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Open Triforms

((They can be captured even as humans. Which sucks.))
Cerberus picked up the jar of honey.
"I don't know," he said to the other kid. "I caught him, so..." Storm growled.
"It's her, moron," she yelled. Cerberus grinned, not understanding.
"We'll have to think about naming him. What about.. Blaze?" Storm spat a Flamethrower at him and screeched.
((I do think you got something wrong there, Mewtwo, also Miles isn't a Triform, my other character Hank is, and he just ran away))

Miles looked at the Charmander's behavior as Cerberus talked about it. "I might be wrong, but could it possibly be telling you it's a girl?" He scratched his head, something he did a lot, especially when he was pondering. "I don't know, I can't talk with Pokémon, would be awesome if I could" He crouched and studied the Charmander a bit closer, yet close enough to make it awkward for the Charmander(He at least hoped). "But a wild Charmander here? They're Kanto-Native, and they're just as rare over there too. Come to think of it, I have only seen them on drawings before. But maybe I shouldn't be talking, I have some Jotho-native Pokémon to, but I actually caught those when I WAS in Jotho on a vacation, or at least one of them"
Storm slashed at Miles' face with a Dragon Claw. Cerberus sighed, and recalled her.
"Well, it doesn't matter to me," he said. "I caught Blaze, and.. she? She's mine now." Cerberus sent out Leaf and Glade and brought out Potions for them.
((Have to go in ten seconds, bye guys))
((That's a sham, bye))

Miles rolled around on the ground a bit, holding his hand over the wound on his face, once again looking pretty pathetic, something he was good at. He got up eventually, looking a bit pissed, while at the same time having a tear in his eyes. "Seriously, was that necessary?! I can't believe she's such a jerk!"

((Making my RP counterpart a complete loser at time is kind of fun! :D))
Zyra looked up at Miles for a moment, thinking, I'm Hoenn-native, but no one can get everything right. She was at least tall enough to touch his side and try to comfort him, as if to say, "Let's just continue on."
Several Kakuna lay at Rawk's feet, they had all fainted, "Dash, come back." and the red and white ball dissolved the Pokémon. Rawk whispered something before walking on, "Nine, freaking, Kakuna. And Dash had to take them all out." He said as he walked on.

((I don't think I want involved in the plot XD))
((I actually meant Hoenn, but I confused Johto and Hoenn, silly me, silly me))
((By the way I just bought PMD 2, so expect a little less activity from me right now, not much, but a little less. And guess what I became after doing the personality test, no seriously, guess!))

Miles noticed Zyra, whom didn't seem to want him to continue going on about that "Accident" He sighed. "What the hell, I came here to relax a bit, so I shouldn't be going psycho about that. No, I have to relax, RELAX!" He sat down on the Lake Shore, took off his sandals and socks and dipped his feet in the cool water.

"Goddamnit." Rawk breathed, he rubbed his eyes, "Why the hell did I stay up till 3 in the morning today." Rawk took out his map book to check where the nearest Pokémon Center was. "Sandgem! But that's got a huge block of tall grass there!" Gridginly, Rawk decided to head to Sandgem for the night.
Java hopped over the edge of the building. She caught a clothes line with her tail and swang around. It was the caffeine.
Cerberus winced.
"Well, I'm sorry," he muttered. "I'm going now, see you all later... maybe." He motioned to the Turtwig and Larvitar, and started to walk towards Jubilife City.

((Rechange of plan... *sweatdrop* We'll all gravitate towards the Jubilife Pokemon Center. And just so you all know, Triforms can tell if a Pokemon/person's a Triform or not, but other Pokemon and people can't. *looks up* Wow, that's sad. This OOC is longer than the actual post... >_<))
Elise scanned the ground below, gliding to save energy. She only had to flap her wings once every few minutes or so: after living a third of her life, (in a sense) she was an expert at swimming and flying. Far below, she spotted a small Bidoof trotting along happily, outside of the protection of tall grass or trees. In one fluid motion, she tilted her wings every so slightly into a steep dive. Before it had any time to notice her, it was held tightly in her talons.
Everything seemed more positive one a full stomach. Someone, had said that once, not that she cared who. The Pidgeotto had no qualms about eating other Pokemon. If nothing else, she was helping them.
Heh, served it right for being so stupid, walking along in clear view of every other Pokemon in the area. One less weakling out of the gene pool.
She knew better than to morph again and make her stomach explode from changing size. Not that it would be a smart thing to do, anyway. As a Dratini, she could only move around quickly underwater. As a Weavile, she stood out too much. Her human form wasn't worth mentioning: ugly, slow, and weak with no real abilities of note.
Much happier, she began flying north again, towards another human city.
Cerberus glared at the Pokeball in his hand, the one holding the Chamander that was supposed to be female.
"I'll have to let her out to train her sometime," he said out loud. "And now isn't really a good time." Leaf pawed at his foot, and jumped in his lap. Cerberus smiled at the Turtwig and glared at the ball again. With a sigh, he put Leaf on the ground and started to walk.
"Why don't I just release you," he grumbled.
Java hid behind a tree. She morphed to human. She ran swiftly to Jublife. She needed to get the caffine out.

(She is still on the road, not there yet)
Dahlia was not stupid. Just....cruel. She smirked, shovin the ball into a belt with force.

"Filthy Triforms..." she moaned, walking to Jublife City, "If I see one...they aren't gonna be capture. THEY'RE GONNA BE KILLED!"
Demur watched some commotion on the other side of the lake for a while. Unfortunately, the figures were too small to make out anything more than black specks moving around.
She looked back at the team she had spent so long putting together. Drifty was still floating, although he wasn't practicing for anything, only enjoying the complicated patterns the wind made, along with him. Spectre was sleeping soundly still, put to sleep by Gespenti's Hypnosis.
She plucked the Poke Balls from the Trainer's belt she wore. "Everyone, return," she said softly. The four that were capable of returning themselves did so, while Demur recalled Betta and Spectre manually.
Afterwards, she transformed into her Togekiss form, first transferring the bag she carried equipment in to her neck so she could travel with it through the air. She picked up the belt in her small paws; it had dropped to the ground when she became smaller. Checking the balls were securely fastened, she gracefully took off, a smile on her face, as was usually so in this form.
Mysti had a strange feeling about the boy who had captured the Charmander. Triform Charmander... she thought to herself as she changed into the smaller Mudkip and began following the human.
Zyra dipped her feet in the water also, and she smiled, letting out a small, happy noise. This felt good... she put more and more of her body in until she was holding onto the shore with her right hand. So that she could let go, she changed to the Water type and drifted for a moment, floating like all other Pokémon of the water element. The Kecleon let out a little Pokémon sigh.
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