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Open Triforms

Demur sighed through her nose as she watched the newly captured Feebas swim slowly through the water at the lakeshore, wishing that the ride on the Drifblim floating above was more comfortable so she could Fly to Hearthome and evolve her.
It's not all bad, she reminded herself. She can learn some TMs. Atleast she's not a Magikarp.
She turned around and looked at the congregation behind her instead. There was a Haunter trying to grab onto the Drifblim's... ribbons? strings? yellow dangly things? Needless to say, the latter was very pissed. A Ninetales watched a few yards away from the water in silent amusement as the purple balloon turned around faster than would've been thought possible for such a round, bulky creature, and the Haunter's disembodied hands slipped and he plummeted towards the ground. Fortunately, he was stopped a few inches above a Leafeon and Raichu who were sitting close together by a mysterious force.
"Nice variation on Astonish, Drifty!" she shouted up to the Drifblim. He seemed pleased by this and continued drifting around, pushed by the wind, occasionally performing the same technique he had just demonstrated.
The Haunter recovered very quickly and instead targeted the Ninetales, who was watching Drifty. He reached out for one of her tails; however, she hissed threateningly and her eyes glowed hypnotically, putting the Haunter into a deep sleep.
"That should keep him at bay for a while," she muttered.

(By the way, can Trainers normally understand their Pokemon, or can only Triforms understand due to their Pokemon forms?)
Emerging from the woods at the edge of Twinleaf, the Weavile morphed suddenly into a large tan bird. She flapped her still-wet wings experimentally. This was annoying, it would be hard to fly until she dried off. Not to mention she was still hungry, having had no luck catching anything.
Jumping up suddenly, she stretched out her wings and flapped hard. With some effort, she started gliding in circles around the town before landing on the roof of a cafe (Not that she knew what it was). With the equivalent of a sigh, she began grooming her feathers, looking down at the town hopefully for any sign of small, edible Pokemon like a Rattata or something.
Java glanced at the Pidgeot and was filled with fear.

"Y-You don't eat mere Eeevee." she said nervously, "Y-you'll be sorry if you do."

If it went to attak her, she would turn into her Monferno form.
Elise calmly regarded the Eevee. Actually, it wouldn't be too hard to carry away in her talons, and smelled delicious...
But a defenseless Pokemon in this situation would have fled instead of staying to talk. Meaning they had some other form of defense. Not worth risking injury.
"Hm? Eat you? Sure I'd be sorry. I'd choke on all that fur."
She glanced at Java again. Swooping down next to her, she did the equivalent of a mischievous smile.
"Though, to be frank, I am really hungry. But nah, I won't eat you. Though, if you know any other small Pokemon you don't get along with too well, just let me know..!"
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(( I kind of have to wait for Male Gardevoir to post, so... don't kick me out D:))

Zyra was still inside her Poké Ball.
Rawk strolled through the forest between Twinleaf and Sandgem, the path was surrounded by Kakuna. Any of them so much as come near me i'll make sure they evolve the hard way! To his annoyance one dropped down in front of his face and spat something stringy in his face, wiping it away angrily he swore, "Dash, take care of this." sending out his massive Arcanine he wiped the rest of the string away. "Overheat." Dash's mouth filled with large amounts fire and formed into a ball shape, then he blasted it into the Kakuna sending it flying. "Return." As he recalle his Pokémon, Dash breathed a sigh.
((Er, I suppose Tsyla's trainer knows. :P))

Tsyla was fuming quietly as she flapped her wings soaring over the woods. Normally, she would have been either a) hunting, or b) looking for her trainer so that she could have some real - not raw - food for once. True, her system was used to Berries and meat and all that, but nothing tasted better than human food. Staying in Aerodactyl form helped with that: she didn't have to worry about her outrage catching anyone's attention, and flying - or taking down a Pokemon - was one of the best stress relievers ever. There were many reasons she was usually angry, and being forced into working for the Releasers was only one of them... Looking down as a fireball crashed through a clearing in the forest, she screeched - loudly, as if in anger for the trainer getting rid of a food source. If he didn't know what she was, it was always better to keep up the act.
((Actually Darksong, since you're another RPer you'll be my "free" Pokémon, in other words the one that's never in the ball, Like Ash's Pikachu.
By the way, Miles don't know you're a Triform, I find it funnier that way, especially if Miles finds out later on, few things are as satisfying as writing the reaction to such a thing))

A Grumpig sat quietly at the shore of Lake Verity, looking at the water. It suddenly heard a loud scream, and quickly ran away to the woods, where it morphed into a Poochyena and continued to run.

"Who decided to do something like putting a stone here?!" Miles yelled, jumping around on his foot while holding the other one, he happened to be temporary wearing sandals and managed to hit his foot on a rock that laid in the grass. While jumping around he also managed to slip and fall, hitting the ground with a BUMP! "Ow! my sensitive little bottom!" He said, sounding and looking a bit pathetic. He looked at the Kecleon that had been following him, and scratched his head, "Sorry Zyra, I guess having me as your trainer is really awkward for you"
"Calm down, Tsyla!" Dahlia yelled, "You aren't a primitive being..."

She then thought about it.

"Er...maybe you are..." she said.


"Nah." Java said, 'I'm good."
Tsyla snorted: she could hear her trainer's voice even from this height. Her 'trainer'. What a joke, that she was supposed to have a trainer, to help her control her changing. What it really meant was that someone controlled her, kept tabs on where she was, so she couldn't even see her family. Not to mention that she was supposed to fight against others like her, others who could change. It wasn't fair - but then again, what was? Eyes narrowing, she didn't shriek this time, but she did fly as high as she could, wings straining with the effort. Once it was as high as she could go, and the cold wind buffeted her, the Aerodactyl started to spiral downward, taking her time. At least, when she was flying, she felt a bit of freedom. Not much, but enough to keep her sane. The wind always felt so good, carrying away her worries, her anger...
((GARBLL HOW DARE YOU MISS AN ENTIRE PAGE CHANGE OF YOUR OWN RP!! shadow_lugia, Triforms understand Pokemon all the time. Otherwise Pokemon speak pogeymanz. BTW Male Gardevoir and Darksong, that was the idea~))

Storm sniffed the air and looked around. Was that..? She shifted into a Charmander, and pushed her way into the grass around the lake. An open jar of Honey rested on the ground, and Storm stuck a paw in greedily.
"Aha," a voice yelled, and a human boy appeared, a Turtwig standing beside him.
"I knew the Honey would work," he said to the Turtwig. "Attack, Leaf! Use Tackle!" Storm rolled her eyes and raised a claw, shaking off the honey. This would be quick.
"Ack, that's unlucky. Well, if you make any enemies, I can help y' out. Heh, yum!"
Elise chuckled and took off out of Twinleaf. Catching an updraft, she soared up higher into the sky. Before she went too high, she slowed down and dropped a few feet before catching herself. Gliding in slow, lazy circles around the area, she vaguely registered another large, sort of draconic flying Pokemon she didn't recognize below her. It would probably be a good idea to avoid it if possible..
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The Turtwig, Leaf, crouched down and leapt at Storm. She sidestepped easily and blasted the low-levelled Pokemon with a Flamethrower. Leaf screeched and fell over.
"Hey, give me a chance," the Turtwig grumbled. "The human's a new Trainer." Storm shrugged.
"Your problem," she grinned, and shot another Flamethrower at him. Leaf whined and collapsed. The Trainer recalled him, and threw down another Pokeball.
"Go, Glade!" The light inside came out, and formed into a Larvitar. Glade smiled slightly, and held up his little fists. Storm growled and jumped at him with a Dragon Claw.
((Mmm, don't feel like writing this..))
The Honchkrow called again. Nasir looked down, seeing Eterna City below. He wanted to go to a more... bustling place, but this was closer. Oh, well. At least it was big enough. He angled his feathers and swooped in a streamline towards a remote area. When he was four feet from the ground, he regained is human shape and headed for the depths of the city.
((Posting a bit of the battle after a new person posts.. >_<))
Glade grunted as the Dragon Claw got him in the chest, and attacked with a Rock Throw.
((Total laziness. Five minutes later...))
The Trainer threw Glade's Pokeball down, recalling the defeated Larvitar. Storm smirked and backed away, feeling slightly tired.
"You're not getting away," the Trainer exclaimed, and threw a Timer Ball.
The ball wobbled once.
Storm screeched in rage inside the Pokeball, and thrashed around. The human released her, and she glared at him.
"Uh, hi," he stuttered. "I'm Cerberus." Storm turned her back on him, and hissed.
"Return!" Dahlia yelled, holding out the open Great Ball.


Java morphed into her Monferno form. She jumped up wall to get to the roof of the cafe. The sky looked lovely.
Zyra shook her head sympathetically, following Miles. She tripped for a moment, then hurried to catch up with him, slightly amused by his yelling at the rock. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them, looking carefully into the trees ahead. But there was nothing.
Miles patted Zyra's head, "I'm not awkward? Thanks" He got up and looked around, seeing a boy around his age standing in the high grass((Cerberus)) He ran up to him and was just about to ask something when he looked at the Charmander in the grass. "A Charmander? Aren't they only living in Kanto?"
Mysti jumped out of the lake and morphed back into Lucario form. She went into Twinleaf. She moted a boy, a Charmander with aura similar to hers, and a(n)*insert whatever stage Miles is in right now, which could easily be a human*. Mysti closed her eyes. "I sense the Charmander wishes to not be captured..."
((Er, can Triforms actually go into Pokeballs? XD Anyway, going to edit this once someone answers my question.))

Tsyla growled under her breath, breaking off the spiral and plunging downward with her wings tucked in. She despised having to do what Dahlia said, but she really had no choice now. So, when she got close enough to see the Great Ball clearly, the Aerodactyl let it suck her in - but not with an angry snarl beforehand. Her trainer would have been stupid to not realize how much she hated this - this farce. Being forced into submission by threats and blackmail wasn't fair, and serving a trainer as a Pokemon was even worse!
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