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Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

How bout a feather? :3
Ghost wings?

I have no idea.
Ho-oh is ugly.
Excuse me? It's ho-oh, the trio master of the legendary whatevers, not deerling! It's not supposed to be cute.
I've noticed a pattern:
.Every region has an electric rodent of some sort.
1. Pikachu.
2. Pichu.
3. Plusle and minun.
4, Pachirsu.
5. Emolga.
6.? I wonder what the next one will be...
Sure, something like that! Ugly Pokémon can still be awesome (Scolipede, Magcargo, Giratina...).
But sure, Ho-Oh is sort of... uninteresting in comparison with some other legendaries.

Uninteresting? It's ho-oh. It brought three dead pokemon back to life when they were killed in that fire, according to my favorite legend.

To look at a pokemon is not to look at the inside, but to look at everything.
I don't remeber who said that. I may have made it up.
What about pre-evolutions? Frankly, i'm waiting for slowpup.
Get on it, nintendo!

I personally believe that baby's are somewhat useless and just a bad excuse for GF to add things to the breed pool/move pool of certain Pokemon without actually changing the mon itself. Example; Nasty Plot Pichu
I personally believe that baby's are somewhat useless and just a bad excuse for GF to add things to the breed pool/move pool of certain Pokemon without actually changing the mon itself. Example; Nasty Plot Pichu
Meh. Well, what about evolutions?
I'm still expecting dugquar.
Pokemon I believe need evolutions:

EEVEE (Dragon/Flying/Ground/Fighting/Bug/Poison/Ghost/Rock/Steel All still possiblities)

The only baby's I would excuse would be:

Throh/Sawk (Like the Hitmons)
Tauros/Miltank/Boufalant (I'm not sure how it'd work though...)
Pokemon I believe need evolutions:
Throh/Sawk (Like the Hitmons)

I understand.


That would mean making them relatives. For some reason, I wouldn't like it.

Tauros/Miltank/Boufalant (I'm not sure how it'd work though...)

Bouffalant? Argh, I don't expect it to be related to them. It would be easier without it. I was expecting something like the Burmy family without alternate forms, level evolution affected by gender. But with Bouffalant... Maybe it could evolve into Bouffalant by level and into the others by Dawn Stone.
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