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"We can't go back in the cages. A lot of them are obviously broken enough for us to escape. But anyone who's got a mostly intact cage can hide in it - anyone I unlocked, I guess - and someone could hide in mine." Charlene's eyes narrowed. Were the Rockets waiting for something? The gastly had made it sound like the Rocket was very close by.
Rachel was not about to get back in a cage. Instead, she kept her calm stance, trying to prepare herself for chaos. Her eyes were now closed, and her head pulsing with what was becoming quite an aggrivating migraine. This makes no sense whatsoever... Maybe I'll wake up some time soon. But the possibility seemed so small that she forgot it quickly. Now was not the time.
"Well, that's true, but in the darkness they won't be able to tell that the cages are broken," April pointed out. "And when they turn on the light we can go with our ambush plan."

April had backed against the far wall now and crouched down, close enough that she could race out of the room easily if she stayed there.

"Oh, wait, I guess it wouldn't work anyway - I can't get back up on the table from here...
"Let's see... I froze a few bars off my cage," said Jackson. "Do you think that it will go unnoticed? Or should I stay out here?"
Kailani turned to the Gastly, who had reentered her cage. "We are both Ghosts, so wouldn't it make sense if we simply turned invisible and let others use our cages?"
"That's correct! Why didn't I think of that?" She phased out and said to everyone, "I have a plan. I'm gonna lick him on the face. Nasty, huh?"
"No need," Charlene murmured. "We don't want him disgusted, we want him out of commission. But spiritomb aren't supposed to be able to phase out their keystones or turn them invisible. Reality sucks, doesn't it?"

She could feel a presence on the other side of the door, so she focused on it. She wouldn't be able to blast the door or anything, but she'd have perfect aim once the person came through.

When she aligned herself with his emotions, though, to better figure out where he was, she found no malice or sadism - only boredom, as if this meant nothing to the Rocket. She narrowed her eyes. That was just wrong, she thought, but that was probably just science. If they'd trained and hired her instead of capturing her like this, she might've been on their side. She probably would have preferred it.

She wouldn't have made stupid mistakes that let the pokemon out, either.

Now, though, if they offered, she'd refuse. Because they had chosen to kidnap her, against her will, and she couldn't forgive that.

Come on, she thought. As soon as you come in, you're dead. Hurry up, Rocket.
Felsen glared at the now-hidden Porygon, or atleast where she thought it was. She sighed and continued to lay there. "It's not worth it."
"True," Kailani said, "But here's something I know about Spiritombs: They can retract into their keystones."

And Kailani did just that after he'd made his statement.
"They'll see your keystone," she answered, voice sounding distant again. "It doesn't matter if I can get this, though." She extended her mind, hearing the lock click open. She smirked. She knew what she'd focus on - pain. The same pain from being attacked by the Rockets, even. The memory of the metal bat (or that's what she thought it was) striking her ribs, leg, and hand before finally hitting her head was stronger in her mind than it would usually be, she noticed. Good, then. She'd be able to show this person what pain felt like.

The door opened, and Charlene blasted as much psychic energy as she could at the man.

The man, wearing a Rocket uniform, yelped and nearly tripped as pain did, indeed, flare up in his hand, ribs, and leg, but it faded quickly and wasn't as strong as the real event had been.

"Dammit," she thought aloud. "Not good enough. I'll need to actually explore someone's mind to see how this works, but there's no time now - let me try it again."

She'd have to re-focus, however, and that might take a bit of time - but it ought to happen before the man managed to send out his pokemon, surely

I should have been a scyther, she thought. I wouldn't be able to experiment as much, but I could dissect stuff, so it would be okay. And I could kill more easily, too.
Balia blinked; whatever the Ralts was doing wasn't working properly as the human straightened. "Feh, this will be fun." she muttered, before trying to dash towards him. Maybe it was because she was so focused on him, but she didn't trip up or get her legs tangled; behaving rather like the annoying cranidos, she rushed at him with her head lowered. It would have been very effective if she had been a Rapidash, but as it was, she reeled back, shaking her head to clear it as it throbbed. The Rocket certainly looked a little singed, and he had stumbled back. "Just to stall him!" she announced cheerfully, flames brightening. Even if it hurt, that was fun! I can't wait to actually use official attacks!
"I've got this, now. Check if there's anyone outside, too - I know they're stupid enough to come here alone, but they might not have."

Regardless of what the ponyta did, and ignoring the kick that just barely missed the man, she concentrated again. This time she concentrated solely on the pain from her ribs, when they'd broken in the attack. Then she extended her psychic powers, and tapped into his mind to show him the pain.

The man doubled over, clutching at his ribs, and Charlene managed to hold the attack for a bit longer... but that wasn't what she was going for. Frowning, she tried again, bringing up the image of being struck and the horrifying crack and the ensuing pain, and extended her mind once more.

This time the Rocket screamed, and Charlene smiled. She was getting better at this.
Eyes wide, Rachel clumsily stumbled over to the open door to the room, from which light was streaming in. Every so cautiously she managed to hop forward, all traces of her previous exhaustion either gone or hidden. There were no Rockets. However, very faintly, she heard footsteps. Others must've been alerted by the torture the Ralts was putting the man through.

"More of 'em are coming," she called, "They'll probably be here in a minute or two."
Arkra didn't have the faintest clue what to do. She cringed, unable to watch the doubled over Rocket. But listening to his screams was so much worse, they blared in her ears and she could feel the anguish. So loud! She could think of nothing else, she couldn't focus.

She shut her eyes tight, enduring the pain and trying not to scream in pain herself. All was forgotten, all she wanted was for him to be quiet so that she could gather her thoughts in peace. Why wouldn't he just die already? She knew it was terrible to wish for somebody's death, but anything to relieve the immense strain on her sensitive ears.
Balia neighed, turning around so that when one entered, she could kick the victim. Head tilted, she watched the doorway with growing excitement, flames slowly getting brighter and brighter. "One's really close to the door!" she announced, and then promptly kicked as the Rocket walked in. Her hoof skidded, and she flailed as she tried to get her balance back. The human didn't look very hurt, and he was reaching for a Pokeball... Uh-oh.

Turning around, she stubbornly refused to get one of the others to help. Feeling heat pound at her, her mind raced. Alright, so kicking didn't work. What's next? Fire attacks! A Ponyta can learn Flame Wheel as an Egg... Maybe that'll work for me? Leaping - though she was surprised she had managed to get off the ground - she managed to angle herself at the Rocket member. Instead of fleeing from the sickening heat, she tried to focus it, picturing a halo of flames around her. Panic melting away, she felt a bit dreamy as silvery fire surrounded her, not even hearing the man's surprised yell when she crashed into him. "Was that... me?" she asked, getting to her feet and staring down at the human she had landed on. He looked a bit singed, and she doubted he'd be getting up for a while. "It worked! I can do this! Hah!"
Arkra had had enough of all the loud sounds and the chaos, it was irritating and confusing. She could feel her rage boiling, boiling... If that Rocket wouldn't stop screaming... she was going to explode. It was a strange sort of primal anger, a rage provoked for little reason. She had to release it on something.

And she did. As though she were a completely different person, she lunged at the next Rocket who had entered the room, snarling and biting. She had no control, it was so... impulsive and instinctive. Her fangs were much more powerful than her old human teeth and she seemed to break the skin so easily. He flailed around, screaming even louder than the first that the Ralts had harmed. She had drawn blood.

"SHUT UP!" Now she heard her a howl overlapped her screams of fury, she wanted to silence him... Arkra looked at his throat...

"No... I can't kill him... I just can't..." Arkra was disgusted and ashamed at herself, she was like some sort of monster, so bloodthirsty. What had happened to her...? And in her moment of mercy, the Rocket grabbed ahold of her and picked her up. He looked very mad. Oh no... She squirmed and flailed, trying to escape the giant, trying to bite his hands, but he wrapped them tightly around her muzzle and she was unable to open her mouth. Her whines for help were muffled.
Something snapped inside of Rachel as she saw the man pick up the Poochyena. She wasn't normally a considerate person. Never had been. But there was something about this, seeing someone who was, or at least had been, human, helpless at the hands of someone so much stronger...

"Put her down!" she cried, flames flying from her beak, activated by a sense of furious anger and rage. The fire lapped at the man's legs and body, working its way up his clothes. He screamed in pain, overcome by panic and fright.

More of them were coming in... This was where the chaos truly began.
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