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Update Pokemon Cries?

I think it would be easy enough to remake them without losing the original sounds too much; I mean if they're midi files then all they have to do is rewrite them with newer midi software and possibly tweak them a bit.
If they updated them then they could also alter the cries of pokemon like caterpie/goldeen and actually make them sound different.

But then the cries lose character. The cries have become so classic that it's hard imagining them outside of their 8-bit manifestations, especially those that aren't melodic at all and the pitch of the cry is meaningless.

Also, you can't really remix a Snorlax cry :/
it's hard imagining them outside of their 8-bit manifestations

that's just the thing. i've gotten so used to hearing the newer cries like they are, and the older cries all scratchy and old like they always have been. i couldn't imagine them any different...
I don't want them changed! I like being able to recognise them all ('cept the D/P ones).
When my friends and I get tipsy/drunk, it's our absolute favourite game to flick through the Pokedex, play a cry at random and guess which it is XDD
(we have very exciting evenings in)
No, never update them, they just won't sound right. D: To be honest I'd be happier if they DOWNGRADED the new ones to fit. And dear gods NEVER MAKE THEM SPEAK. Saying their names is just.. NO NO NO THE SHOW RUINED SO MANY POKEMON LIKE THAT.
The one exception I might make however is some of the first gen lazy dual-cries, add a bit of distinction to them. For example Rhydon and Charizard have the exact same cry, as does Machop and.. something else which I forgot.
as does Machop and.. something else which I forgot.


I'd like them to at least be more distinguishable; the only similar cries that I've noticed that aren't the same are Charmander and Charmeleon (Charmeleon's is lower) and Aerodactyl and Vileplume (Vileplume's is higher).

I also thought it was a big step from the third generation cries to the fourth generation ones. It seemed odd at first for the cries of new Pokémon to sound so... realistic. Pokémon are Pokémon, not animals, so they don't have to be exact; it's just that whenever I hear the cry, I imagine the Pokémon always making that sound...

Am I making sense? Even to myself? o.O

I'd like them to at least be more distinguishable; the only similar cries that I've noticed that aren't the same are Charmander and Charmeleon (Charmeleon's is lower) and Aerodactyl and Vileplume (Vileplume's is higher).

I also thought it was a big step from the third generation cries to the fourth generation ones. It seemed odd at first for the cries of new Pokémon to sound so... realistic. Pokémon are Pokémon, not animals, so they don't have to be exact; it's just that whenever I hear the cry, I imagine the Pokémon always making that sound...

Am I making sense? Even to myself? o.O

That is probably because the DS have a lot better sound quality then the GBA.

Oh wait, that was kinda obvious.
Personally I don't find the older cries out of place, but I think a couple of them would sound better with newer sounds. The only one I can think of offhand is Mew, but I there's at least one other one.
The absolute worst thing they could do is replace them with the idiotic "everything says its name" crap from the anime. I would actually quit buying Pokémon games if they did that.

Stadium-ish "updates" wouldn't too great either. Some of them were okay, but others sounded pretty stupid.

Probably the best thing to do would be leaving them the same... or maybe set up some of the worse-sounding ones from the first generation to use different "instruments" like the newer ones do. Especially the nearly-identical ones like Machop/Omanyte and Rhyhorn/Charizard--just changing one of the two to the "new" sound type and leaving the other in "Gameboy mode" would probably fix that problem. But other than that, no changes.
The ironic thing is that a lot of people have been criticizing the recent games for the old cries.

And here we sit and them like they are.
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