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Open Triforms

((What now I'm a ref like in ASB leave me alone >:/ Uh... *looks at ASB* The Sunny Day wouldn't work, and the Gliscor is down after being killed by a Salamence and Raichu. Dragon and shadow_lugia get $10 for winning, stereotypical Releaser gets $5, both for competing in four rounds))
Zyra leaped behind the table, still shivering and hugging close to Miles. Unknowingly, she transformed into the Rock-type, perfectly blending in with it.

Zyra became Grass-type, very green indeed, and used Psybeam on the Roserade. "KecleO-ON!" She let out a battle cry as a color-changing beam came from her forehead, straight at Hawthorne.
Hawthorne got hit hard. She grasped her right leaf (arm) in pain. She was scowling at them.

Java took this time to strike. She aimed a Fire Punch straight at Hawthorne's chest. Hawthorne's sight started to get foggy, then it went dark. She had fainted.

Dahlia recalled Hawthorne, and sen out Iris.
Nasir watched as the Kecleon acted afraid. Figures, he thought adn turned around, waiting for his alpha waves to do their work. If he was correct he would only need minimal effort just to cause slight cranium pain.
Eve scowled at her failed Sunny Day. Vulnerability to statuses wasn't good.
While the Roserade was distracted, she used another Aerial Ace.
Tsyla would have loved joining in on the fight, and ached to destroy the unfortunate Butterfree that has just been sent out. Iris wouldn't stand a chance against her claws... But no. She had her family, her friends to think of. The Aerodactyl growled loudly, spreading her wings and looking disgusted with herself. "What... what are your orders?" she grated, feeling the bitter taste of utter defeat. She couldn't help the other Triforms - she couldn't even attack at random without it being intepreted as disobeying. She had to betray everyone...

Flapping her wings, she bared her fangs. Flying was useless in here - should she shift? No, she had to wait for orders. Bah.
Holly dived out of the way of a stray Flamethrower. She considered joining the fight, but she didn't know who all of the Pokemon belonged to. She'd probably end up attacking somebody on her side. But she did need protection. "Go, Lance!" She called softly.

Lance, her Gallade, came out of his pokeball and looked around in confusion. "Listen Lance, I don't know what's going on, but I need you to help me avoid attacks. Can you do that?"

Lance nodded and scanned the room for danger.
"Tsyla, ANCIENTPOWER! Iris, Sleep Powder. Stay away from Releaser Pokemon and trainers. Get the Trifroms except for Tsyla!"
Mysti kept jumping and doing backwards flips to dodge. "Nah nah nah nah nahhh!" she yelled as she pulled out a Pokeball. "Go, Erican!" Out came a Pikachu whose tail had a crack in it. "Piikaaa..." she said as she saw what had called her out; a Lucario. "Look, Erican. if you don't get your butt out there and fight, we're all gonna die." "Chuuuu!" Erican said, signaling he was ready to fight. "Okay, one, two, three, THUNDER!" Mysti yelled. "CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" Erican began using thunder all around the *insert where we are, I forget*. Erican's Thunder hit everyone , including Mysti.
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Halfway through the Aerial Ace, Eve felt everything grow hot around her. And there was a sharp smell in the air that stung her nose. She had smelled that smell before in double battles with Thunder; the smell of over a thousand volts of electricity.
Not only was her nose stinging, but she was now in pain all over. This, too, she had felt, when an enemy used electricity on her.
Everything was happening too fast; she didn't know what was going on. The floor rushed up at her, and for a split second she wondered if she was shrinking, until she realized she was falling. Her nose collided painfully with the linoleum, but she didn't have to deal with the pain long as she stopped thinking, stopped seeing, stopped everything.

Thunder felt the air crackle with electricity, which was naturally attracted to his fur. The extra energy made him want to do something else, but what was there to do? He needed to get rid of the extra electricity; normally he would embed the end of his tail in the ground and discharge it, but the tiles were too hard to crack, and even if he could there was bound to be a concrete foundation underneath.
He was very twitchy until the moment were he saw a creamy, deerlike creature crumple a short ways away crumple to the ground, leaves burnt to a crisp.
"Eve!" he gasped, making his way towards her. He nipped at anyone who got in his way aggressively until he reached her fallen form.
He nudged her, hoping that she would get up, hoping for any reaction. Putting his sensitive ear on her chest, he listened carefully.
No breathing.
He shifted slightly.
No heartbeat either.
Frightened, he remembered what human doctors did in human hospitals to people whose hearts had stopped.
It was worth a shot.
He shocked her with a bolt of electricity.
Please, he begged silently.

((This is my favorite post so far :3))
((Er, wasn't that sort of powerplaying? The whole, the attack hit everyone, so it already decided the outcome? Forgive me if I'm being nitpicky.))
Zyra was shocked, luckily Grass-type at the moment, and resisted the attack while becoming Electric type, her skin a bright yellow. She heard a voice after that.

Get all the Triforms.

With fear, she hid behind Miles, shaking her head. Hadn't she noticed before that something had been going on?
((Ah, alright. Sorry.))

Tala began to use Ancientpower - only to screech loudly as the Thunder hit her. The pain as her muscles protested. Her hide wasn't much help against an electrical attack, and she couldn't even gather enough energy or concentration to shift forms. All she could do was slump to the floor, wings held up protectively in case someone decided to attack her. At least Dahlia couldn't give her orders if she couldn't even move.
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