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Closed .:Transformed:.

"Wait!" shouted Jackson. He launched himself into the shed, but he didn't know how. He was finally away from that rain. That cursed rain.
((We are suspicious cause we are the same!I could even tell you what is in her personal notepad-but I won't,it has embarrassing stuff))

Mysti then saw a Cranidos still lying on the field.Cranidos is a rock type.Mysti just figured it was weak from the rain,and started carrying it toward the shed,where all the Transformed Pokemon were starting to gather.
Arkra stood there as the rain began to pour... She looked up into the sky, thinking for a moment, and got a small trickle of water in her eyes.

The Poochyena thought for a moment as she stumbled after the others into an old, battered looking shed.


Why did they do this to her?

It all began to dawn on her, the realization came crashing down, as if it was a shelter that had collapsed over her head.

This... this was going to be for a long time... it wasn't going to be temporary... it might even have been perminant...
Charlene, still unaware of what the others were doing, kept walking. Nobody else seemed to be bothering her, for some reason or another. She wanted to help the others to make more problems for the Rockets, but the espeon was probably watching, and would know who the others were. They'd probably manage to escape anyway, and if not, they weren't worth bringing along with her.

The rain, when it came, quickly soaked her through the bone, except for much of her face, protected by her cap. She shivered, but kept walking. She had to get out of here... she could meet up with the others later. She could destroy the place later, when she was stronger.

Then, suddenly, the rain above her seemed to stop, and there were legs - human legs - in front of her. A man, in a black Rocket uniform, held up an umbrella over them both. Meanwhile, a buizel skipped cheerfully in a puddle, going in circles. It was singing something about clouds and silver linings.

"Aurora?" he asked. "That's you, right? What are you doing here?" he sounded irritated. "I was looking for you. Don't worry me like that, okay?"

"Tch." Charlene snorted. Obviously he was tricking his pokemon into loving him. She looked at the buizel. "You know your trainer is evil, right?"

The buizel stopped, looking and her and bouncing. "Yep! It's so cool, isn't it?"

She just glared (why was it so happy?), and changed direction, spotting several pokemon moving into an old-looking shed. Gathering all in one area... so stupid... she walked over to the shed, grimly aware that the espeon was probably watching. Well, let her. All of them together could probably beat her, as she could only attack one at a time.
(>:( Jeez aren't you listening you can't see me I ran over the horizon out of view can't you reeeeeeeeead I'm just sitting in some kind of drought-afflicted landscape with a few weeds growing out of the cracks)
Zak had just gotten into the shed. "Well, what do we do now?" he asked to the few who were there with him. "We're probably gonna have to go back sooner or later to undo all this... plus, several of us didn't make it out of the base!"
"We're going to go back when we're stronger," Charlene answered, sitting by a wall. "We'll have to force a scientist to help us, and it'll have to be the ones who worked on this project. Damn, I can't even hack into their minds to do it since I won't have the knowledge and experience." She rubbed her temples, just able to reach them. "Emotional appeal won't work if they're heartless enough to do it in the first place, and I don't think threatening their lives will, either, if we're putting our lives in their hands - there'll have to be a whole team of them, I bet there's surgery involved. And just because they know how to turn us into pokemon, doesn't mean they know how to turn us back. They probably had no reason to learn how."

She groaned. "Why does this have to be so complicated? I think it might be better for us to give up on that and just do what we can to destroy the organisation instead."
"If we did that,as much as I wanna sink my teeth into some of their body parts,wouldn't that ruin our chances altogether-"
She stopped short.
She remembered being a human,with helping Bill turn back human.
"I have an idea.Do any of you remember Bill?"
"He's that guy who set up the PC system in Kanto, right?" She frowned. "Oh, yeah, I vaguely remember a news story about him. He got transformed too, right? But unless he was transformed the exact same way we were, he wouldn't know how to transform us back. If anyone can remember any details about that case so we can see how likely it was he was transformed the way we were, say something about it."

Then she smirked. Hopefully it would work, because... "If we can use him to return to our real bodies, we can destroy the Rockets first with our powers, and then go to him for help. He couldn't refuse us after we erased the Rockets permanently, right?"
"Umm... where are we anyway? I mean, does anyone know what city we're in, or at least where the Rocket bases are so we could determine which this is?" Zak said to the group.
((sorry for lack of meaningful post before. I'm still slightly confused as to what's going on so sorry if this is a sucky post.)

After the Rockets had been taken out, April ran out the door and through the Rockets' hideout, following the scent trail of the other Pokemon, whom she knew had escaped already. She kept glancing back over her shoulder to see that nobody was following her, but she reached the door unchallenged.

The scent trail was slightly fainter outside, and April realized that the pouring rain must be washing away the fresh scents. Glancing around, she couldn't see the other Pokemon - but they had to be nearby; they couldn't have gone far without her and the other Pokemon still inside. The rain was pretty hard - and she was a Fire-type - but the other Pokemon were somewhere out there. Despite worry about the rain, she took a deep breath and stepped out into the rain, sniffing the air for the scents of the others.

Her black fur was quickly drenched through, and water streamed into her eyes so much that she could not keep them open - and decided to try to rely on scent alone.

The scent trail, though faint, was still there, and with her eyes still closed she followed it a little way away from the Rocket building.

She didn't notice the shed.

"Ow," she muttered, lifting a paw and rubbing her nose where it had banged into the shed. She noticed that the rain wasn't in her eyes anymore, and realized that the shed roof must have offered slight protection to the rain. Opening her eyes fully, she walked around it until she found the door, which was slightly ajar. She nosed her way in, and was greeted with a discussion going on between a couple Pokemon - she was in the right place after all.
Mysti vaguely remembered the newspaper."It said something about a generator,that's all I can recall..."she said before noticing April."Hi,April!"
Balia had nearly galloped into the shed, and was huddled in a corner, shuddering violently in an attempt to get rid of the water that had fallen on her. "I think it's Violet City. Or at least, I was near there when I was captured." she offered sullenly. "Who knew that going out to catch a Pokemon would turn me into a Pokemon?" With the realization that being a Fire-type wasn't all that great when it rained, the Ponyta was revising her opinion on how great it was to be a Pokemon.
"This is... perminant..." She looked down at her paws in horror, as if she had seen them for the first time. Arkra was in disbelief the whole time... it had seemed like a dream... no, it couldn't be real... And if it was, it merely to be temporary.


No... It did seem indeed that reality held a grim future for her. She, she might never see her family again... she might never see her again. And if she did... what would she say? She wouldn't recognize her... probably wouldn't be able to understand her either...

Tears began to form in her bright yellow eyes.

She missed her... Oh, why...? Why did this have to happen...?

Arkra turned away from the others, trying to gulp back the tears. But it didn't seem to be working... they began to spill down across her face quite similiarly to the heavy downpour of rain outside.

The Poochyena went to a dark secluded corner of the shed and sobbed silently, unable to contain the bursting sorrow within her.
Hoshizora frowned. "I wonder what's wrong with Arkra?"
She floated closer, but avoided getting too close, in case Arkra didn't want to be approached at the moment.
Mysti saw Arkra in the corner,and ran out of the shed to find a berry.There was a berry tree close by,an oran berry tree.There was also Pecha Berries,so she grabbed a lot of each,just incase they were in there for a while.When she was coming back,the rain seemed to get slower,and it finally came to a stop.
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