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Open Triforms

((Late post, anyways.))
The Pokeball Dahlia was holding fell to the ground, and popped open.
((Peice of crap one-liner, can't think of a way to not get you killed. >: And I have to go, so let's just say Storm's on a rampage killing ppl~))
Tsyla materialized, irate that she had been released again. Couldn't Dahlia make up her mind? Of course, once she appeared and noticed the person standing in front of her, she began to growl. So the Releasers had decided to change her trainer, or something like that? Or was this just another threat to obey, before someone she knew got hurt... Oh well. Whatever the reason, it wasn't going to be good for her, and the Aerodactyl felt the impulse to shift, to dash away... But no. If she was going to do anything, it would be to try and insult as many as possible.
Holly stared. A Charmander hadn't really just turned into a Salamence, right? But when she squeezed her eyes tightly shut and opened them again, it was still there. Uh, what? None of my Pokemon can do anything like that. At least, I hope not.

((Short. DX))
"You want Triforms? Come and get them!" Nasir focused and transformed himself into Kadabra. Glancing at the wall, he discovered that the minute hand on the clock was slowly ticking backwards. He had carefully examined all of his current form's Pokédex descriptions and memorized them. They had given him information about Kadabra's alpha waves it emitted and what they could do, such as ruining precision devices and inducing headaches into nearby people. He suspected he was protected, and looked around. Time for a bit of practice.

Carefully, he lifted his spoon with telekinesis and slapped an enemy on the head with it.
A Flamethrower blasted out of nowhere and a Monferno stepped out from behind the counter, a sly smile on her face.
Holly ran back into her (hopefully) safe corner. Maybe she was hallucinating...? She considered joining the fight, but decided against it. This was between the Releasers and the--what had she called them? Triforms.
((Woo epic fight))
Storm looked around, some other Triforms? Eh, not her problem, they could fight if they wanted. She slashed a man with a Dragon Claw, he fell quickly. The Releasers weren't stupid, though. A few of them with silver crests on their uniforms, likely higher ups, sent out some Pokemon.
"Oh finally, a fair battle," Storm laughed. She laid into the nearest Pokemon, a Gliscor, with a Dragon Pulse.
((I don't know what to have Holly do other than cower. -_-; She'll just watch for now I guess...))
Demur watched through a gap in between two heads as a Salamence grew out of seemingly nowhere (Charmander was too short for her to see from there).
Triform, most likely female. And very mad.
Hmm... I suppose it's only my duty to asisst.
But should I? Would it really be a good idea to openly choose sides... when you have something to lose?
Yes. Yes it would.

Coming to this conclusion, she took off a ball from her belt. Even if she did want to fight, she didn't have to do it herself and be rooted out.
"Go, Thunder!" she said in a surprisingly calm voice, sending out the chubby golden Raichu. His cheeks crackled with electricity, thankfully not hitting anyone in the crowded center.
She leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Go through the crowd and get to that Gliscor, but charge a Focus Punch before you get within sight. Try to be as silent as possible, and when you get there, hit it with it. I'm pretty sure that it'll never see you coming; good luck."
Thunder nodded and stopped making electricity fly through the air, diving in between a man's legs as his front right paw started glowing ever so faintly with energy.
Zyra dashed after Miles, tripping once but managing to catch her balance. She skidded to a halt next to Miles, shivering. "Ke-eck...?" She wanted to ask what was going on, but she would give her position away if she did that. Instead, she stuck close to Miles, acting as if she were a magnet. She was still shuddering with fear.
Nasir turned his head and gazed at a small green chameleon. It looked rather frightened, and he quickly started towards it. It came to his mind that he would cause a headache if he went near, so he let himself change into Drifloon as he floated gently towards Zyra.

"Are you frightened?" He was expecting an answer other than "yes," such as one that otld what awas frightening.
"Kecleon..." She was thinking, I don't want to give myself away, but saying out loud would do so. Zyra just stared at the Kadabra blankly, other than that, even though her eyes were glazed over with fear of something else... and that something else was probably something in this room.
Miles looked around on the happening around him, which was total madness to him. "What on earth is going on?!" he yelled, but decided not to wait for an answer and flipped a table at the side, which happened to be the same one as Hank was calmly leaning his feet at, and jumped behind it to hide, dragging Zyra with him followed by his Probopass Charlie and his Shedinja Bleach. "Let's just hide until the insanity is over!"

hank had been quietly watching what had been happening. "This was not what I expected to happen, It took me long time to build my identity as a human, and I don't want to blow the cover, do I?" While no one had their sight on him, he jumped behind the desk and hid there, waiting for the right moment to pop up again.
Storm parried a blow from the Gliscor, and gave it an Aerial Ace. It jumped forwards with a Poison Jab, just barely nicking Storm's wing. She leapt back and crashed into the table. A Raichu jumped up from beside her, and looked at her a second before slamming a Focus Punch into the Gliscor's chest. Where'd that come from?
Java dashed around, firing Flamethrowers and punches.

"Looks like I have to show my own Releasers that I am the best." Dahlia giggled.

"Go, Hawthorne!" she said calmly, letting the Roserade loose.
Demur quietly sent out the Leafeon.
"Eve," she said, "I want you to go deal with that Roserade, way over there." She pointed. "Do you think you could use a Sunny Day, and then attack with an Aerial Ace?"
"I'm not sure if Sunny Day would work when we're all indoors, but it might." She then dived off in the specified direction, fleet as a deer.

Thunder, meanwhile, acted of his own accord. He felt satisfaction as he felt his chubby fist collide with the Gliscor's hard chest, and Headbutted it as a follow-up. He hoped it was down; the battle definitely wasn't over yet, what with all these other people, and the Salamence's own attacks should help.
Storm blasted a Flmaethrower in the general direction of the Roserade, and turned back to the Gliscor with a Dragon Claw.
"Moving on," she muttered, and knocked a sideways table over with her tail.
Hawthorne jumped back, a sly smile on her face. She just got a bit of the Aerial Ace. She started to form a dark ball of energy in her hands. Shadow Ball. She let it loose at Storm.
((What's with the fragment sentences? >:/))
Storm felt a ball of energy hit her in the back, and she was thrown backwards into the wall. She growled, and aimed a Fire Blast at the Roserade. Quickly, Storm fired it.
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