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Open Triforms

Cerberus glared at Mysti, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.
"Don't tell me what to name my Pokemon," he growled. "But.. considering her temper, it would fit." Storm spat an Ember at Cerberus. "Right, I'm Cerberus. Nice to meet you, uh, Mysti."
"My line's Charmander, Dragonair, Salamence, by the way," Storm said.
"I like Mudkip, Lucario, and Charizard." she said, trying to hint to Storm it was her line. "Do you have any favorite Pokemon?"
((I liek Mudkipz))
"I like Tyrannitar," Cerberus answered. "And you like Charizard? That's awesome, when.. Storm evolves she'll be one!" Storm winced. "We're going to Jubilife, want tocome with us?"
((Kay Darksong, let's just say we have walked for a while))

Miles sat on a bench in jubilife City, accompanied by Zyra. He was eating a large lollipop, making him look somewhat childish. He opened his backpack and took out a apple, handed it to Zyra and said "Hungry? I only have this one left, so you could save it for later if you want"
Zyra nodded, excited. She didn't eat it right away but just clutched it in her two small hands, admiring it. Her eyes shone with excitement, and then she looked up at Miles in thanks, holding the apple. "Kec."
Can I join? 6 pages in... -_-;

Name: Holly Kohl

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short brown hair that goes down to her chin, green eyes. Holly has a brown jacket,unzipped, over a blue tank top. She wears jeans (How plain. XD) and white sneakers.

Personality: Pretty smart, knows her type matchups. She tends to catch pokemon that she likes, not ones that would make a perfect type team. She has a quick temper, and doesn't think things through before she says them. She can be somewhat self-centered, but tries her best to be kind.

Side: Good, I guess.

Role/Job: Um...any Triforms that want a trainer?

Other Pokemon:
Roserade-Female-Jasmine (Jaz)
Gallade-Male-Lancelot (Lance)
(Insert Triform here?)
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Java walked out of the fast food place.

"Wow....that was lousy." she said.


Dahlia went back to the bench, pulling a bunch of bananas out of her canvas bag. She let out all her Pokemon and put out bowls of Pokemon Food.
Tsyla scowled darkly as she was released, hunching over her bowl of food and glowering at everyone. She had to admit, she liked Pokemon food. An acquired taste, perhaps, but she enjoyed eating it - when she wasn't awkwardly hunting. Though, she hated being given it like some sort of pet, and even hunting or going hungry was better than having Dahlia feed her. Snapping at the air a few times before she actually began to eat, the Aerodactyl (at least sometimes) kept up the murderous look at everyone.
Riley, her Lucario, shot daggers back at her.

Hey, Tsyla...she isn't that bad. It's not like she's a cold-hearted killer. Riley said.

(Sorry, I had to reference that)
Miles eventually got up and said: "But we can't stay here all day, we can walk until Barry comes back, then we can fly him to Veilstone . But for now let's walk" he threw the lollipop stick in a trash bag, and prepared to continue walking.
Zyra nodded, stopping for a moment, then running to keep up. She tilted her head as if to ask, "What are we doing anyway?"
Nasir decided to go to a busier city, like Jubilife. He transformed into Honchkrow, flew there, and entered the Pokémon Center after turning back.
Out of boredom, Elise went inside the Pokecenter, in Weavile form. She ran under a table and hid there, watching a Honchcrow flying inside.
Miles suddenly turned around, and began walking in the direction of the Pokémon Center, "On second thought, I might want to withdraw Charlie from my PC first" he turned around and looked at Zyra, "THEN we'll go and buy more food!"
Java walked into the Pokemon center, it would be better than the outside world.


"I think I should heal you guys." Dahlia said, recalling her Pokemon and cleaning up, walking towards the Pokemon center.
((Oh yeah, real subtle, guys. =3 Right, Mewtwo, let's just say we were walking, and got there...))
Cerberus handed his Pokeballs to Nurse Joy, and glared at Storm.
"I hope you're happy," he grumbled, and paused. "But at least you can fight well. You'll be a great help on the team... If you want to stay." Storm rolled her eyes, and pawed the ground.
((Epic action, coming up soon~ >:3))
((Yay! XD But then again, Tsyla keeps being returned - though granted, all she does is glare and promise murder. :P I doubt she'll even be out for this epic action. XD))
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