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Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [TOWN WIN]

Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

It's unlikely at this point that the inspector is even paying attention to the game, even assuming Superbird wasn't inspector (which is plausible). I don't think we're going to GET any more information. :B
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

If what Maimi is claimed is true (and it seems like a pretty solid claim to me) then Flora cannot be don. Majora also seems unlikely to be don given his inactivity. I somewhat trust Alligates and Maimi, though I don't know for sure if Alligates is lovers with an OAKiosi or not. Given this much, it seems either Tailsy or hopeandjoy are the most likely to be mafia don. I've suspected Tailsy since she first claimed (see my earlier post for reasons), and hopeandjoy's claim seems a bit dubious as well.

For one, hopeandjoy's claim of unproductive vig cannot really be substantiated with any evidence and seems like a fairly easy claim for a mafia to make. Also, if there was indeed a death and an alien activation on the same night, then a vigilante must have targeted one of them. The idea of there being two vigilantes or two healers in such a small game is quite ridiculous, so there aren't many ways in which such an event could occur. It is possible that Superbird was a vig and took a shot against the alien the same night as he was targeted by the mafia. But if hopeandjoy claims to not have made a kill on that night then I have reason to believe she is not actually the vigilante, and therefore, mafia. hopeandjoy also says that she has been unable to send in PMs recently, which, given the fact that I have received PMs from her for the fandom mafia game, makes me even more suspicious.

Given the information so far, I vote for hopeandjoy. However, I have a feeling that Flora's claim may change things, so I'd like to hear from her before I can truly make up my mind.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I'm fine with voting hopeandjoy on the basis that even if she's telling the truth, vig isn't the most useful of roles to the town unless they make a lucky shot.

[SHRUG] You'll be sad when I turn up dead!
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I'll vote hopeandjoy for reasons stated above, also conflicting things etc etc. 3/7 isn't a majority though.
The whole alien contradiction goes away if we assume there wasn't actually an alien activation that night; hopeandjoy was the one who brought up the idea of an activation, anyway. (Hopefully she isn't alien, but I think alien wouldn't bring it up unless they were trying not to look like alien by mentioning alien in a horrible reverse-psychology ploy or something :/) only problem however is we won't find her alignment when we lynch her, if Superbird's death was any indication. Oop.

Additionally I think my role isn't like normal Lovers. I didn't pick my partner, we were set up from the PM, so I'm pretty sure that my lover is not Oak unless ILS is running some sort of bastard thing.

Technically it should be night already (it's been ~52 hours around) so if Flora could claim now that would be great - but also un-great if her role would make her a mafia target and we don't have time to discuss/change vote. so.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Additionally I think my role isn't like normal Lovers. I didn't pick my partner, we were set up from the PM, so I'm pretty sure that my lover is not Oak unless ILS is running some sort of bastard thing.
I'd like some more clarification on this. Does this mean that you have a role outside of being a lover?
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Fine. I don't particularly care, but I'm telling the truth. Get rid of another innocent if you wish.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I'd like some more clarification on this. Does this mean that you have a role outside of being a lover?

No, I just didn't pick my partner. I'm pretty sure everything from normal Lovers holds except the choosing on N0 part. The PM was sort of unspecific about the details: "You are [pokemon]. You are one of the Lovers. [role-unimportant flavor] The other lover is [username], [pokemon]. You can talk outside of the thread."

retracting vote for hopeandjoy, not like it matters though since three wasn't a majority anyway. I believe you somewhat but still have suspicions (like pretty much everyone else who's claimed so far wow I suck) the alien thing is still ew though :/ @tailsy, even unproductive vig is still a somewhat useful role for town by virtue of being town and making sure the mafia can't outnumber us I guess. might be useful if we need a kill because out of the living seven players, one is inactive (could be mafia, but no real implications if so) and probably two are mafia, so all four remaining must cooperate for a majority. I'm sort-of-not-really suspicious about your (Tailsy's) reputed method of 'healing', but since you can't reference your Pokemon you can't really deny/affirm anything to do with that.

Day will maybe be extended to tomorrow since it's pretty late in Puerto Rico (ILS's loc iirc?). More time to do things, if so.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Vigilante is one of the easiest claims for a mafia to make, though... and I don't know, but hopeandjoy has been suspicious enough, considering VM's information from GMing the fandom mafia game. If we don't want to abstain, then we necessarily want to lynch. Hopeandjoy has been active enough to send in mafia actions, if we're going by "inactive but not too inactive."

I've been pre-designated lover once or twice before. It's uncommon, but not that odd, I think. Lover is one of my favorite roles to be. <3
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

hopeandjoy. blah blah things already stated multiple times blah.

("Indecisive"? I prefer "flexible" :b ...I'm on the fence with this vote but Maimi's thing is convincing enough.)
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Whatever. I know I'm innocent.

For the record VM, I sent in PMs for Fandom Mafia because I'm home now.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Sorry, I was at the school fair which was totally awesome. I was there from ~12-11.

At night (or what seemed to be night), the POKéMON gang up one one BALL, marked with an 'HAJ'. They preform the maneuvers RED previously did. They took it to the PC, where it wrought UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS to the occupant of the sphere that cannot be described here because of the children.

Out popped a bird: DUX.

hopeandjoy (DUX) was released. She was RED-aligned.
48 hours for night actions.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

The POKéMON wake up to a curious sight: a note. It read as such:

"Hey guys! It's Abby and Jay. We've been following RED from afar ever since he released us, but I'm afraid what happened last night made us fear for our safety. Sadly, we must depart. :(

Abby and Jay"

Majora (Abby) and Alligates (Jay Leno) have been chased away. They were RED-algined.
48 hours for discussion.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

I guess not. I assumed we were operating under an AU.

So! There's probably no significance to that flavor, then. I've roleblocked two out of the three other living people (Flora and VM) and someone still died: that means they're not mafia don, at least. And while there still might be another mafia out there/that mafia might be one of them, Tailsy is our best lynch bet, considering that information.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Sorry, I'm still not the don, nor am I mafia-aligned. Unfortunately, I'm actually no longer the doctor, but since I'm obviously part of a mafia gambit to lynch off the rest of the players, here's how!

I was originally Oddish - I was a doctor who could heal themselves, but I was also the backup, which of course means that once a player is dead, I can take on their role. ILS only told me during the last day phase that Superbird was the inspector, so I took on their role last night and inspected VM, which got me 'no result'. Which is unusual because generally I thought one couldn't roleblock investigatory roles/I'd be kind of annoyed if this is some kind of sanity inspector role, but hmmmm. I'm voting Vanilla Mongoose, because although he's claimed to be unlynchable I'd rather test that theory. Even though I'm certainly about to be lynched myself.
Re: Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia [N0]

Oh dear. I feel like I missed a lot.

Going off the assumption that VM is, indeed, lynchproof red-aligned, then we're dead if we vote him.

Tailsy, on the other hand....I'm terribly skeptical of that role. Doctor and backup? that's very strange indeed.

It looks like it's either "vote Tailsy or force a tie." and tie is certain death. Therefore, Tailsy is the best bet here.
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