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Open Triforms

Nasir looked around at the others being electrocuted, and before he could react his spoon was thrown out of his hand with an electrical jolt. He half-collapsed on the floor, and used half of his remaining strenth to transform into a human and then Honchkrow. He wasn't as efficient this way, but he had an idea. The dark bird swooped outside the Pokemon center, opening the door with an Astonish and using his velocity to curve up and perch on the red roof. He roosted, breathing heavily of the effort.
Note to self: eject all metal objects before being electrocuted.
Storm roared as she was shocked by the Thunder.
Oh, that is it. She blew Fire Blasts at any Releasers and Pokemon who got close to her, and slammed her tail into someone who looked innocent.
Oops, Storm throught, and grinned at the carnage around her.
((...That was random ._. He didn't even join the RP... don't tell me those spammers are back...))

Nasir took a deep breath and calmed down. He felt revitalized again--at least enough to go back into the room. He spread his wings and flew into the Pokemon Center without flapping; the only way he needed to go was down.

((EDIT: they aren't.))
Zyra shielded Miles from the Fire Blast, becoming the Fire type as soon as the embers hit her. Still, she struggled, even though she had cut the damage of two attacks in half. Maybe if she knew Psybeam, she could say something. No, it wouldn't work.

Then Zyra blacked out.
Erican collapsed from all the electricity taken out of him, and Mysti collapsed because the attack hit her, too. She used the last of her effort to recall Erican, then she went into a deep coma.
Miles watched as Zyra protected him, hurting herself in the process. He quickly lifted her from the ground, this time burning with rage over seeing this, he turned to the Probopass Charlie and yelled: "Charlie! Use Magnet Rise to lift us and follow it up by Earthquake!" Miles, Zyra and Charlie was left hovering in the air surrounded by a yellow aura. Afterwards Charlie made the entire area shake with his powerful Earthquake attack, hurting anyone that was on the ground.
Thunder suddenly felt the ground shake violently.
Ugh, Earthquake. He hated those things.
This is the last thing Eve needs right now! Just had her heart restarted and some jerk is attacking already.
Turning around, he spotted the Probopass that had started it in the first place. He angrily shocked him with the strongest bolt of electricity he could manage.
Tsyla managed to painfully heave herself up in the air at the command of an Earthquake, and though she couldn't muster up the strength for an Ancient Power, she did try to throw everyone else off kilter so they could stop attacking. Carefully keeping her back to Dahlia, so she couldn't be accused of letting the sound affect her trainer, the Aerodactyl used Screech. All her anger, frustration, loathing... It went into that sound, and even if she couldn't levitate rocks and smash them at people, she could amplify a normal sound to make someone's ears bleed. Wings flapping slowly, she wearily looked back at Dahlia, awaiting another order. "on't ask... for something high-powered. I can't manage right now." she muttered balefully.
As Nasir noted the Earthquake, he lofted himself into the air more towards the middle of the room so that slightly tossed debris wouldn't be able to reach him. But then, a terrible sound reached his ears. It was a terrible Screech that almost made him plummet to the floor. Swiftly, he took a deep breath and exhaled, flapping his wings to scatter the Haze attack. "It's harmless," he told himself quietly, "except for its ability to conceal an escapee." However, this was not what was in his mind, and waited back on the ground again. As his talons touched the ground, he morphed into Kadabra, only to remember that he hadn't mastered telekinetic vision yet. Groaning inwardly, he decided that now was the time to practice. He grasped control of the alpha waves, beginning the process of telekinesis. Afterwards he closed his eyes, sending out the waves every now and then, but he didn't detect anything.
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((Woah, the Pokemon center is next to dead >3 Let's take this outside. ^Only the entire Jubilife City will die there~))

A sudden rumbling made all the battling and hiding humans and Pokemon pause. A cracking sound came from the walls, and Cerberus stood up.
"The place is collapsing," he yelled. A stream of Releasers started to push their way outside, some still battling, and Storm grabbed Cerberus with her tail.
"On my back," she grumbled, knowing he wouldn't understand. Storm pushed though the Releasers, Flamethrowering some out of the way.
"Charlie, stop the Earthquake and let us down, we got to get out!" Miles yelled, and the Probopass stopped the Earthquake attack, while releasing himself and Miles who carried Zyra from the Magnet Rise and let them down on the ground. He quickly ran out of the building, followed by Bleach the Shedinja and Charlie. He took out a potion of his backpack, and began spraying it on Zyra.

Hank realized that the building was collapsing due the fighting, and quickly thought "Shoot! This isn't my lucky day, first a bunch of Releasers and now this?! he quickly morphed into a poochyena, using his small size to run out of the building even thought there was lots of people and Pokémon struggling to get out.
((yes, I had a Triform character, I just don't use him as much as Miles, so he's easily forgotten))
Tsyla didn't have time to use a Wing Attack, and only managed to flutter - yes, flutter out of the ruined Pokemon Centre. It was embarassing how weakened she was, but she managed to stay aloft. Trying to find a target - and not a Releaser, however much she longed to attack one - the Aerodactyl clumsily stooped and tried a Wing Attack on the Charmander who was currently running. Thankfully, having wings made of rock-hard hide would make the attack more than sting - of course, if she managed to hit... "I - I'm sorry." she grated through clenched fangs.
((@Male Gardevoir:

Thunder used Thunderbolt!
Probopass used Ignore!))

Thunder froze as the building started to collapse, thinking a few words from his very colorful vocabulary.
He glanced back at the fallen Leafeon, afraid to leave her for help. Would he make it in time? Would she be trampled or crushed? And he didn't even know where the only help he knew was!
Making his decision, he nosed her once, made sure she was still alive, and charged off. Thankfully, his trainer's form was very recognizable. She wasn't fleeing; she knew she had to get the Pokemon she had sent out into battle.
He charged up to Demur and began tugging on her pant leg urgently. She looked down, and, realizing the panic in his eyes, gestured quickly that she got the message. He ran off again, Demur desperately following, until they reached Eve's broken body.
She recalled them both and ran for it.
((Ignore happens to be the best move in existence. :D It's only normal effective anyway, that together with the massive defence of a Probopass equals not to much damage))
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