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Open Triforms

Yeah, yeah, I'm addicted to RPs. Shush. :P I shall join!

Name: Tsyla
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Line: Houndour - Wartortle - Aerodactyl
Human appearance: Tsyla has dirty blonde hair that's cut at chin-length, and is rather average looking. She usually wears a long grey cloak that billows dramatically when she's in human form, and generic black clothes underneath it. (Me being lazy, as usual: no description whatsoever)
Personality: Tsyla can be bitter and easy to annoy, with most of the conversations she has ending with her stalking away in disgust, frustration or a mix of the two. She prefers to stay in Pokemon form because of the freedom she gets from it, and how she can express her emotions without anyone looking at her oddly. She loathes the Releasers, but works with them out of neccessity, and when she's really angry, she'll lose control over herself and go through all of her forms. Hence, the reason she prefers to stay in Pokemon form. Tsyla also loves to fight and can be very stubborn.
Side: Releasers
Role: Trainer's Pokemon - Aerodactyl
'Cepted. And an announcement:

Name: Miles (Sometimes called "Tails" due the Sonic character with the same name) Savasta
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Miles have green eyes and somewhat long blond-grey hair. Miles carries a white long sleeved shirt, grey pants and black shoes. He always looks very clean.
Personality: Calm, pretty positive in general. He sometimes seems to be happy because of stupidity, but he is actually pretty smart.
Side: Good
Role/Job:Triform trainer(Darksongs?)
Other Pokémon:
Nickname: Bleach

Nickname: Charlie

Gender: Male
Nickname: Barry
Other: Is pretty good at calumniating, and uses it to annoy or confuse others.

I want to make a Triform character too, :L
Accepted, if Darksong will haf joo. And you can have a Triform when we get some Trainers for the ones that already exist, dammit >:/

Ah, screw you all. I'ma making a Trainer, then.

Name: Cerberus Quaze
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: (WHUT)
Personality: PO
Side: Guud peepul.
Role/Job: Trainer to Storm

Leaf, Male

Glade, Male

charmander dragonair salamence
Storm, Female

Cerb will die and be replaced by anyone who wants to be Storm's Trainer. *looks around hopefully*

I don't accept myself, I forgot the secret word Accepted.
Wait, was that a "Yes, you may have a Triform character that isn't trainer Pokémon" Or a "No, you may not have Triform character that isn't trainer Pokémon?"

By the way, the manga Immortal Regis is awesome.
Wooh, that's awesome! :D

Name: Hank Tangeman
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Line: Poochyena - Grumpig - Gallade
Human appearance:Hank have medium long hair coloured purple/green and is kind of messy, his eyes are blue-green. Hank usually carries a grey T-Shirt over his white long-sleeved one, Military green pants and white/blue shoes.
Personality: Hank is a quiet person, who doesn't mind the business of others. But he can be quite friendly at times, too.
Side: Good
Role: Citizen
Name: Dahlia Yato
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long, red hair, she wears a black cap. She wears a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of jeans with a couple of rips in it.
Personality: PO
Side: Releasers
Role/Job: Trainer to Tsyla Aerodactyl
Lucario Riley, Male

Butterfree Iris, Female

Roserade Hawthorne, female
Name: Rawk Hiatana
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and slender, his arms and legs are long and he is quite tanned. His dark brown hair is long for a boy's and is quite messy, his hair is always covering his eyes so it's hard to see any emotion in him. He wears a short sleeved white t-shirt with baggy blue jeans and some white trainers.
Personality: Monotone and dull most of the time it would appear, he prefers to stay away from company other than his Pokémon. However this is because he isn't at all good with conversations, and they normally end with him steaming and the other person lying on the floor crying. Despite his anger he means well, and he will help when necessary.
Side: Good (Why don't we call the good people "The Triforce" XD)
Role/Job: Pokémon Trainer
Pokémon: Razor the Scyther (M), Lucky the shiny Absol (M), (Insert random Triform who wants a Trainer here.), Flash the shiny Electabuzz (M), Dash the Arcanine (M), Jen the Ninetales (F) Currently in storage, Vulpix (F) This Pokémon is daughter to Dash and Jen.
Actually, I was thinking about naming them something like that.. X3 But nah. If we have to, I guess. AcCePtEd.

So, I guess we can/should start~ You start somewhere around Lake.. Verity, I think it is? Beside Twinleaf. Sinnoh.

Storm looked up to the top of the lake, and flicked her tail. The Dragonair started to rise to the top, breathing out a small bubble of air as she ascended. Storm floated out of the water, and coiled up on the beachy area beside the lake. Her serpentine body started to reform into a human one, and a few moments later she was human. Storm stretched her arms in the air.
"Haven't had arms in a while," she said to herself. The Triform started to walk down the path away from the lake.
((btw, if you're a Triform's Pokemon let me know if your Trainer knows that or not.))
Java was human, walking down the streets of Twinleaf. She spotted a coffee shop. She smiled and ducked into an alley, which she transformed into her Rotom form. She fazed through the wall and into the coffee machine. The coffee machine started spewing coffee.

"Yes!" she cried, drinking some of the spewing coffee.

"Stupid Pokemon..." The owner said, grabbing the Rotonm.

A little electric shock later, Java fazed through the walls and hid in the same alley, turning into her Eevee form.
Elise hid at the bottom of Lake Verity in her Dratini form, eyeing the much larger Dragonair leave the lake. There wasn't much point in being here. She was so hungry, but all the Magicarp were being protected by Gyarados, which she didn't dare fight. Everything else was too big. She might have a chance in Pidgeot form, though since she was wet, flying would be difficult.
She swam to the surface and morphed into a Weavile. Soaking wet, she ran silently towards Twinleaf town. Hopefully, she could find something there..
A soft cry could be heard, carrying itself on the wind from the Valley Windworks. Above a smiling Drifloon, passed by, squeaking happily. He looked down and saw a young child, who looked rather somber but serious. He drifted downwards, reaching out to snatch the child's hand. It turned out that the Drifloon was the one who was grabbed. He tore himself free of the grip and flew higher into the sky. After a few moments, a human took his place, and began to fall. Long before he hit the ground, he had transformed into a Honchkrow, screeching and heading for Snowpoint City.
Mysti, in her Lucario form, went to the lake for a cool, refreshing drink. She changed into a Mudkip and jumped in. She began swimming around.
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