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Open Triforms

((Can someone interact with Nasir or something? I was going to do something but I forgot what.))
Dahlia sat down on a bench in the outskirts of Jubilife. She spotted a girl tripping over her feet and acting odd. (Java)

"Do let the insane idiot annoy you." she mumbled angrily.
((..Great. Errrr, is anyone making their way to Jubilife from the general direction of Eterna..? Or someone could control a random character.))

Cerberus went outside the Pokemon Center and released the Charmander.
"What was that for," he yelled. "You can't just go around attacking people! You attack Pokemon, in battles!" Storm flicked her tail and looked at the sky.
"Go do yourself," she muttered. Cerberus glared at the Charmander and pulled an Iron Orb out of his bag.
"Okay, if you're going to keep acting like that, you carry this,' he decided. Storm snorted and turned away. No way any human would make her carry some dead weight.
Mysti made it to Jubilife and changed back into Lucario. Hey, little Charmander, I am talking to you through aura. Please, I know you are a Triform, so what is your name? Don't worry, I am a Triform, too. Mysti stuck out her head from the bush she was hiding and transformed into Mudkip then Charizard, the back to Lucario to prove she was, in fact, a Triform.
((...Oh. Really? Ummm... ignore my last post then. I'll try to think up another post because I thought all Lucarios talked through aura.))
((actually, if in Pokémon Ranger : Shadows of Almia a riolu can communicate through aura, then I say why not all Lucario))
((actually, if in Pokémon Ranger : Shadows of Almia a riolu can communicate through aura, then I say why not all Lucario))

((That one was special to the plot, I believe, I haven't played the game so I don't know but Riolu can't learn Aura attacks what so ever))
Elise had been flying in circles again, taking her time. There was no real hurry to go anywhere, not that there was an "anywhere" for her to go to. After what seemed like only minutes, she arrived at what humans called a town, or perhaps a city because of its size. It was very sunny and warm, perfect weather in general.
It was probably safe to morph now. She landed just outside of the city and morphed into her Dratini form on a whim, and slithered into it, looking at her strange surroundings curiously. She rarely left her territory, which was near Lake Valor: this place was new. Unsure why she had come here, the small dragon Pokemon coiled around a thick metal bar, part of a metal bench. Being cold-blooded, she was already starting to feel a bit sluggish. It seemed like a good idea to sun there a bit, until she realized there was a very angry-looking human girl sitting there.
Oh crap..
((lul awkward))
Storm grinned and started to walk away. According to some friends, being captured made you think differently, and want to obey humans. No way that was happening.
"Hey, where are you going?" Cerberus looked at the Charmander and ran after her. He crouched down, and remembered the other kid and stood back up. "Look, I know you don't want to be around me. But could you maybe just give the idea of being captured a try?" Storm paused, thinking through the idea.
"I promise to release you after a week if you don't want to be my Pokemon," Cerberus promised.
"Fine," Storm agreed. "Don't expect me to fight for you, though. I fight for myself." She nodded. He blinked, probably surprised at the rebelious Charmander agreeing so quickly.
"Okay, deal." He held out a hand, and Storm turned around again. No matter what, she would not touch a human.
((My post was more awkward =D Only cause I couldn't think of a way to get Storm to stay with Cerberus, anyways.))
Miles eventually stood up, and brushed off the back of his pants, "To bad we can't sit here all day Zyra, I need to buy more Pokémon food, I'm getting out of food for me to eat as well, but I have a thing to do first" he took out a little lined paper and a pen and began writing. He was done after some minutes and put the paper in an envelope and threw a Poké ball at the ground and a Gliscor flew out of it. "Barry, you think you could take this letter to my parents in Sunnyshore?" He bound the envelope the Barry's leg and watched him fly away.
Zyra climbed onto land, becoming Normal-type again, and shook herself off. For a moment, she watched as the Gliscor soared off. It pulled some kind of urge in her to become the Flying-type, but she wouldn't now. As soon as the scorpion was out of sight, she nodded at Miles and took a few hops towards Route 201.
"Let's see" Miles said, still holding a pen and paper as he walked. "What do I need to buy?" he began writing on the paper. "Pokémon food, something for me to eat, potions, I think that's all" he put the pen and paper in his pocket, and turned to Zyra. "I'd say we should go to the store at Veilstone, the chances that we find things we want and didn't know we want are biggest there"
Zyra nodded, as if to say, "Fine with me." She stepped closer to Mile's side, as if something were scaring her, but she didn't look perturbed. She knew the place he was talking about -- Veilstone, was it? -- was to the east. It was a rather long journey without a Flying Pokemon...
Java ran into a fast food resturaunt and ordered a bacon cheeseburger and a soda.


Dahlia walked into a market and got Pokemon food and some fruit.
Mysti transformed into a human and walked over to the Charmander and Human. "Hello. My name is Mysti. Nice Charmander you got there." she said. "Looks like it doesn't like being captured, though. What is the charmander's name?" she asked, directing it at the Charmander but looking like she was talking to the human because she could understand Pokemon.

((Dragon, please make Storm know I was talking to it and reply with it's name? I mean the human name.
((It's she, dammit >:/))
Storm looked suspiciously at the human- wait, a Triform?
"My name's Storm," she answered. "You're a Triform too, aren't you?" She thought a second. "What's your line?"
Mysti shot a look to the Charmander, named Storm, saying she would tell later; not wanting to reveal her identity as a Triform to the human. "I think the Charmander's name is Storm," said Mysti to the human. "And if it's not, I think it's a great name for her."
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