spy on what the Rockets are doing at the end."

She looked thoughtfully at the Admin costumes. "Hey, I might like one of those," she commented thoughtfully at Erindor. "But, for now, Erindor, can you change back into a Grunt costume? We need one play-acting Admin, two is a bit too much."
Erindor looked away. When he looked back he had a serious look on his face. "I never had an alliegence to Team Rocket." He said to Jackson. "The whole reason I am here is to stop them. But, they seem pretty foolproof even with all these fools in here," Erindor said, indicating the cafeteria.

In the Group's room: Erindor looked to Alice. "Sure."
(Though I did a couple posts ago.)
Erindor headed to his Dormitory.
Alice paused thoughtfully at Jackson's question. This guy seemed particularly thoughtful out of the group; she would let him don the admin outfit for the time being. She herself felt some sympathy for the Rocket doctrine, who wouldn't want to earn lots of money to eventually live in comfort and idleness? However, the immense greed of the entire organization stunned even her; their objectives were lofty and seemingly impossible, yet they had already gone so far. With their influence on the Kanto league, their takeover of the Silph Corporation (for the umpteenth time), and their slow but steady infiltration of the Devon Corporation, they already had a large influence on the Pokemon community.

"Personally... I'm greedy to an extent. But that's a bit beside the point. I do not agree with Team Rocket's mistreatment of Pokemon, although I have to criticize the stupidity of Bill and Lanette for making their software so easy to hack. They intended for it to be open-source, open to editing and free innovation, but that made it all the easier for Rockets to take advantage of it, like we are doing now."
Grin replied to what Alice said. "People like Bill shouldn't have to protect their systems. That's why we're here, right? To stop Team Rocket. What they do is... it's just not honorable!"

Realizing how loud he was, Grin quieted down and asked, "I have no experience in hacking. What else can I do?"
Alice laughed. She decided to trust Erindor's word for now.

"You're the lucky one of the bunch then," she reassured him with a nod. She turned towards the desk and pulled out a drawer. Fishing around in it for a few seconds, she pulled out a floppy disk drive. The blue plastic case was scribbled in unintelligible words with a black sharpie marker. Other similar floppy disks of various other colors lay in a small pile in the drawer.

"For those who don't have tools or have never done this before! Here's a floppy disk drive, you should know at least how to stick it into a comp," she called out. "Just shove this into one of the computers. When you do, a message should pop up on one of the screens. Click yes to it, then you'll see a window open up showing about three or four icons of programs. Open all of them, then pull out the disk. That's all there is to it," she instructed, waving the floppy disk in her hand. "Anyone else that needs one, you can find more in that drawer."
Luna stared at Grin for a moment. Then, she cackled bitterly, unable to keep herself calm.
"A-hahahahaha!... heheh... uu... ...'Not honorable'? They steal, kill, manipulate people, ruin lives... and all you can say is that they're 'not honorable'? God..." she muttered with a clenched fist and gritted teeth. It took her a while to finally calm down and control her anger. Luna took the floppy disk and put it with the flash drives.

"Yeah, we are lucky to have Erindor. As for us, those instructions are a bit complicated, Alice. I don't suppose you could write them down for us? Oh, yeah. Will we need someone to stand guard? Grin and I could do that, maybe."
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Grin just laughed He did that rather than be insulted. He found it was better for everyone that way. "Well, it's not honorable! It's also vile, and cruel, and evil! But anyway, I think I would like to stand guard instead. My pokemon are plenty up for the challenge."

Grin always had a huge conscience, and sense of nobility. He took it for granted that everyone was truly good in their hearts.
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Thorn put on a pouting face. "Hey, I'm the lucky egg of the bunch. I've had experience at these things, too." She turned around and saw the underwear floating in midair. "I told you not to do that, Ghost! Go put those things back, and then hurry back!" The Gastly sullenly turned visible again, and drifted off back where they had come from.
Erindor smiled again, despite the feeling of dread he had. "Hey, Thorn. I'll bet we can write a couple new hacking programs." Then he turned solemn. "Does anyone else have a feeling like something will go wrong?"
"I sure do! Let's try to suck ourselves into cyberspace!" yelled Thorn, jumping up and down and clapping excitedly.
"Holy crap who knows what wore those last!" yelled Alice, as she retreated from the floating underwear. She gave a suspicious look at the Gastly, but she did not make further comment.

"Not much will go wrong if you don a normal Grunt outfit," said Alice testily at Erindor. She liked the guy for his attitude and overall good humor, but she did not trust him enough to be a reliable actor for such a high position. She pointed a finger at the closet. "Clothes are in there. If you're planning to change, please have the decency to do so in the bathroom, which you should know how to get to by now. There are about ten minutes left to go... If anyone needs to go to the bathroom or get their stuff, please do so now."
"Oops, I forgot something!" said Thorn, racing to her dorm and returning a few moments later with her MP3 Player. She cranked the volume up on max and started listening to Metallica.
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