• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Um hello TCoD world.

*knocks out Silver with Chloroform*

It's safe everyone she'll be out for a while. This is some strong stuff. She'd sleep through an earthquake.

*injects alcohol cure into Silver*



((P.S. Spiked fountains are my thing back away or I will molest you until your eyes scream for me to stop))
Huh. I know what that means. (You do realize I'm only 9. But whatever, I accepted this when I joined.)OK Ms. Spiker, take this! *sprays concentrated alcohol into air around Wargle and she passes out* It's safe now.
O: YOU SHOULDN'T POISON A CHILD'S MIND LIKE THAT. *takes child away and pat's head* It's ok now little child. The evil lady won't hurt you anymore. T^T
Yeah, she is knocked out. Wait, you mean you are gonna help me? Ohh. THANK YOU! Except Wargle will spike you. Wait, it wore off already? I would make you drunk again, but I need a shield.
Hello there. Your avatar is really nice. :) And if someone didn't mention it yet, you need to highlight the image link before the image appears, or simply put
Hi! Creed! Hi, hi, lalalala, la-la-la-la! I think the party's over. D':
Yay, a party person is here! Hey, where's the chicken? WHO ATE THE CHICKEN?!
You evil! *kicks out the door* And don't come back! Hahahahhahahaa ROFL ahahahahaha heehehehehe!Ahahaha!
*stuffs bomb in wargle's hands and punts out door and locks door and puts crazy glue on it*
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