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Update Pokemon Cries?


Fluffball Extraordinaire
Do you think they should update the cries of the pokemon released on the early Game Boy handhelds?

I'm a bit torn on the opinion. On one side, I think the sounds are a bit scratchy from the hardware limitations. It's a bit awkward to have a first-gen pokemon in battle with a newer gen and notice the grating difference in sound quality. It'd be almost the same as if they kept all the old simple-colored or monochrome sprites from the gameboy games.

On the other side of the coin, the sounds are traditional and add to the atmosphere. Not too much, though, but just enough to remind you of where the pokemon came from.
Didn't they already do this for the Stadium games? Why can't they use those cries in place of the GB cries?

I am a bit torn on the issue as well, but it would be nice to have some updated cries in the game.
I'd like to keep them; I don't really like the new ones all that much. I'm not sure if it's because I find the old ones more traditional or what. Some new ones just seem to long or not... Pokémony enough.

I can see why updating cries would be good, as they didn't sound as realistic back then due to hardware limitations and it could be compared slightly to not updating sprites between games. But then they're not as important as sprites.

I just wonder, if they get updated, what they'll sound like after. They'd probably attempt to sound as close as the original but also make it sound better, so I don't know. If they do ever do anything like this, they should make the difference between similar cries like Growlithe and Machoke more obvious.
I'd like to keep them; I don't really like the new ones all that much. I'm not sure if it's because I find the old ones more traditional or what. Some new ones just seem to long or not... Pokémony enough.

I can see why updating cries would be good, as they didn't sound as realistic back then due to hardware limitations and it could be compared slightly to not updating sprites between games. But then they're not as important as sprites.

I just wonder, if they get updated, what they'll sound like after. They'd probably attempt to sound as close as the original but also make it sound better, so I don't know. If they do ever do anything like this, they should make the difference between similar cries like Growlithe and Machoke more obvious.

It's not that they weren't realistic or anything, it's just that they sound like someone jammed an old dial-up modem in their throats... *rolls around in gryphnip*
Agreed. The cries from GB were classic, but an update wouldn't be half bad.

If they do it a la Final Fantasy with the victory tune. That hasn't changed in decades.
I've been thinking this for a long time. They could do it, but have something in the Options to turn off the 'updated' cries and have the old ones, or something...
As a huge fan of the first two generations, I have to say that I would hate if they changed it. It wouldn't feel right going through a cave and not hearing the infamous cries of Zubat and Geodude. Personally, I like the old cries better. The new ones are weird...they sound so outta place. Honchkrow's flat out scares me. It sounds like a demon going "KRAAAWWW!,"...which is actually pretty cool now that I think about it.

And god no, not the Stadium cries. I HATE those.
I'd hate for the cries to be updated. The RBY cries are so nostalgic and they're just about the only things that keep me sane whilst travelling across the ocean or through caves.
However, if the cries were updated so that the Pokemon would speak their names, -then- I would welcome it :3
They should be brought up to date, but there are a hundred better things for the designers to do.
No. I don't see how the cries could be updated; they're sound effects and only a select few of them are actually musical in a sense (like Mewtwo's and Lugia's), even though they are generally much more tuneful than the newer cries, which although use more up-to-date synths, rely on instrumentation rather than pitch.

I'd like the games to have some aesthetic semblance to their original incarnation (i.e. RBGY) and up 'til now, the 8-bit Pokemon cries are the only ones that come to my mind when establishing that sort of connection.

However, if the cries were updated so that the Pokemon would speak their names, -then- I would welcome it :3

Then that'd be another thing for America to translate. Even so, I'd like to put Cubone's 'karakara' on repeat :3
Being a recent fan of the games, the older cries burns my ears, in particular Pikachu and Raichu, so yes, I would the cries to be updated.
Maybe just use the same frequencies and patterns and just use newer midi software to create them? Then they'd fit in nicely with all the new cries (of which I'm quite fond of).
They should be brought up to date, but there are a hundred better things for the designers to do.

Yes, other things that the games are lacking badly, I agree... but for right now, since we've gone four generations without much change in the formula, I say a cry update would be simple and welcomed. XD

Of course... I still have every one of the old games, so if I wanna hear the classic sounds, I'll just go play them. :> Yay for all the fun!
However, if the cries were updated so that the Pokemon would speak their names, -then- I would welcome it :3

Ew. Do you really want to hear that obnoxious Aggron cry while fighting one? Well, some of them are actually pretty good, but I digress.

I like the idea of updated synths. Keep's them the same while bringing them up to date.
However, if the cries were updated so that the Pokemon would speak their names, -then- I would welcome it :3


That's what made me cringe watching the anime. Pikachu's fine, but everything else is shite.

Anyway, I agree with retaining the original, but refining it.
eh, i think they should obv. keep the sound of the cries, but maybe update the sound? or just a little... i don't know. it's kinda of hard to decide.

i really like the old cry sounds though.
I agree with Grimdour, I'd rather not have the whole "pokemon only say their names" included in the games ever.

I like to think that if the pokemon world were real, pokemon cries would resemble actual sounds and thus would resemble the ingame cries. The whole name-saying thing just seems kind of silly to me.

As for the topic, I dunno. There's no real decent way to update them, at least without them losing familiarity.
I think it would be easy enough to remake them without losing the original sounds too much; I mean if they're midi files then all they have to do is rewrite them with newer midi software and possibly tweak them a bit.
If they updated them then they could also alter the cries of pokemon like caterpie/goldeen and actually make them sound different.
I like the way Pidgey sounded in R/B/Y, because it echoed a little at the end, but since they've changed that, I wouldn't care much about updating the Pokemon cries. Anime cries don't appeal to me much (except the male Nidoran's), so I'm hoping they don't do that. Overall, I just like the older style of Pokemon cries better, especially with the bird Pokemon like Articuno, Spearow and Pidgey.
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