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Open Triforms

((If your posts are too short, use more description!))

Zyra was still blacked out, but she could tell that something was bad. There was a sound that was like a waterfall, kind of, but more rocky, and it came to her that the center must have been collapsing.

Oh, no...

She squirmed in Miles's arms, opening her eyes. "Kecleon?"
((Mysti is still in a heap on the floor, practically waiting for a Releaser... although she's not really, she can't help it. She's in a deep coma.))
((Ahhh. Mysti was just hit by the Thunder, like everyone else, so she is laying in a heap on the floor. Because she couldn't take it.((Strange for a Lucario, but tsk tsk.))
((SHOOT! My thread subscription wasn't working for some reason. I think I'll probably leave the thread. NO OFFENSE. I just think I'm a tad behind here. xD))
((Nuu BlazieAura :< It's fine, everyone is ditching anyways *shifty eyes* So... *glomps everyone else*
And Mewtwo, I'll save Mysti! *heroic music* When I feel like typing something for my own RP. *leaves, epic lame*))
((Okay. Got it. ^^))

When the Thunder had hit Lance, Holly had gone to make sure he was okay, but he shrugged her off and continued to stand in front of her. She sighed. That was her Lance. Way too gallant and loyal for his own good.

Suddenly, the roof began to collapse, and Holly instinctively recalled Lance. Of course, then she realized that she had no means of protection. Think before you act, think before you act! She ran as fast as she could along the walls to the exit. On the way, a chunk of ceiling fell on her shoulder, prompting her to bite her tongue and run faster until she was out in the bright sunlight, the Pokemon Center behind her.

Holly sank to the ground in relief.
Storm looked over the Releasers and Triforms, already starting to fight again. Was everyone out... Miles? Yes, there he was, with the.. Kecleon Triform. Things kept getting more interesting. And that other Triform, Mysti... Ah, crap.

Storm pushed Cerberus off her back with a wing, and dived back into the Pokemon center.
"Mysti," she yelled. "Are you there?" She noted how nearly everything was on fire, and pushed the dead body of the woman aside, and nearly had a beam come down on her head.
I won't fit as a Salamence, Storm thought. Maybe Charmander, or a human... no. Storm shifted into a Dragonair, and dived forward to Mysti.

Meanwhile outside, a few Releasers sent out their Pokemon, and get them to round up the tired Triforms. A Machamp rammed into the Pokemon center, trying to make it collapse quicker.
((Lame lame is lame. Errr... what's Mysti right now?))
((Oh haha, missed those posts >_O Well, time delay sequence, this post comes before the above one.))
Storm whipped around and blasted a Dragon Pulse at the Aerodactyl, and hissed. She swung a claw up and slammed it away.
((Short, meh, woo, fwee~))
((Mysti is a Lucario.))
"Wha-what... ohhhhh.... my back." Mysti struggled to stand up, but failed.
Tsyla managed to dodge the Dragon Pulse by sheer luck, nearly dropping out of the sky with exhaustion. However, one the second attack came, she simply too kthe beating through gritted fangs and limped back to Dahlia's side. "Going to... faint... soon." she panted, breath coming in harsh gasps. "Can't fight... now." Really, it had been that damned Thunder that had weakened her so much, and after that, she had pretty much been doomed. Unless her 'trainer' happened to have a Super Potion on her, the Aerodactyl was out of the fight - and glad for it.
((IS SHORT IS SHORTI would say to cut back on the one-liners a bit, but then I'd be a hypocrite. SO We the People will resolve to use one-liners less =D))
Storm looked ahead, and saw a Lucario.. Triform trying to stand up. It was Mysti, wasn't it?
"Mysti!" The Dragonair slithered to her, and shifted back into a Salamence. "Here, get on my back. Or..." Storm helped her on with her tail, and blasted the wall down with a Dragon Claw.
((Less short, yay!?))
Holly examined her shoulder to find that a large bruise was already starting to form, and her mobility was limited. Oh well, at least it wasn't her right arm; throwing Pokeballs would have been a lot harder otherwise.
the Machamp ramming the Center was suddenly cut down by the blade of a Gallade, or to say more exactly, Hank in his Gallade form. "Now, since it seems like there's so many Triforms revealing that they are Triforms without any further problems, I don't see why I shouldn't!" He said, cracking his knuckles and prepared to use Psycho cut.

Miles continued to carry Zyra, despite the fact she was conscious, he didn't want to risk having her hurt further. "Just keep calm Zyra, I'll make sure you're safe" he said, and looked into the sky, hearing a familiar screech. "Perfect timing Barry!" he yelled, and the Gliscor swooped down besides him, with a face practically saying: What do you want me to beat down? "See the guys over there?" Miles said, pointing at the Releasers, "Use Guillotine on as many of their Pokémon as possible, and if necessary use it on them too!" Barry's claw began glowing white, and he proceeded on a rampage amongst the Releasers, knocking out anything near them that moved.
Dahlia recalled Tsyla. She needed rest.

"Iris! Sleep Powder." she said, wiith a smile on her face.

Powder came out of the Butterfree's wings.
"Thanks, Storm... I owe you one." Mysti mumbled.
((SHORT IS SHORT AGAIN But then again, not much for me to do...))
"Kecleon..." Zyra said. She was a Triform... but how could Miles handle it, after all the others? She was forced to say "Kecleon" all the time...

It was a real dilemma for her, to be a trainer's Pokémon when she was really one-fourth human, at least....
Holly took a deep breath. Well, sitting there wasn't going to help. She was still in the middle of a huge fight, after all. And those Releaser people had started this mess, so they seemed to be the obvious 'bad guys' of the scene.

Standing up, Holly took a Pokeball from her belt and stared at it for a moment, considering. Then she transferred it to her left hand, and grabbed a second one. They both hadn't been out of their balls for a while, and were pretty much at the same level of experience...why not?

She enlarged the first one and threw it, and hurriedly moved the second Pokeball to her throwing arm and repeated the motion. "Jaz! Caspian!" A Roserade and Empoleon materialized, ready for battle. "Okay you two, those guys over there aren't up to any good, so we need to get rid of them for a bit. Then I'm going to get some answers," she added quietly. When the two gave her strange looks, Holly quickly continued, "Okay. Jaz, just Energy Ball any of the Pokemon with those people in black. Same for you, Caspian, except with a Flash Cannon. Let's go!"
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