• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
hi there

I be Cee



Also, could someone explain the points system to me? I'm a bit retarded, so I don't completely understand it.
Just don't be an


and you'll be fine.

Anyway, welcome and stuff along those lines. Have fun or I will execute you in the name of one of our moderators.
Hello there Corruption! Very nice Username. CB I'm Mini Moonwalker (PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE UNDERSCORE NOR THAT MY USERNAME HAS TO DO WITH A DEAD GUY'S SIGNATURE DANCE MOVE MM'KAY?), very nice to meet you! Have fun on TCoD Fourms! As for the points system, I'm not sure how it works. D:

EDIT: Ninja'd by Blastiose. Darn it! D:<
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Basically if you're a jerk enough (spamming, trolling, etc.) you get infraction points. If you get enough of 'em you get banned to death, as I understand it.
Points are bad. You get them for doing bad things.

So hi. I'm the resident Bird-lover on this forum. Would you like some Pastries, Beverages, or fish?
Errr.... points? Or do you mean posts? Whenever you make a post, you... get another post. You become a Caterpie at 50, Metapod at 250 (I believe), and Butterfree at 1000.

EDIT: Triple ninja'd >__>
wait, what?

'lo Blade here. Most of memes have been used, or maybe I'm just tired, but I'll keep this one short. Basically, check out the Anime-Style Battling thread, and have a nice time.

And don't be a troll. Trolls are bad.
Huh? That's... what it... says...

Welcome, Corruption. Did you make your avatar? It must have been made by a pretty good spriter.

Anyway, if you see random floating stone heads, that's me, so don't freak out. >:U

To explain the points system more in-depth, basically if you break the rules you get points - the amount depends on how severe the rule-breaking was... and if you get around 30 or 35, you get banned. It can be complicated if you're a newbie.

I hope you have a lot of fun here; I sure do. :)

This place seems nice.

And I did indeed make my avatar, so thank you. :3

Also, bread. Lots and lots of bread. With potatoes and bread to go with it. Did I mention bread?

This place seems nice.

And I did indeed make my avatar, so thank you. :3

Also, bread. Lots and lots of bread. With potatoes and bread to go with it. Did I mention bread?

Yes, this place is very nice. CB Everybody here loves colorful rainbow horses; did you know that?

Yes, this place is very nice. CB Everybody here loves colorful rainbow horses; did you know that?


Yes. Creatures of the rainbow variety are nice. I have a rainbow Muk lying around somewhere, if you want me to go find it.

Anyways-Welcome to our fine establishment, Cee. Would you like some coffee and salmon? Tea and cod? Pepsi and shrimp? Gatorade and a sardine?

I also advise you to wipe your feet. But watch out for the welcome mats, they are extremely dangerous. The most effective weapon against them is a foam sword, if you can find one.
Your avatar is amazing.
But you already know that because everyone's already said it. x3

HAI. My username says Manic Fame, but you can call me Manic or Markku.

Welcome to TCoD, the home of...us (because there really isn't an adjective for the people here)~
Welcome, possibly young one. If you see any Charizards near me, stay away from the words: up, the, and butt. Also, maybe you should open a sprite shop in which you rainbow-fy pokémon for people.
I might open a sprite shop later, thanks for the suggestion. :D

And I started loving rainbows after I discovered Rainbow Unicorn Attack.

It was like my life was complete.

And thanks for all your welcomes. c:

I'm Enkoe, somewhat crazy and annoying. Don't get in my way, OK?

Also, say hello to my Latias.
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