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This picture delivers.

Raticate is all nomming on Tangela

Lickitong and Lickitlilly are going :P
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pikachu and meowth in the front <333
magikarp and feebas playing on wailmer's water spout in front of palkia <33333
kingdra blowing bubbles just behind gyarados who is just behind wailord <33
doduo on the far left near wailord <333
psyduck taking the picture <333
sunkern and wooper playing in the front row <3333
regigigas with his arms around the regi's <333
mewtwo and mew at the top <3333
the lake trio chillin together (and i dont really like any of them so its hard to make me think theyre adorable)
rayquaza and celebi <333
smeargle drawing a heart on snorlax <333

and im sure theres much more its just too ahrd to find it all at once. i loveee this
Thats a pretty cool picture must of took forever to make. lol they left psyduck out of the camera view.
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hey im always happy NOT

Anyways, I love how all the Eeveelutions are lined up =3 and Bagon is riding on Salamence's back... kawaii!


I agree. This is just so kawaii I can't take it anymore! And Psyduck...aww...<3
Too many people in this thread are saying kawaii as if it's an English word.
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