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Closed Twospirits

Aster glanced around at all the other Pokemon. No Illumise

"I just knew this was a trick." he mumbled, "Not like I'm going to go back home."

He snorted. His parents were probably rejoicing.
Ruin trotted into the clearing and looked around. Why was he here again? He wasn't really the type who remembereed everything that went on. Oh, yes. He was supposed to find a soulmate. But where was she? He flicked his tails impatiently as he stood there, gazing at nothing.
Ivy extended her paw to Elegance, smiling faintly. "Nice to meet you too." It was then that a dark blue Glaceon dashed up to her and greeted her.

"H-hello" Ivy said to Vai, surprised and blushing slightly. So this is the one I've felt that strange connection to. She's so familiar, but of course, I've never met her before.
A flash of royal blue could be seen darting from tree to tree as Mark the Minun sped towards his destination.

I hope this Serenity doesn't hate me...

Mark jumped down from the trees, a Pecha berry in his paw, and looked into the clearing through the bushes.

Nope. No Plusle.

Stepping slowly through the bushes, the Twospirit Minun said in an unsure tone,
"Umm, hello. I'm Mark. Has anyone seen a Plusle named Serenity around here yet?""
Silver spotted the Tauros and almost leaped with joy. She ran over to him as fast as she could and waved. "Hello! My name is Silver. Who are you?" Normally, she was timid, but now, she was excited to meet this Pokemon who was in almost all ways equal to her. She rushed back into the bushes for a moment and appeared to pick something up, then she handed it to the Tauros. It was a leaf holding some MooMoo milk. "Here."
Apollo shrinked down into the tall grass - the sudden cacophony of noise that burst out around him hurt his sensitive ears, and there was still no sign of his soulmate. This new place was strange... So many others like him. He poked his head out again and wiggled his nose. Several new smells, and one or two that he knew.

He hopped forward a bit in the grass, unnoticed. Not that he minded.
Angel gave an indignant side-glance toward the Gallade who had arrived. Ugh, her "soulmate" looked like just another commoner. What was "soulmate" even supposed to mean, anyway?

"Took you long enough." she snapped, turning away and scoffing. If he couldn't even show up on time, what use was he? She'd certainly pictured someone completely different.
Basil's tongue picked up a familiar scent. It seemed like prey, and it was wandering away from the rest of the group. He just couldn't help himself, and began to slither through the grass, toward the male Nidoran. He also tried to remain unnoticed, though the shuffling of grass might have been able to be seen. A soft hissing sound could be heard as Basil continued to smell with his tongue, to figure out just where the small rabbit was.
Brigh flew low over the tall grass, searching for the clearing.
Oh, where was it, where was it... I can never remember directions.
Until suddenly, she found herself flying right over it.
Oh. Here it is!
She carefully landed. There were several others here. She knew there was only one she was looking for.
Can't remember his name...
Volbeat, Volbeat. Maybe we used to be friends!

She doubted it though. He hadn't seemed like the type for friends, especially girlfriends.
She turned around, seeing him looking in a different direction.
There he is!
She quickly zoomed over, right behind him. She could see the strange mark on his back now.
"Hi!" she said shrilly. "I'm Brigh!"
Only those with the most sensitive ears would hear the high-pitched whine of Celeritas's wings - a sound even he couldn't hear, nor could most. They would have been hearing the whine fluctuate for a while now as he darted around the field, never stopping long enough to do more than just look and see that the next part of his path was clear - he was nearly blind while flying at top speed. His attempt to work of energy and nervousness wasn't really working, though - he could feel the presence of the other half of his soul, and that ruined any attempt to calm himself down. This wasn't a situation where charging in and slicing up the opponent would work, because there was no real opponent.

... he should just leave. It would be easier. But there was a pull toward his other half that couldn't be ignored.

"Damn it." This was all so stupid.

He abruptly stopped right over the shedinja, hovering in the air and staring down at it, unimpressed. There was the slight feeling of familiarity, but that didn't mean that the shedinja didn't look stupidly weak and slow. And he knew without doubt that it was his other half, even disregarding how similar they looked.

"You," he said. "...I was kicked out because of you?"
He turned to the Illmulise.

"You can't be my soulmate." he mumured, "You are too peppy. Go home, you insolent worm."

He flew to a tree and stared at the sky.
Apollo's large ears swivelled around, supported by the powerful muscles at their bases. He was picking up a few sounds. Talking to his left. He swivelled that ear again. An incessant buzzing... wings. An insect? His right ear turned. Behind him... Hissing? Soft and quiet...


He whipped around and curled up as much as he could, so his spines were poking out.
Ruin almost rolled his eyes, but he didn't want to be impolite. This Miltank seemed hyper--ecstatic, actually--that she was able to meet him. He attempted to make a good impression by replying calmly.

"My name is Ruin. Hello, Silver." He looked down at the leaf with MooMoo milk and took some onto his tongue, swallowing it. It tasted good, but he didn't say anything; he had the strangest feeling that if he yelled, it would be an insult.
Bedivere noticed the reaction of the Gardevoir, who didn't seem very pleased to see him. "I guess I'm not the knight in shining armour she expected" he thought, as he ripped off some leaves stuck on the blades on his elbows before withdrawing them into his arm. He sat down on another rock besides the one the Gardevoir sat on, turning his back around to not make it seem like he was trying to draw attention from her, which he wasn't trying to do. he looked at the other Pokémon around in the area, before standing up again, and walked up to a fallen log, extending the blades again and cut away a big chunk of the log. He carried the piece with him to the rock, where he sat down and began carving in it.
The luscious smell of a Nidoran was intoxicating, figuratively. Basil suddenly leapt about a foot out of the grass as he struck at the Nidoran ♂. He wasn't yet thinking that he likely would have been spotted... thinking of more than one thing at a time was confusing. The Nidoran was making it too easy... staying in one spot rather than trying to run. Sure, most predators would have been concerned for their own safety, but Basil didn't really know better. However, he did have one thing working in his favor, a natural resistance both to poison and to being poisoned. He landed just to the side of the Nidoran and tried to use his momentum then to roll around him.
Ivy's ears pricked as she heard a hissing. There was a Seviper...nothing out of the ordinary...

It was attacking a Nidoran...with a II mark on his left leg!

"HEY!" she shouted as she stomped a foot down, causing blades of grass to shoot up around the snakelike pokemon and wrap around it. She ran over to him and glared.

"Look, I'm sure you're hungry, but we've got to stick together here! We've all been outcast, so go eat someone who's not one of us!"
Phantasmos heard someone insult him from above, and he saw the Ninjask.

Why, that little ingrate! I can't believe I'm supposed to have my other half of a soul with him! He's just some arrogant little...

"Hi. Nice to meet you, too. I guess I should ask you for your name..."
Brigh buzzed right up after the stubborn Volbeat.
"Well you're too gloomy! What's your name, by the way?" she said, demonstrating her uncanny ability to change the subject at the drop of a hat.
"No," he said, "you should tell me your name, and then ask for mine. I'm Celeritas."

Celeritas knew of shedinja - just hollowed-out shells that ninjask left behind upon evolution, given life through unnatural means. The shells were the burden that kept nincada on the ground, keeping nincada blind and slow and weak. This one was his other half, so perhaps it was not only a nincada's burden, but specifically his shell he had left behind.

So the shedinja was just going to hold him back. But Celeritas wouldn't let that happen. Perhaps he couldn't leave the shedinja behind, with the tie between them somehow growing stronger despite his animosity toward it, but he was not going to be blinded. He was not going to slow down. He was not going to give up his wings, just because of something he couldn't control.
"Well, whatever. Mine's Phantasmos. And as for your earlier comment, I've been kicked out of my own group too. You think I want to have to have a connection with something so....different from me? If we're going to at least get along, you might want to clam yourself. You might be a high and mighty Ninjask, but you're still only a Pokemon, and Pokemon have their weaknesses too"
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