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Open Triforms

Demur glared coldly at the annoying butterfly. Spreading its stinking powders everywhere, it was just asking to die.
Spectre was asleep, and therefore not helpful. Eve would definitely be out. Thunder would be kind of exhausted, not to mention having a mental breakdown, and Betta... well, she wasn't good for really anything yet. That left Drifty and Gespenti, and Gespenti would obviously have the upper hand with that stupid bug.
Making her choice, she whispered the Ninetales's name as she sent her out. "Roast that Butterfree with a Flamethrower," she said, pointing in the direction. "And be careful not to inhale the powder."
Gespenti wordlessly obeyed.
Storm let Mysti down behind an apartment building, and shuffled her wings.
"So, I'm going to go kill some Releasers. Just... stay low." She jumped into the air and took a closer look at the carnage below. So... the Releasers were still attacking anyone who got too close, and trying to get away with Pokemon, the usual. Storm flew lower and Aerial Aced a Rhyperior. Not that effective, but not like it mattered.
Maybe... Brick Break? Storm jumped down and lashed out with a claw, clubbing the Rhyperior in the chest. It roared, and stomped into the ground. A few stone shards shot out below her, and she gasped. Damn Stone Edge.
"Thanks, Storm!" She called as the Salamence flew away. ((I rewound time a bit, hope you don't mind)) She turned into a Mudkip, to not be seen easier. She found a hole in the apartment wall and crawled in. She decided to stay hidden until someone found her.
Gespenti hissed as the Silver Wind hit her. It didn't really hurt much, though; it didn't do very much against Fire types like Ninetales, and she was rather bulky anyways. The Psybeams, however, hurt a lot more. Breaking through the psychic power, she shot another Flamethrower. Damn bug would be roasted for sure.
Zyra looked fearfully back at the Pokemon center. We need to get away from here...

Although it was getting farther and farther away, her anxiety did not abate, and she ripped her gaze from it, to keep herself from getting more scared. The thought of the Releasers made her shiver.
Iris fainted.

"Tsyra....Wing Attack...." Dahlia said, recalling Iris.

Dahlia was sprawled out on the concrete.
((I don't know what Pokemon Jaz and Caspian are attacking. -_-;))

((Then, invent one *heroic music* No. Come up with one... how bout.. Yanmega? >_O))

Storm whipped around to snap at a Garchomp, and was rammed by the Rhyperior behind her. She hissed, and blew out a Flamethrower at the Rhyperior, who shook it off.
Let's end this. Storm concentrated, and her eyes glowed blue-purple. Tiny points of light appeared in the sky, and appeared to grow larger, when the first meteor struck.
"Draco Meteor," Storm yelled.

((Oh oh everyone I have a new saying =3

For Steel types: Brick Break
For Ice types: Flamethrower
For everything else, there's Dragon Claw~

>_O I have no life))
"H-hawthorne." she mutterd, before fainting.

A Roserade popped out of a Pokeball.


Java was watching from a distance.
((Fine, be that way then. We're ending this battle if anyone cares...?))
More meteors, all covered in blue-green flames, started to fall, one crushing the Pokemart, another the size of a minivan slamming into the side of an apartment building. Storm winced. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to use Draco Meteor in a busy town...
That's what you get for being so bloody impulsive. At least nobody can sue you, but this will be the focus of the media for a while. Great job, She thought sarcastically.
Mysti looked out because she heard something. It was coming from above. She dashed out of the apartment just as the meteor hit. She turned into a human and went back to the Pokecanter, to see if there were anymore Triforms in need of rescueing.

((Thanks for giving me something to do, Dragon =D))
((>:3 But the Pokemon Center collapsed already..))
Storm looked towards the Rhyperior from before and concentrated... there. A meteor, also the size of a minivan, came down to Storm's right, next to crushing the Rhyperior and definitely killing the human in front of it. One casualty.
Java's eyes widened. A human...not moving. Java morphed into an Eevee and ran over.

Wake up, now. You shouldn't be sleeping now. she said, hoping that the human was just asleep.

"Kecleon?" Zyra asked, hopping out of his arms. ...Where are we going next? She curled her tail with pleasure but did nothing more as she looked up at him. For a moment, she had stopped, for she had bumped into a stump, but then the Triform veered around it, continuing on her path.
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