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Closed Twospirits

His annoyance with this particular shedinja was growing. Not only was it naturally going to hinder him, but it was irritating and didn't make sense. He didn't see how its statements really related to each other, or how they were relevant at all. The shedinja was talking slowly, too, and he was having difficulty slowing his words down to the shedinja's level. He still didn't quite manage it, but his words were obviously understandable to the shedinja.

"Likewise," he said, "if you even care to get along. I don't. I don't need you. You don't complement my abilities at all, unless you're going to be bait while I attack an enemy, but even then you're not necessary." He realised that he was speaking faster with each word, so he paused and slowed himself down again.

"If we were going to have a connection we should at least be similar or cover each other's weaknesses, but you're just useless. What good are you? Why would I need you? Can you at least teleport, or will I always have to wait for you to catch up?"
Artemis's ears twitch, the sense of danger nearby. She dashes through the grass towards the place she was to go, a feeling deep down telling her that she must be there for something to happen with her life. As she dashes, her ear turns in the direction where the sound of fighting came from.

It's him...

She lets out a shallow growl and charges towards the enemy, leaping into the air with a savage cry. She lands next to a Nidoran boy and turn to the massive snake the threatened to eat him.

"Back off you two bit, slack jawed, belly dragg'n worm!"

She then lets out another shallow growl, ready to defend her soulmate.
"...Aster, and you are?" he moaned, glaring at the Illmulise, "You are my soulmate...I'd rather die. Not like I haven't felt that way before."

He turned his back.
Basil realized only after he had made his strike that he had been spotted.

He held onto the male Nidoran a little loosely with the middle of his body, feeling his horns poking him a little bit, though not breaking through his skin. This left his head and tail free. He raised his head and tail, swiping the tail blade around at the weird grass that was trying to strangle him. "Stay back! I found him first. He's mine. Leave us alone!" he hissed at the others. The 'II' marking on his neck/chest was clearly visible at this time, but he didn't think of what possible meaning it had.
Apollo struggled weakly in Basil's coils, trying to dig his spines into the snake's body.

"Don't eat meeeee!" He squeaked, jabbing his long forehead horn into his attacker's side.
Angel snorted angrily. Those scratching noises the Gallade was making as he carved away at the log were really getting on her nerves. The sound grated at her ears, and it was getting harder and harder to ignore.

"Will you stop that?!" she finally shouted, turning her head toward him with a glare. How could he be her soulmate? So annoying... she was above him, no question.
Ivy gritted her teeth as the Seviper cut her Grass Knots.

"We don't want to eat him!" she cried, "Look at that mark on him! It's the same as yours and all of ours! If we're going to save ourselves, we need everyone we can, so LET HIM GO!" Those last words were let out in a massive roar aimed straight at the Seviper.
((Everything starts when I'm asleeeeeeeeeep, so that's why I'm semi-late. ^^;))

Serenity meandered into the clearing, bewildered at all the commotion. Everybody seemed to be fighting with members of almost similar, sometimes even enemy species. She scanned the area for anyone she found similar to herself.

Sure enough, she spotted a Minun, seeming to be isolating himself from the rest. He also happened to have a II on his tail, exactly where hers was.

She bounded over to him and said excitedly, "Hi, I'm Serenity! What's your name?"
"I already told you," said Brigh, disappointed that Aster hadn't been listening, "I'm Brigh. And it's not like you can change the way you were born; I'm you're soulmate and unless there's some way to become a single entity, we're stuck that way. It's not like I'm all happy and gooey over it either, and I'm pretty sure that a lot of the others aren't either. That Gardevoir looks pretty annoyed with the Gallade, just like you are with me. And there's a Seviper here; there's probably going to be a Zangoose eventually, and I'm pretty sure they'll murder each other. Brutally."
She decided to shut herself up so she didn't rant for the next few hours, eventually ending up at some random subject.
(also waiting for Evoli)

Basil screeched in pain as the Nidoran male managed to puncture his tough scaly hide. He glared at the Leafeon, but let go of his catch. There were just too many to fend off. "Leave me alone. I don't care about some saving or whatever. I just want to find my Ricky." He sounded frustrated and disappointed. The Zangoose wasn't there yet. He had waited so long to meet her, but all he found were a bunch of strangers who seemed to care more about a prey than him. He began to dart away, whimpering as he slithered through the grass.

The Seviper cried out through his thoughts. Ricky... where are you?
A Plusle bounded over to Mark and said excitedly, "Hi, I'm Serenity! What's your name?"

"Umm, it's Mark," the Minun mumbled.
Wow, way to make an impression, genius...
"It's nice to finally meet you, Serenity," said Mark, a little more quickly than he had intended. Pulling out a Pecha berry that matched the one he had been holding, Mark asked, "Do you like Pecha berries, too?"
Ivy sighed, feeling considerably guilty about what she did. But what choice did I have? I couldn't just let him eat one of us...

She apologized to him in her mind, then turned away, back to her soulmate.
Basil crawled onto a nearby boulder, away from the other Pokémon, and coiled up. He glanced at the wound he received from the Nidoran. It was small, and didn't look like much of a problem, but it still ached. He looked down at the grass below and gave a little whimper, looking sad.

Why did they have to interfere... I would have taken down that rodent... I wanted him... but they hate me... they protected him... they all don't want me around... I should just leave, but then, I'll miss Ricky... When will she be here?
Silver smiled sweetly. "I've heard a lot of people talking about 'soul mates,' but I'm not completely sure what they mean by that."

She flinched at the sight of the giant snake slightly. "I've never really liked snakes, but as long as it doesn't attack me... I'm fine." She averted her gaze from the Seviper, back to Ruin. "My original name was Sylvia, but I liked Silver better. Mainly it's my middle name."
"Interesting," said Ruin. "I should be a Kangaskhan for this, but my full name is Ruin Mahako Temujin. I'm not too interested in snakes, but at the same time I don't mind being around them that much." He glanced at Basil out of the corner of his eye and then returned his gaze to Silver. She was a bit... happy, to say the least. He didn't care much, but still..."
Elegance decided to do some training to be stronger for any upcoming battles.

Spotting a wild Raticate, Elegance sneaked up behind it scaring it with a Quick Attack.

Before it could move Elegance started to charge up power in her purple gem. Meanwhile the Raticate ran up to Elegance swinging his strong tail into Elegance's blue stomach.

Elegance released her stored up power into a bluey purple beam of light shooting at the Raticate with a powerful Psybeam.

The Raticate unable to continue feel to the ground and Elegance got slightly more powerful and experienced in battling.

(Just spending time doing random stuff till Jason comes)
Brigh smiled in return, although far more heartily.
For the time being, she decided not to say anything, afraid to break the fragile acceptance of the relationship between them. Instead, she motionlessly watched the goings-on down below.
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